Imagine going gray and looking 10 years younger.
What! How is that even possible?
Sometimes women really want to embrace their natural hair color and go gray, but they’re worried about looking older or tired because of it.
Not when you’re Dressing Your Truth!
I’ve helped thousands of women discover their Type of beauty, and once they know which of the 4 Energy Types they are, their whole world opens up.
They tap into a world of colors that harmonize beautifully with their facial features. They learn which design lines, patterns, and textures flatter their bodies effortlessly. They learn about hairstyles and hair colors that actually take years off their face.
You can do this even when you go gray!
Here are 5 fantastic Before and Afters of women over 50 who embraced their gray hair, discovered their Type, and now look younger because of it.
Dressing Your Truth gives you permission to be exactly who you are. No more hiding, no more trying to be someone you’re not.
Deborah, below, while so beautiful in her “before” picture, just came to life when she discovered she could wear bright, animated tints. Her gray/white hair shines with her inner light in the “after” photo!
Type 2 women are the only Type that can wear gray clothes, so it makes sense that out of all the Types, gray hair just blends so beautifully with their energy. In Dina and Kathy’s photos below, their softness takes center stage now that they’ve gone gray and dress their truth.
When you discover your Type of beauty, you gain the inner confidence to finally be your truest self!
Rita is rocking this fiery Type 3 style! With this edgy hairstyle, she’s able to tell the world who she truly is in 3 seconds.
Some women feel that going gray means they’ve given up. But when women like Laurie get #Truthbombed, it helps them go all in instead!
She refined a bold, sleek style that went all the way from her clothes, to her eyewear, to her gray hairstyle. There are a lot of reasons why one of the Type 4 beauty code words is “stunning.” Laurie is one of them!
Have you been hanging around in the DYT world but haven’t committed to a Type yet?
Let me help you get going!
It’s my #1 priority to help women feel confident in themselves. So I want to give you the opportunity to have your Type confirmed by me. No more guessing, no more wondering, no more trying out all the Types.
That’s why I created #Truthbomb Tuesdays.
My team and I set up an easy, enjoyable system in our Lifestyle membership that welcomes any woman, any age, any Type to participate in this monthly profiling experience and get my feedback on their Type.
Every month, hundreds of Lifestyle members are discovering their Type. They’re sharing their experiences of surprise and excitement. I see plenty of women say, “Wow, I always wanted to be that Type but didn’t think that was me!”
#Truthbombs happen every month in Lifestyle. Come join us!
Every single Lifestyle member has the opportunity to participate in #Truthbomb sessions. Come join us and start the process of deepening your DYT experience. We have so much fun in Lifestyle every single day—we would love to have you there too!
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