Countries & Their Personalities: Do You Share the Same Type?

What Type is your favorite country?

Did you ever think countries and different areas of the world could have their own energy and personality?

I love having fun with Energy Profiling—a profiling system based on movement that teaches you the 4 different Energy Types. Everything in our natural world leads with one of these dominant movements, including people, pets, and even flowers.

Let’s see if your favorite country shares your Energy Type!

Type 1 Energy: Bright, Bubbly, and Light

Type 1 energy is naturally an upward, light, upbeat, buoyant, and animated. People who express this energy have a high movement and keep things light and fun. They have a natural gift for ideas and the hope that these ideas are possible. They may also have a tendency to appear random or scattered at times. They tend to have a very youthful appearance due to the animated shapes like circles and points in their facial features.

Which country expresses Type 1 energy? Mexico

  • A place where people like to vacation and play
  • Lots of bright colors featured in their traditional dress
  • Siesta every day! Time to disconnect from the rigor of the day
  • Its culture is more yang (outward)
  • Traditional music is light, cheerful, and brings a smile to your face

Other countries and states with Type 1 energy:

State of Hawaii

Type 2 Energy: Soft, Subtle, & Gentle

Type 2 energy is naturally a fluid, flowing, gentle, relaxed, and calming. People who express this Type of energy have a more subdued movement and keep things flowing and comfortable. They have a natural gift for details and making plans to help us move forward. Being with this Type of person is calming and reassuring. They tend to have a dominance of S curves in their blended facial features.

Which country expresses Type 2 energy? Thailand

  • The elephant is the symbol of Thailand, which is a Type 2 animal
  • People are more soft-spoken and focused on connecting with you on the streets—instead of trying to push a sale
  • Most people express a non-confrontational attitude
  • They are known for being kind people, overall polite and modest
  • Their traditional dress includes soft flowing fabrics with detailed patterns

Other countries that express Type 2 energy:

New Zealand

Type 3 Energy: Dynamic, Determined, & Confident

Type 3 energy has a very swift, confident movement that pushes things and people into action to “Get it done.” People who express a dominant Type 3 expression are naturally driven to action and big results. They can be overly confident at times without enough details in place and jump in too fast. They tend to have more textured skin, chiseled facial features, and a dominance of angles in their facial features.

Which country expresses Type 3 energy? The United States of America

  • Historically has been motivated to dominate as the biggest and best
  • Known to have large cars, trucks, houses, and streets
  • Naturally expresses entrepreneur qualities with tendencies toward business
  • Rich landscape from coast to coast
  • Dynamic and multicultural “melting pot”

Other countries that express Type 3 energy:


Type 4 Energy: Bold, Constant, & Stunning

Type 4 energy is naturally constant, still, precise, exact, and structured. People with a dominant Type 4 energy have a natural gift to step back, see the bigger picture and outcome, and know how to perfect it. They can be seen as too critical and negative by others, due to their natural response to see the flaw first. They tend to have very porcelain skin and a dominance of parallel lines in their sculptured facial features.

Which country expresses Type 4 energy? Japan

  • Their culture values respect, honor, and tradition
  • They tend to be private people
  • They prioritize exactness and create efficient systems
  • Their culture tends to be minimalist, with clean design lines
  • The traditional kimono dress is structured and bold in color and patterns

Other countries that express Type 4 energy:


Now it’s your turn! What Type is your country? Or what country do you love to visit and why?

We have people from almost every country in the world who have found Energy Profiling and visited our site. Thank you for sharing this with your family and friends!

I invite you to take my free Energy Profiling course to discover more about your Energy Type and how you move throughout the world.

To learn even more about how the four Energy Types show up in our world, read my book, It’s Just My Nature. It’s included in the Style Kit that you can purchase after going through the course! Join thousands of people in countries all over the world who have transformed their lives by discovering their Energy Types.

I look forward to hearing your story!


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  1. Type 1 here! Tropical places are just not for me although they do look pretty. I just have never been able to stand the heat or the lack of proper four seasons. My favorite country is Scotland! The highlands, the mountains, the rain! I LOVE it!

      1. I haven’t been there yet but Im going at the end of the month! I strongly believe I consider it my second home once I have visited. (I don’t know what it is , there is just something special about Scotland!) 🙂

    1. I spend about 3 months out of the year there, and you have to be okay with living on a island! I love it there – obviously, but would not want to be on an island year round. I guess my Type 3 likes to know I can move in a lot of directions!!

