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Bomber Jackets: Can Your Type Wear Them? You May Be Surprised!

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  1. I was very impressed with this video. It makes one of the strongest arguments for dressing your truth ever.. Each of you wearing the same type of garment, but with YOUR colors, your design lines, your “code words” each outfit gave off a completely different vibe. Yet everyone looked fantastic! Thanks again Carol for the shout out for dressing your truth, not your age. So true! (On a side note I just got my floral bomber jacket in the mail a couple of days ago, thanks for the tips!! )

  2. I’m so glad that Carol addressed the age factor. At 38, watching this I was thinking that bomber jackets seemed a little young, something my 16 year old wears and looks great in. Though when Anne came out she looked fabulous! So it’s not about age, it’s dressing my truth, and I should be dressing it up elegant because I’m a T2.

    1. Great request. I’m going to produce a video on how to differentiate bright from bold and dusty from dirty.

  3. I love the t3 jacket ideas. I have a metallicish shirt that can be used as a jacket and was not sure. So this is awesome!

  4. I bought the Type 1 bomber jacket just before the sale ended – the extended two days was great. Thank you. I had already made three different orders during the sale and then when it was extended I ordered four more clothing items which included the bomber jacket. Many times in these last 56 years I have worn many a bomber jacket. ❤️

    1. Update: We sold out of our original inventory and our re-order was lost by UPS and we are in the process of remedying that. We will let you know when they are back in stock.

  5. I think you should make a video that expresses that age has nothing to do with dressing your truth. You’ve talked about it but not really SHOWN it. I’m 61 and although I never have let my age determine what I wear, I sometimes still get that gnawing questioning going through my head. Putting the same outfit on both the younger generation and more mature generation experts in each type would show that you CAN wear the same clothes per your type no matter your age.

  6. Wow! Thank you for putting this video out. For a while now I had zero interest in bomber jackets. I think what “turned me off” to them was the fact that I saw the incorrect jacket type for the person. Usually I saw type 3’s wearing the type 4 jacket and it would look severe, so I assumed it was the jacket. Then each one of you came out and completely changed my view on this type of jacket. Especially seeing Kalista with the exact jacket I thought I’d never want to wear. She looked stunning. This type 4 will have to give it a try now. 🙂 Just a magnificent testament to Dressing Your Truth.

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