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Exercise & Fitness Tips for Each Type of Woman

Honoring your natural tendencies is the secret to exercise success!

The secret to health and fitness…

Isn’t really a secret. It’s all in the approach. Watch the video for your Type and I’ll share with you the tips you need for success in your exercise goals!

Type 1: Psst…want to know a secret for creating a successful fitness routine as a Type 1?

Here you go: honor your natural movement, keep it fun, and change it up! In the world of fitness, you usually hear the opposite message: it has to be intense, heavy, and hard. But watch in this video as I share why this approach won’t work for you, and what you can do to change it!

Affirmation: I am coming up with playful, fun ways to make exercise interesting and enjoyable. I am committed, and I follow through because I’m having so much fun with it.

As a Type 1, you have so many bright ideas about how to keep your fitness routine fresh and fabulous.

Type 2: In the world of fitness and exercise, you often hear the phrase, “No pain, no gain.” But as a Type 2, do you agree?

If you’ve felt burnt out and run-down from hard, intense, and aggressive exercise regimens, you’re not alone! In this video, I take the conflict and struggle out of fitness. I give incredible tips on how to make your exercise routines soft, subtle, relaxed, and calming. Ahhh…that sounds better already, doesn’t it?

Affirmation: I am grateful that I am sensitive to my choices when it comes to my fitness experience. I’m always making choices that are nurturing to my well-being.

How do you keep your fitness routine relaxed and successful?

Type 3: Activity and fitness? This is right up your alley!

But because of your drive and love of big results, you could easily burn yourself out! In this video, I share many tips to help you create a plan so that you get the results you want—all while honoring your go-getter attitude.

Affirmation: I am grateful that I am making choices with my fitness that are balanced and healthy for my Type 3 energy that keeps me on a long-term fitness plan.

How do you keep your fitness routine grounded and successful?

Type 4: When it comes to fitness and exercise, Type 4 women tend to have an all-or-nothing approach.

But what if you want a more balanced, consistent regimen that also gets you the results you strive for?

Today I’m going to share tips that will help you do just that. You’ll discover how your Type 4 tendencies can be your greatest asset when creating a structured, solitary fitness routine. You’ll also be inspired with confidence as you learn ways to get back on track if you’ve fallen off course. Watch to learn more…

Affirmation: I am successful with my approach and choices with fitness and exercise. I am using my natural gifts and tendencies to create satisfying and fulfilling outcomes.

How do you keep your fitness routine balanced and successful?

Share your ideas in the comments below!

Helpful resources to support your fitness journey:

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  1. Fab! I like dance DVDs, aqua aerobics, rebounder, outdoor gyms in the park, walking, games like rounders, tai chi, and gardening, v true it’s important to pick and mix

  2. I’ve had fun in a walking group. After dropping kids off at school, several moms meet at the local indoor mall for an hour of walking while chatting. Great conversations, and the kids who are too young for school enjoy being wheeled around the mall in their strollers. The time passes so fast! A wonderful way to start the day. 🙂

  3. I love how you emphasized that we don’t have to work out in a t3/t4 manner. Like you said, that’s how ‘they’ say you ‘should’ do it and I felt like a failure. And I love the story of your daughter and how she met people during running. That sounds like a lot of fun! 🙂

  4. Carol, I teach a variety of active older adult fitness classes. It is super fun and I can connect with them. Plus, since it’s a job it holds me accountable for being there! LOL I’m in charge, so we get to do different things, in different order all the time. There is a “loose” structure that honors my T3 and T4 clients :). I bring my joyful energy to them and they are very receptive. I let them modify the exercises to fit their needs so everyone feels included, no matter what their physical abilities! I encourage them, we smile, laugh and the classes continue to grow as the word spreads that there is a fun, energetic, encouraging teacher available. I’m in great shape again and it’s a perfect fit for my natural gifts, since have a teaching degree. Energy profiling has really helped me to meet the needs of all my students. Due to my adaptable T1 nature I can relate to everyone and am very successful!!! Thank you for all your work!!!

