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Q&A with Your DYT Expert — July 2016

The DYT Experts always look forward to supporting you.
Did you miss the event? No worries, we recorded it just for you.

  • Type 1 bright, animated women, get tips for keeping your home tidy, and finding joy in later years in life. Find out whether you can wear rose gold and if it’s possible to be an introvert.
  • Type 2 soft, subtle women, you’ll find out what Anne and Michelle’s favorite organization apps are and you’ll get tips for releasing heavy emotions in a healthy way. Plus, how to find peace and quiet when your life feels hectic.
  • Type 3 rich, dynamic women, Sarah and Anna K give tips to help you learn when to honor your need to push forward with determination and when to honor other’s needs for a slower pace. Plus, they’ll share how to manage your tendency to let your to-do lists take over.
  • Type 4 bold, striking women, you’ll learn tips for “getting out of your head” and enjoying social situations more. Also, find out how to find joy while you’re in the process of perfecting something.

I talk a lot about healing emotional wounds and also creating a life of joy and abundance in my book, Remembering Wholeness.

Get your Dressing Your Truth Expert’s answers to these questions and many more.

Plus, as a Lifestyle Member you can enjoy watching the 3 other Type’s videos for more insight into creating the best relationships possible with the people in your life.

How much better can it get?



Type 1 Q&A With Jaleah and Marcy:


Type 2 Q&A With Anne and Michelle:


Type 3 Q&A With Sarah and Anna K:


Type 4 Q&A With Kalista, Sheryl and Deborah:



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  1. In the T2 talk, when you were talking about things coming to you, I realized I have always waited for little children to come to me. I wait for them to make the first move. I used to wish I was more outgoing in this piece of my life even though it has been comfortable for many little ones. Makes me happy to know this is my style and its ok.

  2. Wow!! Really, really great advice about how to handle when you are mad (T3 talk)! Unfortunately I recognize it too well (both swearing and crying) and I am tired of getting so mad too, because it is unnecessary to hurt others and myself. I will try the go to bathroom, tapping and asking why am I hurt procedure next time (let’s just hope I can remember it :D). Thanks both of you for sharing!!

  3. Anne, I cracked up when you told the story about your daughter being loud around your nursing baby! You are wise to know that he needs to experience that kind of energy and to try not to shush it. When I put our newborn Type 1 daughter on her blanket on the floor next to her older Type 3 brother I was surprised by his response to her. He laid down next to her and then rolled his body over her to the other side! I was horrified that he had squashed her but she loved it!

  4. Finally got a chance to watch! I love, love, love Marcy’s top!

    The segment from 29:46 to 30:10 about a T1’s child inner play world–Wow! Marcy captured my childhood in that brief segment. Well, my childhood and most of my adult life, too! LOL I doubted my type because of my focus on my inner world. I labelled myself an introvert. There was no way I could be Type 1! Well, way! I AM a Type 1!

  5. On the T3 video, I had to pause and process when AnnaK talked about forgiving yourself for letting something in your past happen to you. That brought up a lot for me. There is so much wisdom in these videos. Thank you <3

  6. Jaleah and Marcy thank you! I appreciate your insight and wisdom. I thought of another thing that can help when we are feeling the “weight of the world” with everything going on in the news, etc. We can bring our optimism. Yes, things are crazy and scary in the news, but we can have hope that things will work out for the good. I think, as Type 1s, we often have a natural faith and hope. When we have faith that there is something bigger than us in charge, we can feel more sure in our hope for a good outcome. Then we don’t have to avoid the heavier things going on in the world as much. (But still not dwell on it all, of course.)

  7. Kalista – “You can always be nice.”

    Sheryl – “I think people were placed in my life just so I could become stronger.”
    I think you’re both right. I must admit, becoming stronger isn’t always fun. Also, it’s a struggle sometimes to be nice once I’ve been offended. Thanks ladies!

  8. I appreciated the Type 3 discussion on anger. I was told most of my life to quit being so reactive (I totally denied I was a Type 3 for 6 months, yet the key words were used to “shame” me as a child). When I get angry I want to throw things, I like Sarah will fold laundry and toss it to let out some anger, I stomp sometimes too. =) I love Anna K’s asking what is hurting me. It’s great way to evaluate what is going on before reacting. What I love about DYT is I am allowed to be me. I’m slowing accepting that it’s ok to be me, particularly since realizing I miss typed myself initially.

  9. I really enjoyed watching this Type 1 talk but I feel very lost.
    I have a sneaking suspicion that I’m a Type 1 with a secondary 4, and that I survived my childhood and into my adulthood through my overdeveloped secondary 4.
    I can’t relate to the Type 1 characteristic of having a strong imaginative life as a child. I think I was so wounded from such an early age that I just shut down that part of me – as I said, very early on. A lot of my bouncy curiosity was quashed and I channelled it into being ‘right’ and ‘sensible’ and competitive. I never daydreamed, I just ‘zoned out’. Even now at 39 I struggle to visualise my life any different to how it is.
    I’m bright and outgoing socially, I’m youthful, look a lot younger than I am, I have a lot of the Type1 physical characteristics. I was quite a tomboy as a child but I don’t think that necessarily means I am a Type 3. (I’ve been dressing Type 3 for the last few months and although at first I loved it, I’m starting to feel weighed down). As a child I didn’t like wearing dresses and I didn’t like girly things. So that makes it hard to imagine wearing a lot of the Type 1 stuff, which I see as very girly. I still prefer to wear pants more often than skirts.
    That said, I’ve always loved playing dress ups. I am an actress and just love wearing all different styles of clothes (including vintage styles, dresses, skirts, you name it!) I have spent so much over the years on clothes because I can’t seem to find my own style – I simply love and can appreciate so many things. I guess I ‘see all the possibilities’, which is very Type 1 of me!
    I’ve always been naturally drawn to circles in my choice of jewellery, and I have always doodled in stars and spiral circles (as well as my name, or the word ‘hello’ over and over!)
    Anyway, I’m rambling. Lots to process. Trying to not get bogged down in analysis (which is what happens with me, due to overdeveloped Type 4 secondary!)
    Thanks for reading, I think I needed to just get some of these thoughts written down.
    Comments welcome.
    Thanks, ladies.
    B x

  10. These videos are really helpful for me, as a 4/3. I agreed with most everything all three of you mentioned. Play with your secondary, allow it to come to you naturally. To get out of my head, I have to exercise early in the AM so that I am more grounded. My S3 helps with this. I also make friends with more extroverted people and allow them to lead at events and parties. AND, I also get busy at events and make myself useful, like helping to clean up. I cannot do too many patterns, I would love to, but sometimes it’s too much movement for me. I love stripes, but cannot do polka dots. I love ‘done is better than perfect’. I often say to myself, ‘what’s done is done is done’, which simply means, move on, Jen! Stop perfecting. 😉 I am a single mom and my son is a T4, as well. I count on my secondary 3 to push him to get stuff done and I count on his secondary 1 to help me to keep things light and fun. Living as a faux T2 most of my life, I have now healed myself and consider myself an extroverted introvert. I live primarily inward, but am getting more and more comfortable living out loud and boldly.

  11. Where is the September Evening with Carol they mention in the type 2 video- Dressing your truth in the workplace. It is now nearly November but I can’t see it anywhere.

  12. The type 3 Q&A made me think that maybe I’m a 4/3 not a 4/2. People are always shocked by me when I get passionate about something and seem to think I’m angry. They say ‘calm down! You’re so intense’ etc. I just think to myself: ‘I haven’t even started being intense yet, let alone angry. Wait til I really get passionate or angry about something!’
    I am definitely a type 4 though.

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