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Can Every Type of Person Be Sentimental?

Are Type 2 people the only sentimental type of person?

Is it possible for every Type of person to be sentimental? What does that look like across different personalities?

You may think that a soft & subtle Type 2 person is the only kind who would be sentimental, but it actually varies across the 4 different Energy Types.

In this video you’ll see how Carol and each of the Dressing Your Truth Experts express their sentimental side and how it adds value to their lives:

Jaleah, a bright & animated Type 1 woman connects and disconnects easily when she engages in memories and photos.

Anne, a soft & subtle Type 2 woman consistently kept a journal her whole life and routinely creates family videos.

Sarah, a rich & dynamic Type 3 woman keeps special objects for practical reasons and prefers fast, easy memory keeping.

Kalista, a bold & striking Type 4 woman prefers sentimental items that give her a sense of identity and feeling grounded.

You’ll love seeing yourself in their preferences. You could even get a clue to your own Energy Type!

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Video transcript

Carol: Can every Type of person be sentimental? Today’s panel discussion will share some valuable insights into this experience of our lives.

Joining me today is our Type 1 expert, Jaleah our Type 2 expert Anne, Type 3 Sarah, and Type 4 expert, Kalista. And I think it’s a stereotype to think, well, Type 2s, because you have an emotional connection with the world, you really experience your world through emotion, that you would be the most sentimental, or for to say, “Which Type is sentimental?” “Oh, it’d be Type 2.”

Anne: Yeah, because we have… Being sentimental is feelings of tenderness or a nostalgia, and so that connects you to the past.

Carol: Connects you to a memory.

Anne: Yeah. And as a Type 2, I am sentimental. Just some examples in ways that I am sentimental experience that every year, I create a family video and a family photo book. I like to keep things from the past. I have to, like, keep checks on that so it doesn’t become too much. All three of my kids have been named after a family member, and so there’s that connection there. You share in the “It’s Just My Nature!” book that I’ve kept my blanket. I actually brought it today. It’s been in storage.

Sarah: It’s in rags.

Anne: I still do have it. But I slept with it every night till I was 21 and obviously, it’s been very loved.

Carol: I thought she should use it as her wedding veil.

Kalista: Did you make this, Carol?

Carol: No, actually, it was a group of women that gifted it that were a quilting group and they gifted it. It was really cute.

Sarah: It’s so sheer now.

Jaleah: What color was it originally?

Carol: It was pink.

Anne: It was pink, with little bears and balloons and, like, hot air balloons.

Carol: It was handmade. It wasn’t patchwork. It was actually a quilted whole piece that was quilted on the top.

Anne: Wouldn’t they love to know how much I’ve appreciated it?

Carol: I know. Maybe they’re watching. This is a well-loved gift.

Sarah: That’s awesome.

Anne: Yeah. It wasn’t until I, like, had been in college for a couple years that I decided I was, you know, could put it away. But…

Jaleah: How would you sleep with it?

Anne: It was, like… Now, I have a body pillow and I’m, like, that’s how this acted, as, like, my little pillow up here. And I would smell it. That sensory expression. Now it smells a little dusty. So, there’s that sentiment and keeping things. I’ve always been a journaler since I was very, like, since I was eight years old. I have a consistent journal, keeping photos. So, I think…

Carol: You still watch home videos from your childhood.

Anne: Yeah, I’m the only one of your kids that reaches for the home videos…

Carol: …finds that entertaining.

Anne: I’m, like, “Oh, sit down and enjoy it,” and everyone’s like, “See ya later.” I enjoy that. I think the purpose is just connecting to the past and kind of reliving those feelings and those moments, and just seeing the big picture of the past, present, future, and…

Carol: So, I think you’re sort of the baseline of what we think of sentiment as. Like, okay, that is a truly sentimental person. So, now, let’s look at the variables of that based on these other three Types, and how, you know, in your case, how is it not quite like that?

