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How Well Do You Know These 9 Celebrities & 4 Former Presidents?

We're profiling these celebrities by your request!

Celebrity Profiling! You asked to learn a bit more about these public figures, so now you get to Type them with me!

This episode of #EnergyProfilingWithCarol is a fast-paced, interactive show as I walk you through the process of discovering someone’s Energy Type. What do you look for? Do you trust your first instinct?

I encourage you to watch and guess each person’s Energy Type on your own first! (The answers are included further down this page.)

As you go along, notice if you’re trusting your own guidance system. What’s making you doubt yourself and your knowledge of face profiling?

What “aha” did you have watching today? Did this deepen your understanding of Dressing Your Truth? Leave a comment below and share your takeaway from this show!

Follow me on Facebook to watch #CarolTuttleTV live and also to access the full listing of #CarolTuttleTV episodes. 

Enjoy the resources mentioned on today’s show:

Tea Leoni – Type 4
Gabriel Macht – Type 1
Mindy Kaling – Type 3
Rowan Atkinson – Type 4
Lauren Graham – Type 3
Amber Marshall – Type 2
Graham Wardle – Type 3
Erin Krakow – Type 1
Daniel Lissing – Type 3

Former Presidents:
George Washington – Type 4
Thomas Jefferson – Type 4
Theodore Roosevelt – Type 3
Abraham Lincoln – Type 4
(I also mention that Bill Clinton is a Type 1, and his wife Hillary Clinton is a Type 4).

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  1. I think this is my favorite Energy Profiling video to date! I really appreciate the insight about not second guessing your first instinct. I was able to get all of them right, except the T3 women. That was very telling for me. I had taken a year to type my secondary as T3 because I “didn’t see” it. Reality is, I didn’t want to see it. Now that I have accepted it, it is so obvious (and I love that part of me). I will keep this in mind if ever I second guess profiling a T3 now.

    I thought it was interesting. I am a T4. When profiling T4’s, I have always felt a connection to them, so I have found that I am able to easily profile a T4. I have read biographies/autobiographies about the presidents that were profiled and felt very strong connections with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln. This last spring, I made a trip back east to learn more about them. The connections I felt with them grew even more. I’m happy to have this confirmed. Thanks for a great video!

    1. P.S. Carol, Erin Krakow looks just like your oldest daughter to me! That’s actually why I thought she was a T1. Very beautiful!

  2. I was certain that Hillary Clinton was originally typed as a t2. When did that change?

    1. A t2 I can see more than a t4. She is definitely a low movement type. I’d love to see Carol’s video typing her and Bill.

    2. Several years ago, probably 6 years ago. I clearly see the Type 4 in her and she looks so much better in Type 4 styles.

      1. She looks radiant in pure bold white which only a T4 can wear that color and glow. Look at young Hillary pictures online and there you will clearly see the symmetry and balanced features of a Type 4.

  3. This was quite informative, thank you! I love that these wonderful Presidents are 4’s. They were cool,clear, focused, steady leaders. 4 is a great type for a President but not for campaigning! Back to back crowds and everyone wants a piece of you, a nightmare for Type 4s. I love Te’a. I’ve always loved her. I’m a 4, we 4’s stick together!

    You mention that Hillary is a 4. I am not sure I see it. Perhaps in younger pictures of her. I know she is a low movement type, I thought a 2. Carol mentioned that she had profiled Bill and Hillary Clinton. Is there a link to this?

  4. I don’t know the actress
    I got Rowan Atkinson and Lauren Graham right
    Please profile: Robert Downey Jr., John Goodman, Robert De niro, Bruce Willis and Dwayne Johnson.

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