Are You & a Family Member the Same Type but Don’t Seem Alike?

4 (fixable) reasons this happens!

Is it possible for you and a family member to be the same Type—but not seem alike?

It can be easy to figure out a family member’s Type, but then you compare them to someone else of that same Type, and that’s where the doubt starts to creep in.

When two people of the same Type don’t seem alike, it could cause you to mis-Type someone—even yourself!

I’ve heard a lot of women say, “Well, I can’t be that Type because _____ is already that Type!” It usually happens in the early days of Dressing Your Truth. It’s also a common thought for parents who have two children of the same Type.

For example, when I created Dressing Your Truth, I discovered I had 3 different family members who were all Type 2: my husband and my two children. If I Typed them solely off of comparing them to each other, I might have mis-Typed someone.

Let’s talk about the 4 reasons this happens and how to not make these Typing mistakes!

1. The number one reason is due to a limited understanding of Energy Profiling!

People skim the surface of the information and then develop a very narrow interpretation of it. This creates stereotypes, misunderstandings, and myths, such as:

  • Type 1 Myth: They’re always the life of the party.
  • Type 2 Myth: They’re always homebodies.
  • Type 3 Myth: They’re always athletic.
  • Type 4 Myth: Their home is always clean.

But Energy Profiling is so much more nuanced than that! It’s important to become educated on the information so you’re familiar with all the variables of the Types.

As a Lifestyle member, this is the place to be to learn all about the energy spectrum within each Type! But don’t skip over the basics that will help you understand the foundation of Energy Profiling:

2. Secondaries create variety among Types.

In Energy Profiling, your dominant Type is the most important part to learn about. But knowing about your secondary adds so much to the picture! It gives a unique “flavor” to your energy!

This means you may not seem like someone else of the same Type if you both have different secondaries.

Here’s a way to see the differences between all the varieties:

3. People have been wounded by their childhood upbringing.

If you were not honored in your early years, your natural movement (your Type) was most likely shamed. This can cause emotional wounding that needs to be healed, and it can prevent someone from showing up as their true self.

I highly recommend going through my Healing Center course for this: Healing Plan for Childhood Wounding.

4. People are influenced by their current environment.

While it’s true that your past can affect the way you show up in the world, it’s also true that your adult life has a big impact as well.

If you are not surrounded by supportive people and experiences, it can weigh heavily on you and cause you to hide certain parts of your true nature. (This is true for kids too!)

Find people in your life who “get” you and love the real you! Branch out and meet friends who feel like home. (Psst…the Lifestyle Facebook Group is an amazing place to connect with supportive, like-minded women!)

Want to take your understanding of Energy Profiling even deeper? Let the education continue!

As a Lifestyle member, you get FREE access to our bonus course, Rewarding Communication, which I highly recommend to every member.

If communication has ever felt like a frustration in your relationship, you’re not alone. It’s time for you to feel heard, understood, and appreciated today.

No one else on this earth is exactly like you. Embrace your unique expression, and it will help you to embrace everyone else’s as well!

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