Sarah: Yeah. So, I mean, there are some things that are similar to that. I’m a secondary 2, so I identify with a few things that Anne says, but very different in the sense that a lot of my sentiment has a purpose to it, as being Type 3, very practical. The things I save have a purpose, so, like, I have every dance costume since I was four years old in a couple bins in my basement. And my purpose for that is when my girls are big enough, I’m gonna get them out and let them play with them and…

Anne: And you’ve accomplished a lot in those dance uniforms.

Carol: Yeah, they represent a lot of the things that you did.

Sarah: Yeah. That’s actually very true. I, like, have every picture from those in a binder.

Anne: You probably received awards, there are recitals, there’s something…

Sarah: Yeah. It’s all organized. I do have some things that I’ve saved that are disorganized that I’ll probably end up throwing out. But, yeah, I mean, I definitely love that sense of accomplishment when I look at those things.

Carol: Yeah, that makes sense. I owned horses when I was younger and I would compete in gymkhana, like, barrel racing, pole bending. I have all the ribbons I won.

Sarah: Okay, yeah. You can see the accomplishment.

Carol: Then I used to do…

Anne: Marathons. You have all your…

Carol: Yeah, all my medals from my marathons. And, then, I was hired at a young age to put together needlepoint kits, so they were displayed in the sewing stores. Like, I was 12, 13 years old. And I have all… And I could keep them after they used them. I have all those. So, it’s funny. It’s representing this result or something we did.

Sarah: Accomplishment, results. There was a purpose. Yeah. I also have a porcelain doll collection that I collected since I was a young girl, in boxes in my basement. And I’ve thought several times to throw them out, but there’s a sense of accomplishment of having all those dolls. I don’t know what to do with them all.

Carol: And all the time it took you to collect it in. Right.

Sarah: I don’t know what I’m gonna do.

Carol: It’s an investment you’ve made.

Anne: I was a very big collector. Keychains, pens, spoons. And I had to check myself, like, is this bringing me value? Or am I just holding on to it? And I did get rid of most of it.

Kalista: I’ve never collected.

Anne: Do you scrapbook?

Kalista: No, do you scrapbook?

Sarah: So, no. I mean, not in the real sense of the word. I used to, like, judge myself for not scrapbooking. I have tons of friends that were really into it. All my Type 2 and Type 4 friends that love that would do these elaborate scrapbooks and I would try, but it just never worked out. And, so, I’ve been so grateful for Chatbooks that connects with Instagram. It’s a great app. It just prints all my Instagram photos. Every sixty pages, it prints them.

Carol: That’s why you do Instagram, is to get the Chatbooks.

Sarah: That’s why I do Instagram. Exactly. And I feel like it’s a perfect way for me to scrapbook, because I wouldn’t…

Carol: It’s like scrapbook on autopilot.

Sarah: Yeah. I’ve been wanting to make a baby book for my girls for three years now, and it hasn’t happened. Like, I have all the stuff, like, in a little box. And I’m, like, I’ll scrapbook this. But it just doesn’t… It just hasn’t happened. So, but I love…

Anne: And I was the one, I made you a book for your baby shower, like, of your, like, maternity photos of you and Cara and Chris and stuff.

Sarah: Yeah, yeah. I still have that, yeah. So, I put that book, actually, with all of my Chatbooks on our little, like, our coffee table in our family room. My girls just sit and look through them. And that, for me, is, again, has a sense of result. That they’re able to experience it hands-on, remember things. They’re like, “Mama, I was a little baby.” And they’ll wanna look at those. And they’re cheap and inexpensive, so if they break or tear them or whatever, I can easily replace them. But that’s the way I scrapbook. And I…

Carol: Makes sense to me.

