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A Detailed Look Into Type 2 Purses

If I looked in your purse right now, what would I discover about you?

#CarolTuttleTV gets #UpCloseandPersonal today by peeking into some lovely Type 2 purses!

Who has a Mary Poppins purse? Who’s a bag lady? Have you (or any Type 2 women you know) held onto your wallet for as long as Anne has? Watch to see how thought-out each Type 2 woman is in her unique way.

(Plus, enjoy hair examples—including something unexpected for a subtle Type 2 look.)

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Watch the other videos in this series:
Type 1 Purse Profiling Fun!
Dig Into Type 3 Purses With Us!
Peek Inside the Type 4 Minimalist Purse

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  1. This is such a confirming video for me! I have tissue in my purse, my car, my living room, and beside my bed. Also chap stick in all those places except the living room. I hate dry lips! I have three bags pre-packed with the essentials. My regular bag with room for shopping list, my Kindles, even a folder. A small bag which can fit just my wallet or just my Kindle, depending on which I’ll be needing, and a book bag for library trips and such. All have chap stick and tissues. 🙂

  2. My bag content is almost identical to Michelle’s! I’m very much the “just in case”-type of a person. I have several little bags within my bag (like a grooming bag, a passport and phone bag etc.), so it’s easier to change bags when I have to. But I have chapsticks, tissues, hygiene products, powder, chewing gum, throat pastilles, salted nuts, and pens in all of my bags by default. I also carry a water bottle, paper for writing, phone battery charger, painkillers, plasters (in one of my bags I even have a small first-aid kit), sunglasses, umbrella, a spare fabric bag for books and groceries, sometimes a pair of clean socks in case it’s very rainy. 🙂 And then of course the essentials (phone, keys, wallet). I believe I’m T2 or at minimum have a very strong secondary 2.

  3. I’m Type 2/1 (I said 2/4 a few days ago but suddenly realized today the secondary is 1!). I have carried tissues and/or a soft vintage hankie since my very first purse (age 4-5?). My mom (Type 2/3) said a lady always has kleenex. I use them a lot (and yes not just for tears, haha). The part in The Hobbit book where the main character uncharacteristically ran away adventuring *without his pocket handkerchiefs* (how uncomfortable!) really stuck in my mind. There is a small pack of tissues AND a handkerchief in my capacious purse right now.

  4. My style is like Anne’s.(Ooh, I do looove that pink bag!) I use the bag-in-bag system too and I keep everything cleaned out and current. There are rarely any “just-in-case” items. My wallet is ancient, too! I’ve even had it restitched at the shoe repair shop. And, like Elizabeth, I prefer a paper datebook for the same reasons she does.

  5. Love this video! Looking for a new purse right now. Just love yours Michelle. Do you remember where you purchased it? Oh, and I hate dry lips too and probably carry tons of lip products, and yes, I always have a small pack of tissues and several pens.

  6. Oh, just sitting here laughing out loud! My husband asked what are you watching? LOL! Yes, Tissues everywhere! And my purse is just like theirs! Keys on a clip to the handle, little bag with Chapstick ….several! Hand cream mini tube, pills, floss etc. Big old billfold that I have had for ten years! Can’t find one I like better, checkbook, cards etc! I feel like I just had a visit with four soul-sisters! My kids are no longer at home, but when they were little I carried a purse that was like a diaper bag with all they may need….JUST IN CASE! Love it!

  7. I laughed so hard when Michelle went through her purse – it was so similar to mine and what I have in it! Always carry feminine products, no matter what. I probably own about 13 chapsticks…6 in my purse and 2 in my car, 2 in the living room by my chair and 3 in my bathroom….and tissues everywhere – of course! And “just in case” — have to be prepared! So funny.

  8. 1. Tissues in purse: sometimes. Tissues in car, study, bathroom:yes. For tears: no. For allergic reactions, spills, and wiping down computer screens: yes and more, just in case.
    2. Usually carry both briefcase and purse. Majority of items in both are office and technology related, including rechargers and accessories for iPhone and MacBook. Just in case. Also mini makeup case and small tooth hygiene kit. Just in case. Rechargers in car too. Just in case!
    3. Both purse and briefcase contain pouches and organizers and a carabiner key clip like Michelle has (yay!). No digging around to find something. Every detail of contents planned and in its place, because it’s easier to find what I need:

    Just. In. Case.

  9. Love this video! So confirming for type 2. I have exactly the same pink inner bag as Whitney. What secondary type is Whitney?

  10. I have six packs of travel tissues in my purse and my car doors are always filled with travel tissues. Just in case. I probably a type two. What do you think?

  11. I love this video. I felt like you were going through my purse. I always have tissue too . My friends even give me those packs of pretty tissue because they know I always carry it. I also tend to gravitate towards red purses ! I like being always prepared and carry the lotions, several lipsticks,etc. I have tried to down size and just can’t do it. Thank you for letting me know it’s just who I am.