      1. As a north central Kansan, I’m stuck in the middle of a lot of countryside. Given how clear the horizon is of obstacles, especially going west, it feels like I’m on an island, anyway, except it’s grassland instead of sea.

        It seems an island would be the perfect place for an introverted Type 4, and travel by sea seems like a still, quiet Type 4 experience unless the sea is acting up. Some of my most profound moments have been travelling in the open countryside. You feel how small you are compared to the vastness not only of the landscape, but of the night sky.

        Of course, I prefer Kansan tornadoes to volcanoes. They’re more predictable and short-lived. : )

  2. Japan is possibly the most Type 4 place on the planet!. I lived one year there and loved it (4/1). Despite the language and cultural barrier, I felt a sense of belonging and validation that I never felt before in my life (finding DYT at the end of my stay in Japan, certainly helped me understand more clearly why). My mind was constantly blown with their keen eye for efficiency, perfecting and beauty; even in the most minute details. When other foreigners wouldn’t get it, it would aggravate me lol. I have a deep appreciation for Japan, and I would happily go back anytime.

    Btw, I am Mexican born and raised, and siesta is not really a thing in Mexico, as it seems to be so widely believed; it is actually a Spanish custom (and even there it appears to not be as prevalent nowadays). Just thought I would mention. And not that I am arguing Mexico being a Type 1 place either, because it DEFINITELY is! Random, buoyant, talkative, busy… fun! And the food is a party in your mouth! 😉

    1. OMG yeah I thought the same thing about the siestas. I’m Mexican American and I’ve never heard of siestas. If anything they’ll (most Mexicans;culturally) look at you bad if you want to nap in the middle of the day… If anything working hard is really valued, so Mexico must be 1/3. And I’m familiar with Spaniard culture and I definitely do no think Spain is type 4. Its probably type 3 very extrovert, pushy, rough (in a good way), bizarre look at their artwork, flamenco, Spanish guitar, they speak Spanish pretty “abrasively” (my mom 2 gets offended with their rough language easily), passionate, maybe their 3/4 I can see that. AND as for Ireland (I know a few Irish and this is how they describe themselves)…. “gift of gab”, party/drunk stereotype, fun social culture, where connections and stories are important, jaunty music, colorful language… I think its type 1. I also think India is type 1, (outside of the Hindu which is pretty big but it is not everyday present necessarily), traditional music, Bollywood, parties/festivals like (Diwali-festival of light), finger food, bright busy colors, large parties, very friendly, (I have a few Indian friends and they really value fun/party vibes)… These are just my interpretations.

      1. Nevermind I thought about it… and I think India is type 2… its just a recent pop culture has been that way but the country as a whole spectrum is more type 2.

        1. Thanks Carolyn, I do disagree with you, but that is fine, you may have created a unique experience with the cultures that was your experience in the countries you feel have a different Energy Type. I have traveled extensively to each of these countries and being their is the best way to feel the energy that is most dominant. Spain is a yang version of Type 4 – boldly outspoken, their artwork is bold and very defined. Flamenco dancing is very precise as well as the guitar. Maybe you met Type 1 Irish people, because the countries Type at large is 4/1.

          1. I completely agree (as an Irish person living in Ireland) that Ireland is type 4. DYT has helped me so much in understanding why in the past, as a type 1, i haven’t naturally fit in here. Yes, Ireland can be friendly and sociable but people are by and large very private and stay within their own groups. I would say Irish people are polite and will greet you kindly but boundaries, structure and tradition are very important within the culture.

        2. I’ve spent an month is India and the majority of the people live in very rural settings. Bollywood gives a very tainted view of India, the people there are so lovely , warm and caring. It’s hot and crowded until you get out in to the country, where it is still hot, yet less crowded and that is where you feel the Type 2 vibe.

    2. Thanks for sharing, I think Japan is very Type 4 as they have been able to maintain an exclusivity to their culture based on their no immigration laws. This keeps the culture consistent over many generations.

  3. I would not have thought of China as a T1 country. The communism seems so heavy. The perfectionism of the Olympics seems heavy. Yet, we have two sisters from China at our church. One is T1 and the other is T2 yet they both have a lightness to them. Is there a disconnect between the common people and the government that leads to the perception vs reality? My son is going there for this next school year and we hope to go visit so maybe we will find out for ourselves.

