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How to Get Amazing Curls with a Flat Iron

Do you have straight hair but want more curls? It’s so easy—you can have them! Whether your hair is long or short, and no matter your Type of beauty, you can have beautiful curls within minutes!

With just a flat iron and a couple products, Type 3 Expert Sarah goes from stick-straight to curly in this video. We’d love to see your before & afters, so share your own pictures in the comments below!

Quick links to the hair products Sarah uses:

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  1. Thanks for the great tips! I still get frizz when using a flat iron to curl, but will keep practicing.

  2. Thank you Sarah! I had some “aha’s” and am inspired to try this again. LOVE your haircut – trying to grow out the front of mine so I can do the a-line bob this summer. <3

  3. I am always amazed that people can go more than two days between washing. My hair feels so gross on day 2 that I am tempted to wash before the end of the day! Thanks for the nice demo.

    1. Dry shampoo will help immensely! I have naturally “greasy” hair, and before discovering dry shampoo, I never used to be able to get more than two days out of a wash. Now I can go three or four!

      1. I guess I must be using it wrong, because when I use dry shampoo, my scalp feels good for a couple of hours, but then it starts to itch and goes limp and I can’t wait to wash it. I must have an overactive scalp, as well.

        1. Me too, and I hate the feeling of a lot of product in my hair… by day 2 after hairspray it is all I can do not to hop in the shower. I also find that texturizing sprays and dry shampoos look great for about 30 minutes before falling and weighing down my hair.

  4. I love you Sarah but this way waay too quick for me. I’m a type 1 so not a slow movement but when you’re new to using a flat iron for curls you need a slow step by step video. How to hold the iron, twist your wrist,etc…. thanks

  5. How do you deal with stinky hair? By the end of day 2 my hair smells bad, especially if I have spent time out in the wind.

    1. I hear what you’re saying! 🙂 The KMS Hair Play Dry Shampoo has a slightly scented powder that will help with the stink. Otherwise, it’s a matter of taking a look at, how much you’ve been outside, around campfire, etc. and perhaps washing a day early if necessary. The outside elements have a tendency to throw off my “washing days” sometimes:) Also, it could be that your scalp is just trying to get accustomed to two days before washing. So, with the help of the dry shampoo, you can go one extra day before washing. One idea could be to more gradually work into the 2 day plan. Try going an extra 1/2 day then wash the hair-on day 1.5:) Next time, try 2 days. Next time go back to 1 or 1.5 days. Go back and forth as much as you need to, until your scalp feels confident in moving forward and doesn’t feel it needs to produce so much oil, which oil contributes to the stink. Hope this is helpful!

  6. Thank you so much for the great tutorial! I’ve tried using a straightener before but just couldn’t figure it out. Now I’ve got it and curling my hair everyday which really helps my transition from pixie to bob.

    1. Great question Shelly! I find that a 1-in flat iron is a versatile size. It is really great for most lengths of hair and gives the most variety of styling options too. You can use it for waves, buckles, bends, and added texture:)

  7. Great tutorial Sarah, I picked up some excellent tips!! I have been using a flat iron to curl my hair for years, and more specifically every day for the past 2 months as I grow my hair out a bit. Recently I have been very frustrated as the curls all join together so appreciate the tip about putting a different bend in the hair to stop that! Can’t wait to try out these new techniques. I actually signed up for Lifestyle just so I could watch this tutorial!

    1. Cara, this is Kathy from Carol’s support team. We are so happy to hear that you signed up for Lifestyle! We trust that you will love the content and support! Please be sure to share some Before & After pictures with us. We would love to see them!

  8. Thanks for this helpful video. Do I have to blow dry my hair before using the flat iron? Can I let my hair air-dry then style it? Thanks.

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