  12. First time commenting on DYT – I just couldn’t resist! Great video. I know I’m type 2, and this nails it, confirms it! I keep tissues in my purse, in my car console, pockets, handy everywhere. In my purse and car, they’re in those little packs so they stay fresh. Several months ago, I bought myself one of those in-purse organizers. It’s fabulous. It has loads of pockets. It even can split into two smaller organizers for smaller bags. But usually I use the complete version in my everyday purse. I tend not to have many bags, just a few; use depends on the season and my wardrobe. I love all of my purses – smooth leather, woven leather, etc. – and keep them for years. The huge advantage to my organizer is that I can reach into it without looking (like Michelle!), and find exactly what I need. And I do carry a lot of “just in case” items! I can just pull out the organizer and plop it into another purse.

  13. I totally relate to Anne in this video. I am the bag lady, I have my gym bag, my dance bag, my work bag and then I have some smaller bags when I don’t need a large bag. Like when I’m shopping. I hate having to worry about messing with a bag when I’m in a store if it’s not necessary.

    I keep tissues in my car, it’s the ones specifically to fit in your cup holder. It’s great, but I keep it because I hate having stuff in my nose so I use it to clean out and make sure I don’t have anything visible that would embarrass me.

    I also keep a role of Charmin ultra strong tissue on my desk in my bedroom. It’s not pretty, but it’s so functional and SOFT! When I have a cold I take a roll with me to work, and my co-workers find it odd, but the work tissues are so rough and I hate having a red sore nose. Plus, I don’t have to purchase tissue in a box, which are more expensive and I can also hide them in my large desk drawer when I’m not using it, so it’s out of sight.

    I’m not much of a crier, unless I’m watching a touching hallmark movie, so I love that this tissue is thicker and has more practical uses then just for cleaning out my nose like using under my thermos when it has a heavy condensation (I love ice cold water so I always have ice cubes in my water cup / thermos), to wipe my hands if I forget a napkin when I’m eating in my bedroom at my desk, to wipe up a spill, or to clean up a scrape, which happens often enough, because I’m always on the go and not paying attention to abrasives edges.

    I love my muted Timbuk2 brown and green vertical strip canvas shoulder bag that I scored off Yerdle for only $7 real cash (shipping). It’s super heavy duty, but not overly heavy, and just big enough to hold my planner, wallet, chapstick if I remember to grab one, my little fun pouch for my planner pens / highlighters, misc receipts, and a folder with papers that I’m currently working on.

    Feminine products only enter my bag when I need them or feel that it’s getting close. I only chew gum when I’m working out or dancing, so I keep those in a container in those specific bags. My keys are on a carabiner, but I don’t like having it hooked to the outside, because it moves to much for me.

    1. I don’t know if you (or anyone else who might find this useful) will see this since it’s an older video, but just in case….
      Did you know you can fit a roll of TP in an empty tissue box? (Get the more square-ish kind). Just put the roll on its side so it will unroll when you tug on the end, then pull the end through the top, and tape the box flap shut.

  14. I’m a type 2 always having tissues everywhere, in my purse, in my pockets, in my car…I just need tissues to be handy. If I go to restaurants, I will keep the napkins which were not used (just in case I’m out of tissues). It always ends up my bags are full of tissues and napkins and I always left tissues in my pockets and the tissues got into the washing machine when I forgot to check pockets before washing 🙂

  15. Hahaha I most of the times have more than one package in my purse, and am using them for tears, colds, to give to someone who needs them. Also Have them in my bedroom next to my bed… I was thinking I have 3 in me but slowly am doubting more and more, and am moving to 2 with maybe a secondary one, which would explain my sometimes slow and easygoing and quiet way and then the need sometimes to be more extrovert and active.

  16. I always had tissues in my purse, until a few years back I went to vintage hankies. Much softer and reminds me of my younger years and my grandma.

  17. Hi Rose, I don’t know if you are still wondering (and I don’t know if this will help) but I smiled when I found your comment… I’m the most sensitive-to-music person I know, hahaha! When I listen to music I literally enter another world, I really get “trapped” by the emotion of the song. I’m a type 2 but here’s what I think: I believe anybody can feel moved/nostalgic/emotionally connected to music, regardless of their type. But being an emotionally centred person (as type 2s are), I guess you experience this more often than others.
    I don’t know if this “helped” in any way… I would love to hear what has been your progress in finding your truth 🙂

  18. I LOVE this video and it has opened my eyes quite a bit to help confirm my secondary. I do have a question if someone could answer for me on the type for Whitney (I think). She’s the one sitting between Michelle and Anne. I know these ladies are all T2, but what is her secondary? If it was mentioned, then I just missed it for some reason. I see a lot of my own actions and personality in her and I think it would help me. Thanks so much and again — wonderful video! Oh, and I carry tissues and chap sticks too. 🙂

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