Sarah: Yeah. And I can get sentimental and have emotion about past experience. It typically has to do with my girls, you know, I’ll go through and watch videos or pictures of them sometimes and I’ll get emotional about that. Or, you know, family members that have passed on. I’ll get that thing out. But it doesn’t last for very long. I won’t, like, it won’t be very purposeful, too. It will just kinda just happen, and then I’ll be, like, “Oh, that’s great.” And then I’ll move on. So, it’s not, like, “Oh, I’m gonna sit and read all…” I know you’ve mentioned, like, she’ll sit and read all of her journals. Like, two weeks, you read every single journal entry. Like…

Anne: I did. That was a very emotional experience. Like, I was doing the KonMari and so, I was going through every item I owned. And I read every single journal in a two week period.

Kalista: I was on a trip with Anne. She’s in the airplane reading her journal. I was like, “Wow.”

Carol: It’s too painful for me to read my journals.

Anne: I know. There were some that were like…

Carol: I’m, like, glad it’s over.

Sarah: With journaling, I would also judge myself, because I wouldn’t want to sit and take the time. So, I used to do, once a week, I would journal about the week. And now it’s, like, once a month. But still, I’ll…

Anne: You can just catalog your to-do list. You can just put your stick to do lists…

Carol: You’ve got your Chatbooks to remember everything with.

Sarah: I know. That’s my journal.

Anne: Journaling looks so different in this day and age, too.

Sarah: It does.

Kalista: It does. That’s true.

Anne: What about you, Kalista?

Kalista: So, I’ve kept a journal since I was little. My mom started a… We homeschooled, and so part of our homeschool was we would write in a journal every day. So, I have that journal. But it took me until I was 18 to fill it all the way up. So, I would often, like, kind of judge myself because my sister’s a Type 2. And she would just fill journal after journal after journal, and scrapbook, and save things. And I’m, like.

Anne: You’re very concise.

Kalista: Like, should I care? Should I care that much? Am I, like, too stoic? Am I, like, an unfeeling ice cube or something? But once I learned about Dressing Your Truth, I understood that, like, as her Type 2 nature, that’s her way of expressing herself. And she takes in so many senses, and so it’s good for her to be able to let those pour through her rather than just keeping them all inside. But for me, my journaling is more like, you know, like, a paragraph. Blah blah blah, this happened, these people were there, da da da. It’s, like, sad.

Carol: Probably, like, it’s a record.

Anne: More factual.

Kalista: Yeah, it’s more like a factual record. Unless it’s, like, a deep emotion that I’m processing, then those are different kinds of journal entries. But growing up, my dad, he’s a Type 4, and I think this is where I get this sense of grounded, knowing who I am. And that’s what…that sentiment comes from that. So, he had a lot of family histories around, and we were always free to look at them and read through them. We would visit cemeteries and historical landmarks. His family’s all from this area and has been here for about 150 years, so all of our family things are within just day trips. So, we spent a lot of time digging deep into that. Knowing who I am gives me that sense of loyalty and groundedness and sense of identity. So, that nostalgia comes in for me in understanding who they were, where they’ve lived, where they died, what they did, how many children they had, their stories.

Carol: Knowing their stories.

Kalista: And that gives me that identity of groundedness. So, growing up, and even now, I save those things that give me that sense of knowing who I am and understanding the process of my life. And the Type 4 gift for editing helps me know how to really get rid of those extra things, those things that aren’t really serving that story and that record. And keeping those things that are really important to each of those landmark, pivotal moments of my life, and in the life of my family and my children now. So, I save those things. Also, like Anne, all of my children have a family name, and we’ve named them after a person of their same Type.

Anne: Oh, that’s neat.

Kalista: Unintentionally, really.

Carol: Oh, really? That’s interesting.

Kalista: So, they’re named after a person of their same Type. And it’s been fun to see that develop in them. We named my daughter Hazel, who’s a Type 3 secondary 1 after my mom, who’s a Type 3 secondary 1, and their personalities are very similar. And then my daughter Evelyn is named after her great-grandmother, who’s a Type 2. And then my son Henry, we named him after my great-great-grandfather and reading more about him, I’ve discovered, “Oh, wow, he was a Type 4.” And, like, he was a small man and my little guy’s a very petite little guy. So, it’s been fun to make those connections and get that sense of identity in who we are.

