How to Make Style and Lifestyle Choices That Spark Joy True to You

You can experience more joy in your life.

Carol and fellow Club Members representing all four Types explore how we compromise our joy when we compromise ourselves.

August 2015 Club Night teaches you:

  • How to identify where you may be making compromises
  • How to fine tune what is correct for you in your style and lifestyle
  • How to make choices that spark joy in your life
  • How to develop more confidence to support these choices

The panel shared genuine, personal examples, including:

  • How Type 1 Marcy really feels about charm bracelets
  • What Type 2 Colleen thinks about scarves and the adjustment she made
  • How Type 3 Anna Kay’s Disneyland planning got in the way of Disneyland joy
  • How Type 4 Liz felt about necklaces in the past and puts them to work for her now

May you enjoy the video and start sparking more joy in your life.


Create the life you want and deserve: “Remembering Wholeness,”
by Carol Tuttle


Get the Book

Decluttering. Organizing. Joy!
“The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,”
by Marie Kondo


Get the Book


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  1. Colleen! She’s the angel who responded to my complaint that we Type 2s didn’t seem to do straight hair (except S4). Love her hair! No wonder she knew exactly where I was coming from! 🙂

    Thank you so much, Colleen, for the assistance. I’m working on ideas for getting this waist-length, straight hair looking its best.

    1. Oh man! We you as excited to see her too? She has been such a blessing to have in my journey and has been SOOOO patient with my anxiety and whatnot. WE LOVE YOU COLLEEN!!

  2. I love the two questions:
    1. Am I trying to make this work? Does this spark joy?
    2. What am I still not letting myself choose in my style and lifestyle, that I really want, that is keeping me from more joy?

  3. Bought this book a while back. T4, and I too had lots of necklaces and found that I really do not like them. I am a secondary 1 and I love the sparkly. If I do happen to wear one on rare occasions, they are the t4/S1 ones that are light, not busy, and sparkly. I also get great joy from pedicures and manicures, especially the solitary experience! I can totally relate to the self-abuse that can come with a T4. I am so happy to hear Cheryl share about how she is trying to change this. It was good advice!

  4. Thank you for showing more shoes! I love even briefly seeing the whole outfit. I would also love if you would list the fabrics and washing instructions in the DYT store. I have young kids and I only buy things that are machine washable.

    1. Thank you, Debbie. If anything is Dry Clean Only or has specific instructions, we will list it in the description. For all other garments, we highly recommend hand washing and line or flat drying.

  5. This is great. I am a 1/3 Home Organizer and I totally use the Energy Types when I walk into someone’s home. I love looking for the ways we can adapt their organization to suit the way they will live instead of the way people think they “should” do it.
    This discussion gives me another tool to help people let go of what they don’t need and add what they do.
    I love the words “Living your truth” it’s so much more than clothes, it’s about arranging your life to allow the joy!

  6. I have been wearing two large, sheer scarves as vests since this club night AND came to the realization that my ample and the full smoke ring scarves worked against each other. I did some sew-gery on my favorites, slimming each scarf lengthwise to reduce the bulk…. so simple but so effective.

  7. Love, love this topic and especially the FORMAT! Love having the 3 questions, and 3 experts for each type! So very supportive and fun! I was a bit surprised that the “Flylady” Marla Cilley wasn’t mentioned during this topic. She has ‘taught’ this for years…surround yourself with things that you LOVE! If you don’t love it, let it go to a new home where it will be loved. Thanks for bringing this topic ‘back home’ for me in a new way, and sharing with others who’ve never heard of the idea. Just so thankful for all Carol and her team share with us.

  8. I’m in the process of figuring out my type between 1 and 4, and loved the T4 ladies, especially Kalista and Sheryl! Kalista’s S1 came out to play here, and what Sheryl said about the self criticism, brought tears to my eyes. I know I’m overthinking this (as a T4 does), but what they said in this video resonates… so maybe I can pull the trigger to switch!

  9. Goodbye cardigans! Woohoo! I figured cardigans would be my saving grace for a corporate environment (and make my punk-rock teenage self grow up) and now I feel like I can finally give them up. Like Carol, I prefer actual jackets as my top layer and I feel they exemplify my Type 3 self better than cardigans.

  10. The part about talking to your belongings made me think of how before I had a hysterectomy in November I got emotional and told my uterus I was going to get rid of it and thanked it for its service lol…I think I have always done this type of thing. I have a memory of telling a candy wrapper goodbye before I threw it away when I was maybe 10 years old. Maybe it’s a type 2 thing!

  11. This video is just one of my absolute favorite ones! It was packed with insights, realizations, humor …just perfect! I am obsessed with finding my type, after four years I am still uncertain but during this video I just forgot all about trying to “identify my type”, I just listened, learned and laughed with all these wonderful ladies. (it was better than a “feel good” movie :D) Thank you!

  12. I watched this video in April but somehow Marie Kondo’s book didn’t click in my mind. In early May, I was wandering around in a local public library and found a copy of the book on a table. I glanced at the book, checked it out, read it over in 3 days. I haven’t finished the process but I reorganized and found the joy in all my clothes. I released each item that no longer brought me joy and thanked it for its service. In all, I discarded 8 bags of clothes to GoodWill in addition to the clothes I had already discarded because they weren’t for my type.

  13. What did you do with your journals Anne? It would PAIN me to get rid of my own history, but I can also see your point!

  14. Please tell me The blouse that Kalista is wearing will be back! I really want it…Please tell me how to spell Kalisa’s name too, or it is going to bug me. 🙂

    1. Kalista, is the correct spelling. Thank you! Please come back often to the store to see what great items are in stock for you!

  15. I just love this video – such insight into sooo much! Can you help me understand (or give a link to a video that already addresses this) the difference between they type 2 sensitivity and rumination and the type 4 critical inner dialogue rumination? I believe my son is type 4 after hearing her story but always thought he was type 2 (I can see physical features of both but know he has to have a higher energy in there so he cant be T4/S2) because of how sensitive he is, but maybe I misunderstood the two concepts – he is so very, very hard on himself and embarrassment is always at the forefront of an outburst. I think that might be helpful to clarify for so many. Thank you as always for putting out such great content Carol!

    1. I recommend reading “the Child Whisperer” to help you figure that out. I was able to find mine at my local libray. You can check there and if your library is part of the Link + system you, you can borrow it from a different library and pick it up from your local library.

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