    1. I agree with you. I would say Type 4, based on the little I know about China and what my Chinese friends tell me.

      1. If you went there you would immediately experience the Type 1 movement of the Chinese culture. I was surprised myself when I traveled there for a month. When tourism was increasing in the early 2000, they had to educate the people on how to stand in lines and honor other people’s personal space!

        1. Carol, that is so funny! And my secondary type 4 got a bit anxious reading your description of people not standing in line LOL!!

    2. I have a few Chinese friends (and I have consumed a lot of Chinese media) and they are definitely type 1. The government maybe type 4, but the people love to be social, cute fashion/media/art, loud, they’re very very silly (in a good way), they like fast things, lots of variety there, and the traditional food is pretty light.

    3. Spending time in a country allows you to feel the energy and movement of the culture. I have spent several weeks in China and it is definitely a Type 1 country.

    4. I think we need to remember that communism has only had its hold on China for a relatively short time of its long and storied history. China existed long before communism and, assuredly, it will exist long after…

  4. Don’t agree that Australia is a T2. It isn’t softly spoken. I agree about Canada – I have lived in both and Australia is very similar to the US.

      1. The original article said Australia is Type 2, but then when she spoke to someone on the live video, she talked about it being Type 1 so must have edited the article.

        I’m a type 1 Australian and wish our clothes shops stocked more T1 tints!

  5. This explains why Hawaii is my dream vacation. I’ve always wanted to go there and see their dancing. I’ve always loved how they show stories with their dancing and moving their hips like they do. Plus I love dancing and learning new dances. T1/2

  6. I’m a T4 living in the US, and yes, I notice the fast pace! My favorite place I’ve visited is Bosnia, but I’m not sure what the “national type” would be. I also enjoy visiting higher-energy places sometimes.
    My husband is from Tajikistan. I’m not 100% sure of his type, possibly 4/2 like me. I was only in Tajikistan for a few weeks, and that was in winter, so I didn’t get to know the national character too well. I’d guess, from my limited experience, that it has a T2 character. The social “rules” and structure are more relaxed than they are in some other Asian countries such as Japan and India. I didn’t sense high movement and the bazaars were not noisy. They have poets on their banknotes.

  7. What type is France?? My family is French, and I always loved going there growing up! Families and friends sit around the table eating great foods for hours, there’s a more laid back approach to their lifestyle (paired realistically with having to get to work on time most days)- but just enjoy family and friend and just enjoy life! What type is that? Type 2?? Type 1? I don’t know!

      1. I swear that wasn’t there when I read it!!!! COOL!! No wonder I feel so great when I’m in France!!!

  8. I’m glad you made this post. Ever since I discovered DYT I knew for sure Japan and Germany are Type 4 countries (preciseness, exactness, value, respect, efficiency, their care and respect for time,…). I love both countries and am interested in their languages and culture. I’ve been to Germany and my dream is to go to Japan. When I read ‘It’s Just My Nature’ I didn’t like how you portrayed these 2 countries. I’ll quote this from the book: “Japan, France, England, and Germany have all historically been known to try and dominate through war.” I felt a negative connotation and that it wasn’t a fair description and wondered why you didn’t state the points you did here in this post in the book. So thank you for sharing this.

    1. This content may have been a much more recent realisation for Carol? On occasion she corrects herself and lets us know the new understanding.

  9. I am a T2 who grew up in T3 Russia and now living in a T3 USA (NYC!). The high energy of these countries has definitely thrown me off balance.
    France is my favorite country to visit and I feel like I would fit right in there, bring on the lavender fields… Canada is my other favorite, especially the French part. These are both T2 countries, so no wonder I am attracted to them the most.
    Bermuda is my favorite vacation spot. The island is so lush, with a lot of curves, slow-paced, people are super friendly and soft-spoken. And the beach is one of the best in the world. I wonder if Bermuda is also T2.

  10. I am fascinated, intrigued, and surprised that NZ is down as T2. It’s borne of immigrants (many people, myself included, are first generation NZers), the scenery is dynamic, and many top pastimes are active. There is also serene beauty and people love to connect, but….
    I would have thought T3/S1 – there is a real push to do things (look at the current PM for instance), and who could ignore the haka….!
    I live in Scotland now and it is definitely T4.

