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3 of Our Next Best #LiveMakeovers (Can You Guess Their Energy Types?)

Three generations of women from one family!

Part 1: The DYT Team and I Choose the Makeover Candidate
Follow me on Facebook to watch #CarolTuttleTV live and also to access the full listing of #CarolTuttleTV episodes.

My team and I revealed a big surprise right at the start!

We chose three generations of women from one family to get a #LiveMakeover. Meet Carrie, Theresa and Taylor.

Can you guess their Energy Types? You’ll find out if you’re right after watching the third video.

Are you new to Dressing Your Truth and still trying to figure out your Energy Type? Take my free Energy Profiling course to support you in determining your Type.


Part 2: Live Q & A With Carol
Why do you think you need me to confirm your Energy Type? (Believe me, you don’t)!

I ask this question because I want to get you thinking about why you assume you’re wrong in your assessment of yourself – when most likely you are right!

Get a lot of tips for assessing yourself correctly (including one that involves a video camera!) and watch me support 5 women in living their truth more fully.

Want to learn more about incorporating your secondary Energy Type into your style? Join Lifestyle! There’s a lot of content on the topic of secondaries.


Part 3: The Big Reveal
It’s time!

Find out if you were correct in your assessment of Carrie, Theresa and Taylor. One thing’s for sure: these three look like three sisters instead of three generations now.

Remember, you don’t need me in person with you in order to get a makeover as amazing as these. I’m waiting to support you when you dive into the Dressing Your Truth course. Give yourself a makeover and start living your truth!


<p class=”p1″ style=”text-align: center;”>Start you Free Dressing Your Truth Beginner’s Guide!</p>

Watch the other #LiveMakeover editions of #CarolTuttleTV:

Shelli’s Type 3 Makeover
Carol’s Type 4 Makeover
Emily’s Type 2 Makeover
A 40th Birthday #LiveMakeover!
A Before & After That Will Make You Cry


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      1. Just curious about the mom — her eyebrows are straight, and her lip is thin — isn’t that more a type 4 trait?

  1. I love how these three women have their unique styles and there’s room in the family to honor all of them. they all look great and more powerful expressing their natures.

    WERK IT!!!!!

  3. Lovely event! So so nice! It was so fun and I loved all the surprises and the Q&A. I wish I was there participating. I GOT THEIR TYPES RIGHT!!!!!!!!! I WAS RIGHT! WOOHOO! Too bad I missed it. They all look so young and beautiful. Everyone is a winner in this event. Thank you so much Carol and team. You all were so awesome and beautiful as usual.

  4. Despite my 68th birthday in a few days, I would wear the Type 4 make-over, but with my shorter hair and feel very good, energized, completely comfortable. Thank you for reminding me of Type 4 Boldness. Wonder what reaction I would get if I wore it out in public.

  5. The granddaughter is the only one I guessed correctly. I guessed Mom was a 1 (because she seemed bubbly and was giggling when she first started talking on camera) and grandmother a 2.

  6. Can you please add a photo of Theresa’s makeover to the type 1 hairstyle gallery? I adore her cut and especially the light fresh bangs! I want to show it to my stylist for inspiration 8~D

  7. So this was why Shalynn was so confused on the episode with her and her husband that ran in February, 2018!!! Watch the second video in this post.

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