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How Dressing Your Truth Supports Men Too

Can Dressing Your Truth benefit the man in your life?

I wholeheartedly believe it can!

In honor of Father’s Day, this episode of #CarolTuttleTV is with my all-male guest panel. Listen to their experiences about how Dressing Your Truth has given them more confidence, improved their communication, and made a positive difference in their lives!

You’ll also hear us answer questions from our live viewers, such as:

  • What’s the benefit for a man to dress his truth?
  • Any advice for how I can get my husband into Dressing Your Truth?
  • Does the Men’s DYT Course come with Style Guides for men?
  • Plus even more Energy Profiling tips for men

Follow me on Facebook to watch #CarolTuttleTV live and also to access the full listing of #CarolTuttleTV episodes.

Purchase the DYT Men’s Course!

See how Dressing Your Truth and Energy Profiling benefited these men:

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  1. Where is Carol’s youngest son Mario, these days? I remember seeing he is a type 1. Its also nice to see how grown up Mark is now, he was so young when I first watched these videos but now he’s a real adult.

    1. Hello Catherine, this is Kristine from Carol’s support team. How wonderful that you have been with us all this time and watching Carol’s family grow. Mario is enjoying life and having fun in his random Type 1 way. Mark has been working with us for several years now and enjoys participating on camera. We are all grateful for the insights that he is able to share. Thank you for being a part of our community. We appreciate you!

  2. I’m nearly positive my husband is a T4/S3. His childhood is full of T4 tendencies and his face/body movements are symmetrical and bold, plus there is a supporting “get it done” and substantial quality. Sadly his wardrobe is nearly all T2 grays and muted greens and blues except for the pants which are spot on T4. He will wear black, but doesn’t at all like bold hews, and thinks a white button up reminds him of a waiters uniform so he won’t wear them. I think he would like and wear Marks shirt though. I am going to attempt to find him more shirts true to his type and experiment with how he feels like John suggested.

  3. It helped me to hear Carols husband say that when he dresses in his clothes they remind him of his T2 nature. We haven’t heard this before from any of the women in the videos!

  4. I kept imagining that all 3 of these special people in Carol’s life must be wonderful bosses. You would just know how to approach them. They are so authentic.

  5. My husband says he doesnt need someone else to tell him what he needs to wear. I think he likes to look good but clothes are totally not his priority. The funny thing is, he will ask me what type he is and when he buys clothing asks what color would be good for him. I explained to him that others (like customers etc.) will take him more seriously when the outside matches the inside and I think he likes to be effective and get results, so he likes that part.

  6. So awesome to see you and your husband hang out. Letting the other express their true self and how you chuckle and laugh at that is inspiring! Thank you!

  7. Please make the Men’s DYT course with all four types! My hubby wants to do it, but doesn’t feel confident to choose one.

    1. YAY!! Thank you for listening to and acting upon this request! My hubby said yes to buying the Men’s Course now that it has all four types. We’re enjoying watching all the videos together. This is helping him confirm his T4 nature. LOVE IT!

  8. Yes please make the course for all four types 🙂 I bought the type three course for my husband and I believe he’s a 3/2. But I think he would feel more confident if he could watch the different types. This video was really helpful just in watching the mannerisms and body movement of these three men. The more Men in dressing your truth that he can see the more he’ll identify his own movement. I also have three sons. Watching your type four son was very confirming for me about one of my boys. Thanks a millIon~

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