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How to (Nicely) Break Up With Your Hair Stylist

Is your stylist always running ten to twenty minutes late? Does she listen to your preferences, or has she settled into her own groove? Did you dislike your last haircut?

Now for the big question: do you stay or do you look for a new stylist?

Before making the big break up, remember that like any relationship, it’s important to not give up before you determine if it can be fixed. Most relationships fail because of a lack of communication. Decide if you can better communicate your concerns with your stylist to gain clarity and understanding. Then you can move forward in a more supportive direction.

Here are some tips to help you navigate both decisions:

Communicate Clearly

Before discussing anything with your stylist, set the intention that your stylist listens and hears you. Intend that you can express yourself clearly and effectively. Write on your bathroom mirror that you are excited to have an easy and light conversation with your stylist.

Then identity what the issue is: her tardiness, you didn’t like your last haircut, or you feel she doesn’t listen. Here are a few phrases to enhance your communication during your next hair experience:

  • “Last time we went a little bit shorter than I would have liked. This time, can we…”
  • “I felt the color was a little too blended last time; can we do some higher-contrast pieces today?”

At this point, your stylist should take some time to do a more in-depth consultation with you. Come prepared with specific questions and be able to communicate your concerns and express your past experiences with your hair.

The stylist should listen.

If he/she doesn’t listen but rather jumps into the hair service without completing the consultation, this is a solid reason to break up with your stylist.

Let’s say that her tardiness is your only concern. When scheduling your next appointment, and you are worried about finishing on time, you can try the following phrases. These questions should be straightforward enough to make sure you’re finished on time but also tactful enough to be kind to your stylist:

  • “I have an engagement after my next hair appointment. Do you think we can be done right at 3pm?”
  • “I noticed that we typically start 10 minutes late. Will we have enough time to complete this ‘specific service’ for my next hair appointment?”

Break Up

If the issue really is your stylist, then please be honest with her. It’s a terrible feeling when you feel the need to screen her phone calls or take a different route home because you’re worried she will see you had your highlights done by someone else.

It’s time for the breakup.

Professional stylists will not be offended by your decision to go elsewhere. Many hair stylists get into the hair business because they want to make people happy. If you are not happy with your hair or your experience, now is the time to speak up.

Good communication with your stylist will allow your energy to open to new possibilities and experiences.

Here are some honest and tactful ways to break the news to your stylist:

  • “I appreciate all the service you’ve given me over the years, but I think I’ve found someone that understands my fringe a bit better.”
  • “I am grateful for your friendship and wish you every happiness.”
  • “Thank you for going on this journey with me, but I feel I need to try someone new.”

If you need a less direct way to break up with your stylist, just don’t re-book your next appointment with her. It’s really that simple.

As you set the intention for beautiful communication and take the time to consider the tactful phrases you will use, the transition will be easy and effortless.

You can do this!

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