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Curb the Edge: How to Find Balance in Your Wardrobe

Photos, tips, and insight from Sarah to find the dynamic balance in your outfits!

Ever feel like there’s just something off about your rockin’ Type 3 outfit?

I’ve been there.

Especially when I was a newbie at this Dressing Your Truth stuff. We get so excited about it and we want to edge it up! And we go big or go home right?!

But is it possible your outfit can be too dynamic, too edgy?!

I’m here to tell you YES! You can have too much edge in an outfit.

You might be thinking “Sarah! You’re telling me after all the hours of videos I watched of you drilling into my brain that I look best in edgy stuff, that now my newfound passion for texture and triangles might need to calm down a bit?!”

Well, I’m not saying that necessarily.

It’s more like: let’s channel that passion for edge in the perfect way and learn just how to incorporate it — in the right amount — to honor your amazing, adventurous self!

3 easy steps to perfectly balance the “edge” in your outfits:

1. Pick an item to be the “highlight” or “featured” piece in the outfit.

Think of this as your showstopper! This could be a top, pants, a necklace, scarf, or even your shoes. You want one key feature in your item to stand out from the rest.

2. Choose items that support your featured piece, instead of compete with it.

This could look like a solid top or bottom to contrast an awesome pattern of the featured piece. Think neutrals, complementary colors, or similar colors that draw the eye back to that main piece.

3. Select jewelry and accessories that harmonize with your featured piece.

Don’t forget the power of your Type 3 accessories! We’re talking shoes, jewelry, scarves, belts, etc. Without them, your outfit will feel like it’s missing something. But with too many, it could all clash together and cause a confusing look.

Let’s see all of this in action!

If you are like me, a visual learner, you’re going to enjoy this. It’s always good to see what I mean with pictures.

Notice in this first outfit how all these pieces separately are pretty hot stuff.


That rockin’ vest, great patterned shirt, fantastic layering, substantial jewelry, etc. are all spot-on Type 3.

The only problem is — I’m lost in it!

And the unique features of the items I’m wearing are lost too.

Because there’s so much going on, the eye goes straight to the outfit, trying to figure out what to look at. You don’t want this! When you dress your truth, you want the outfit to support you and bring attention to your face and eyes.

Here’s my second outfit.

Notice how this outfit supports me and directs the attention to my face.

Also notice how flattering the vest and necklace are. Since I’m showcasing them, you can really see their detail.

I removed the thick, chunky belt and replaced it with a skinny — yet still dynamic — belt. And I only wore one necklace instead of two. Only three bracelets instead of five.

This way you notice each piece more readily and they don’t get lost in a mess of metal!

Ready to try this out yourself?

You’re so capable and I know you’ve got this! I can’t wait to see the ways you accentuate your dynamic, go-getter nature!

Experiment with this and show off what you come up with in our Type 3 community!


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  1. Great! I had been noticing that I had to put everything on and then start taking stuff off until it felt right, lately. : ) Also, I wanted to tell you thank you for the makeup suggestions. That mascara that you suggested along with everything else is really helping my look! Thanks, Sarah <3

  2. Good points Sarah…although, i think that secondaries play such an interesting role in our styling. For example, the first outfit would support my punch much more than the second one….and i notice, that the second outfit seems to match what i know of your expression. the first outfit seems to have me written all over it and it makes me feel right on…..the second outfit would make me feel tired. Hence, in retrospect, i think the more one hones in on their style and their supportive secondaries, i think the way they dress will reflect them best.

    1. I think you bring up a great point here Jenn! Yes secondaries play in to this for sure. But I think these principles can still be applied to any secondary. For you, you may want to have more movement overall than I do but still try and pick where you want the focal point of the outfit to be in order to not “over do it” so to say. Thanks so much for your great comments and thoughts!!! You rock!

    2. With the exception of the two necklaces, I would remove the same one Sarah did, and maybe not 5 bracelets, I find myself also drawn to the first outfit more. I do like the second one also. I am currently at a stage that I am learning to wear more pattern than I used to, so that may be a factor as well.

  3. My picture certainly doesn’t depict my 3 type, but this reminds me of something.Coco Chanel once said “Get yourself fully dressed and then, before walking out the front door, pause by the mirror and remove one item.”

  4. Hi Sarah, thanks for the post! I kind of see where you’re going with it, but I think I would still be guilty of leaning towards too much edge. Would it be possible to provide a few more visual examples?

    1. Great suggestion Irene! A great way to see more visuals is for you awesome ladies to post examples of your outfits here. Try not to over think it too much. The key is, does the outfit feel off to you? If no then it is probably ok. If yes, then it is possible to scale back the edge a bit.

  5. I loved seeing this example!!! Sometimes I feel like I have too much on, even though I know that compared to some, I’m a lightweight when it comes to the amount of things. I like the concept of picking a focal! It seems sooo logical, but I never thought about it!!!! I’m soooo thankful you all are here to teach me how to dress!

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