Sarah: That’s cool.

Kalista: I do save things, but it’s not a lot. I probably have, you know, two or three boxes of things that I’ve saved from my life. Scrapbooking’s not something I enjoy doing. I did my wedding book, but that was only because I knew I had to do it right when I got married. So, I just laid it all out and for a week our house looked like a scrapbooking extravaganza. And I got it all done, and it was done, and that is the only scrapbook I’ve ever completed. And it’ll probably be the only scrapbook I ever complete. I’ve tried. I have, like, a few that I’ve started. But it’s not something I enjoy. Just getting out all the little nitty gritties and the little stickers and tapes and pages and…

Anne: I don’t do that type of scrapbooking. It’s all digital.

Kalista: It’s too laborious.

Anne: Are you a scrapbooker?

Jaleah: Well, it’s funny because I’m very true to my Type with nostalgia. I’m connect and disconnect. So, with scrapbooking, I’ll have periods of my life where I have an amazing scrapbook. And then there’s others that, like, there’s no record kept of it at all. And they’re really, like, random scrapbooking, too. You know, like, pictures, cut out shapes, la la la, like, blech, all in these scrapbooks. And then some that are not. In my adult life, I’m very much… I can keep all my albums on a Moments app that I have on my phone. And when I want to, I, like, dive deep and I feel, and I get really into it…

Anne: You just go, like, way back to the past?

Jaleah: Oh, yeah, I get way back. And I can, like, get entranced in it for hours. And then I’m done with it and I don’t think about it again for like a month or a month or two. Something that has been really nice is on my TV screen, I have a screen saver that goes, and it’s all our family memories. So, it’s really fun. I’ll be, like, doing my dishes or something and like, the screensaver will pop up and I’ll see different memories pass by and I’m, like, “Oh, that’s really fun.” So, I don’t have to get super deep with that. But it’s just nice that it’s just quick and flashes by me. But when I do get nostalgic, it is deep, heavy, dark. Sometimes I just wanna feel. And then I’m done with it.

So, like my mom, she kept all of her cheerleading outfits for me, so I kept all mine for a girl, if I have a girl. And I used to have a ton of stuff, but when I got married, my husband talked me into getting rid of most of it because he didn’t…

Anne: Do you regret that?

Jaleah: No. Why did I keep it, anyways? I never went in and looked at it.

Anne: I think Type 1s, though, knowing other Type 1s, that have kept a lot of stuff, it’s like, “Well, maybe.” It’s like the possibilities.

Jaleah: That was it, exactly. And we’re going through boxes and he’s, like, “Why would you keep this?” I was, like, “I don’t know. But I really like it.” And, like, “When was the last time you looked at it?” “I haven’t.” You know? So, okay, we’ll get rid of it. So, I’m down to a little group of things, but the little group of things are great. Like, old videos of my performances and things that I will go back and watch and get deep and heavy and then I’ll move on to something else.

Carol: I love that in Lifestyle content we’re able to explore how we experience our emotional self with more breadth and depth to it. And then have that conversation in the Facebook Lifestyle community page, where the conversation then is really brought to life. And you get to hear the stories and the examples. So, we’d love for you to join us in the Lifestyle…

Anne: Yeah, in Lifestyle, we’ve talked about how every Type can be empathetic, how every Type expresses anger, or sadness. And it’s a really fun place if you’re enjoying the discussion of energy profiling, Lifestyle is the place to go to dive deeper.

Carol: Yeah. To really get to know yourself better, and those people that you deal with every day in your lives, so you can support honoring their truth. That’s a great asset to me. Three of you are family members. It’s really served in understanding the nature of those you love and care about, so you can truly show forth that kind of consideration.

How are you sentimental in your life? How do you experience and express sentiment? Share in a comment.

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