    1. Thank you for sharing this with us Mary. This opportunity sounds like a perfect match for your type 1 energy and love for bringing joy to others!

  5. I’m grateful that you shared your daughter’s marathon experience as well. I ran a marathon this last October and I found changing up the nutrition I use while running was a fun way to surprise myself and have something to look forward to every few miles after getting pretty far into it. I ran the whole thing with a running partner, someone I enjoy talking to and who had run many marathons before – he is a t3 and was a very good coach, and it was interesting to see how he was motivated by the competition and the result, whereas I was not at all lol. So, mixing up routine with different nutrition, different music &/or audio books, and having a running partner or many running buddies really helped me. I also chose shoes & clothes that were overall type 1, ones I looked forward to putting on and liked looking at as I ran, a bright spot that sometimes was all I needed to go another mile or 5. I really love the energy of race days overall, the social aspect of everyone getting together and doing something so amazing at the same time – most people on the course are so encouraging and fun! I got to talk to a lot of people about why they were running, where they came from, etc. If you can make it to race day, you can probably make it through the race just because of the fun, social, encouraging energy that is there. I thanked all of the volunteers as I went too, they were incredible and I enjoyed visiting with them too – some of them are just as crazy as the runners to get up at 4am to hand out water to people! 🙂 Anyway, if you want to do something, you can do it! It’s all about approaching it with your bright, fun, random energy! Just like Carol says, thank you Carol for making all of this part of my everyday life, it has made such a huge difference in everything I do!!

  6. I teared up a little when you said it might not be that I’m failing the program but the program is failing me. ❤️ I grew up doing all sorts of diets and regimens with my 4/1 mother and finally decided I just didn’t loathe myself enough to torture myself. Lol. But I have a long way to go and I’m trying to find the things I love to do like walking, rebounding, dancing, dance workouts, walking while I watch a show or listen to an audio book, and so on. Once I’m fit enough, I’d love to learn to roller dance! Isn’t that just a perfect Type 1 activity? 🙂

  7. I like to bring magazines or watch tv + music at gym. Also, wearing my Holly, Under-The-Mistletoe, Party Pink or Cotton Candy bracelets really jump me into motion.

      1. Omg how have I never heard of that before! Just looked it up, sounds perfect for me. Thank you Christy and Anne xx

  8. I liked moving to music and dancing. I love Zumba and enjoy interacting with the group. I also like dancing at home to music. Particularly I will put on Bollywood music as it’s cheerful and quite romantic. Also I go to group classes at the gym twice a week, with one on one trainers who help us use the equipment and adjust our programmes slightly to overcome any aches! I like to wear colourful and flattering exercise clothes . Many at the gym wear black (they haven’t yet discovered DYT) but I am busy trying to promote you!!

  9. I’m finding variety is essential! Sometimes I swim, sometimes I walk, sometimes I run, sometimes I do DVDs, usually I do all of these with friends, I take time at the end of my swim to chat with a few other women, I run with a great group on Saturdays, I do DVDs and walk with a group of friends at a local church house in the mornings before I get my kids off to school. Also, races! The finish line at a race is a total type 1 party! I did a marathon Last spring. I have the greatest running friend that was doing the same race, we trained together, and celebrated together at the end, I’ve signed up for an Olympic distance triathlon this summer, again, with a friend, I did one half marathon without having friends running it too. It was one of my worst runs ever. Even if we are different paces, And finish at different times, just knowing I have a friend at the start and finish line is great!

  10. As a lifelong lover of dance and hater of “working” out, I enjoy “playing” out my dancing fantasies by switching from style to style and focusing on one genre for each “play date”: belly dance, salsa, bollywood/bhangra, ballet. This variety satisfies my Type 1 need for variety and creative expression. Despite my Type 1 natural buoyant, upward movement I am an introvert (possible secondary Type 4?) and prefer to dance alone rather than in a classroom setting. Dancing alone allows me the freedom to simultaneously nurture my body, mind, and spirit in my uniquely “me” way!