    1. Yes, agreed. We’re known for our outdoorsy adventures, climbing mountains etc, and both most recent formal prime ministers are textbook type 3s! They are fascinating to watch. I think we’re too subversive to be T2. I would have picked ¼ or 3/2 as I think we lead with extraversion?

      1. Exactly. Subversive is a good observation, be it the #8 wire ingenuity or the first country to give women the vote (or various other “firsts”). Hence why I think 3/1. I’m not sure we’re structured enough (comparatively) for S4.

        1. True to my nature, I thought more about it after posting and have come to see NZ is type 2 in many, many ways. Especially form an outsiders perspective and comparing to other nations.

          1. Hi Lillybeth, the energy of New Zealand is so fluid and comfortable. The details in the scenic landscapes is remarkable and one of a kind.

    2. Once you’ve felt the push forward movement of a Type 3 culture, NZ is not the same. For instance, the United States and Italy is very Type 3, people are always in a hurry, they talk loud, the energy has an aggression to it. It is possible that NZ is a Type 2/3!

      1. I see what you mean. We were in Italy last month, and even in resort areas (like Lake Como) there was the passion/ push forward in the talking. The states I’ve visited have been so varied, but can see reference points. I guess it’s hard to be objective about something one knows so well (especially because I tend to be hyper-sensitive to perceived stereotypes of home which sometimes results in me missing the point that stereotypes sometimes start from a place of truth). Thanks for clarifying!

  11. Just come back from a week’s holiday in Italy. I loved it there and loved everything about it, food, culture scenery. We found the people very friendly and helpful.

    1. I agree! We went to Italy for our honeymoon and I’ve been a few other times. I found Italians to be the friendliest people I’ve met, they can’t do enough for you can they 🙂

  12. I have always said that Hawaii is filled with people like me! Type 1 YAAAAAY!! I don’t think of Spain as Type 4. As far as their government. Spain is Type 3 – filled with rebels in literature, art, and in politics – Spain isn’t even united in many ways. There have always been bastions of people that want to separate from the government. Plus it’s still very regional in personality – Basques, Catalans, Gallegos, etc.

  13. I don’t see Ireland as a T4 country? I think it was mentioned as T2 in one of Carol’s books. The people have a laid back easy going vibe.

  14. Very interesting to see which types you have for each country. I would disagree with Italy and Ireland though- my experience of Italians is they are lively, bubbly, friendly, talkative and the same with Irish people. I’d type them both as type 1 countries. Why do you think they are type 3 and 4 respectively?

    1. Italy has a push forward substantial energy that has been expressing in their culture for eons! The Romans!! I would Type Italy as a 3/1 that is where you experience the 1ness, but they difeintely lead with a push. Ireland is a 4/1 culture – look at how serene and bold the landscape is. And they kind of like being left alone! Once you’ve been to a true Type 1 country like Mexico and China, you feel the difference!

      1. Yes, that could be the situation with Italy. Whenever I’ve been to Italy, Italians interrupt all the time when I’m talking, generally with information they think will help me (even if it doesn’t) 3/1 would be a good reason for seeing a type 1 in them.
        Still not sure on Ireland- maybe its just Irish people who come and live in England who are the cute and bubbly type 1s who seem very sociable and talkative (compared to the English). Maybe the Irish who stay at home are the type 4s.
        I haven’t been to Mexico or China, that sounds like a reason to go and see.

    1. I’ve lived there for over a year, and I would guess either 4 or 1 but I’m not the best at guessing other peoples/countries types.

  15. I am a T1 and grew up in Germany and Finland and both are T4! They have a bit different flavours, Germany maybe has more 3 with the 4 and Finland more 2 with the 4. I felt a bit more comfortable in Finland and chose to live here because they are not as much in my face here 😉 A few years ago I lived in Mexico for 6 months and I felt so much at home! It was a healing experience, I started to relax and became more relaxed and more confident during my stay there. I still often feel too animated, too light and that I have too much movement here in Finland. But knowing it is my true nature and gift helps a lot. Also it is difficult to find T1 clothes here.

    Another country I have come in contact with it Turkey, as my hubby is from Turkey. I am not completely sure about Turkey´s type but I see T2 and T1. What types do others here see in Turkey?

  16. Very interesting. I’ve always wondered if different countries have different Types of energy and now I know!

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