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Hold the Bold: How to Refine Your Wardrobe

How to balance your bold, stunning Type 4 outfits

We are a bold bunch of ladies.

We know it, we love it, we dress it.

Each time I brush on my hot pink blush, or add those red heels to finish off a stunning outfit, I’m reminded of the strength of Type 4 beauty.

It’s intense and powerful. I love that what I wear is a direct reflection of that power.

When I first began dressing my truth, I went through a refinement period. I was trying out red lips, sleek hairstyles, and vivid hued tees.

Sometimes I hit the nail on the head: I looked and felt amazing. Other times I walked out of my house with the lingering fear that I resembled a circus clown, rather than a runway model.

If you’re like most Type 4 ladies I’ve talked with, this has been your experience too.

How do we find the perfect balance between bold and brash? How do we train our eyes to recognize when what we are wearing is representing us in a clear supportive way?

3 easy ways to hold the bold & find balance in your outfit:

1. Let your “star of the show” lead the way.

Pick one item, whether that’s a stunning top, vest, or pair of pants, take the spotlight. Think about going to a play—you have the leading lady who causes the whole audience to let out an admiring, “Ooohh” when she comes on stage. This is exactly what you want in your outfit! (Don’t worry, we’ll get to the supporting roles next.)

2. Choose colors that bring attention to your main piece.

If you have a theme going with colors from your main piece, be careful about adding too many other colors, prints, or patterns in the rest of the look. While those pieces could be perfectly Type 4, they might not work with your whole outfit right now.

3. Be picky about your accessories.

The right earrings, belt, shoes, or necklace could harmonize the whole outfit perfectly, as long as you don’t try to steal the show away from the main piece. Remember, everyone has a role to play on stage! But not everyone can be the leading role.

Want to see this in action? Take a look at my first outfit.


Each and every piece is spot-on Type 4 in every way.

The metals are clean silver, the colors are saturated hues, the design lines are structured, my makeup is defined.

And yet, I look — and feel — completely overwhelmed. Each aspect of this look is upstaging the one next to it, and ultimately upstaging me.

This is not what you want. Dressing Your Truth is about letting you step forward to be seen as the bold and striking woman you are. What you wear on your body should play a supporting role to set off the stunning quality of your beauty.

Now look at the next outfit.

As you can see, balance has been restored.

Breathe a sigh of relief with me.

What do you notice first? What catches your eye?

I pulled back the color selection to black and green, with silver to enhance. I let the black-on-black animal print vest be the focal piece. The faux fur collar acts as a backdrop for the larger silver earrings, and the metallic zipper takes the place of a necklace. I opted for a more understated eyeshadow combo too. The accessories support the look instead of adding too many things to focus on.

I felt sleek and polished in this look.

This allowed me to feel more confident and at ease.

Another option would’ve been to remove the vest to let the top be the bold, add a solid jacket or cardigan, and switch the jewelry for something more balanced, with fewer pieces. I also could have swapped out the shoes for another color, as long as the rest of the outfit was balanced!

If I had chosen to let my makeup step forward as the feature, I’d opt for a more still pattern, less texture, and simple jewelry.

Remember, what you wear should never speak louder than you.

Let who you are be the boldness that you express.

I invite you to play this game with me.

Select two outfits, one that’s over-the-top and one in balance. Take a picture in each and post them for our Type 4 community!

Tell us what you chose to be your bold focal piece and why you love it.


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  1. I have that colorful shirt. It looks pretty with a black skirt or pants, nice shoes and shiny silver jewelry. It doesn’t need a vest or a blazer or cardigan. You might try wearing patterned tops without the vests all the time. Even the green shirt might look better without the vest. Maybe the green shirt, some silver jewelry and a belt? Or with the heavy jewelry from the top picture? Sometimes less is more and the vest, blazer etc. is not needed.

  2. I almost didn’t click on this story because the outfit was too much and I thought, “Good grief!” Lol.

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