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Edgy and Volume: Type 3/1 Hairstyle Tips to Support Your Yin-Yang Combo

Stop trying to match your hairstyle to your age, do this instead.

Who are “they” to tell you what hairstyle “matches your age”?

As a Type 3/1 you are at the top of the Yin-Yang movement scale. You naturally have an active and energetic quality. That is what you should be matching with your hairstyle, not some made-up reference to age. Once you have the right hairstyle for your Type 3/1 Yin & Yang combo, getting ready in the morning is a cinch!

Before we get started, go to your Yin Yang Cheat Sheet to review the quality of movement for your combo. Now, pick a few Hairstyle Keywords from the Yin Yang Hair Cheat Sheet to guide your hairstyle choices; two from your primary, one from your secondary. (00:59) My Type 3/1 Expert, Anna K shares hers to get you started.

Now to the quick tips:

  • (4:21) How to know if you have too much Yang vs. too much Yin? (See examples from Anna K’s hairstyle evolution) These tips will let you know!
  • (7:43) See pictures of Type 3/1 hairstyles (all from the Type 3 Hair Gallery).
  • (9:13) How to tell your stylist what you want.
  • (9:37) Pay attention, these signs will let you know that your hairstyle is out of balance.
Get there quicker: Determine your Keywords, go to the Hair Gallery, do the Hair Clearing, get the right Products.
Share a picture of your new style in the Lifestyle Facebook Group!

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