  11. Dear Carol
    Thanks for these amazing tips, feels so true:)
    I have a question. I would like to do some marshall arts/self-defence…yet I find it is very male dominated, disciplined, Boshido, repetition, being tested and corrected, type 3 and 4 (aaarrrggghhh!!)…eventhough it is supposed to honor all elements. I am a 1/2 myself, and I have a really hard time keeping the form in which they work. Even the wing tsun, which is supposed to be the feminine approach. I can start all excited, pretending, but I wear out.

    Do you have any suggestions in this field, please?

    Much love

    ps: I enjoy the Freeletics app. It looks very type 3-4, but it has much variety and shifts. And all the exercises are named after the gods from ancient times (; AND they encourage to ALWAYS do this outside, come rain or sunshine.
    And you just add your own music to your liking if you want.
    Check it out on youtube.

    1. Hi Kat,
      I just found this video and hope you have found a way to try out martial arts! When we lived in Korea, I learned kickboxing from the trainer in our apartment building gym. I loved sparring with him. I’d laugh the whole time. I worked out twice a week, at 6 am, since that was his only available time. There I’d be, a laughing 60+ year old, swinging and kicking away. It was a great way to start the day! My husband took a video of me to send to the kids, called Boxing Granny! Since I moved back to the States, I found a trainer at our neighborhood gym who will spar with me. He also has me lift weights, etc, but my reward is 15 minutes of sparring! Give it a try! But be sure to find someone who is affirming and encouraging!

    1. Me To – belong to the healing group and plan to work on finances in there but a video for type 1’s would be great.

  12. I love playing ultimate frisbee. Its fun, highly sociable, great for league play or pickup – all you need is a disc and an open space to play. I don’t know of any other sport where you can literally just show up at a tournament with your shoes and a handful of different coloured t-shirts and play all day! There’s also disc golf for anyone looking for a sport with a little less running 🙂

  13. Now I know why I always enjoyed ice skating, rollar skating (even as an adult) and swimming. Did all of these as a kid, and loved swinging on the swings and going down the slide too. (we would wax it and go fast) also loved walking and would walk to work when I could, even passing up rides. Wow, this just explains so much. If I have to exercise in a small space I love the old Richard Simmons videos, where you move to the oldies (again the music aspect of it and just kind of bouncing around and moving randomly). Thanks Carole

  14. I always loved Rollar skating (with the music) even as a young adult, ice skating, and swimming. Also loved to swing on the swings as a kid, and loved the slide (waxing it up). Also would always walk when I could, even passing up rides. If I had to “exercise” in a small space I would use a Richard Simmons video to the oldie music. Just kind of random moves and could enjoy myself, getting lost in the music. Oh yes and tap dancing always had my interest. But just for enjoyment never on stage. Explains a lot. Thanks very much

  15. I love to turn on my children’s favorite songs and then start dancing with them. The fact that they are so excited keeps me going for a good few minutes, and makes me want to keep the fun going. They absolutely love it, and I love the joy it brings to them.

  16. I also teach movement! Never thought about how that was my true nature’s way of creating a social, fun way to exercise AND give me an outlet for new ideas. As the teacher and program creator, I also have the fun of creating and changing the workouts for lots of variety. I teach Pilates and other mind/body movement ( Callanetics and Barre), which ground me and keep me calm. 🙂 Barre class is upbeat and dance-y, and even the way I teach Pilates has a rhythm to it that keeps it centered but…fun! When Carol said in the video that type 1’s are “highly motivated to bring joy to others”, I got tears in my eyes for the profound truth of why I love to do what I do. I love to encourage women of all body types to move, enjoy their bodies and leave my class joyful! I’m now going to watch the videos for the other types so I can better understand how to connect with all of my clients. 🙂

  17. I have realized there are things in life you may have to do for their benefit that will never be truly fun. I can find lots of fun options for cardio (roller skating, walking around fairs and amusement parks, dancing, etc) but I will never think weight training is fun. So to handle things that will never be fun I figure I will just do the minimum I need to get the benefit and do it ASAP in the morning so I don’t have the weight of having to do it hanging over me the rest of the day (no pun intended-lol). I have decided too to quit the gym. I have been trying to go for 21 years and I”m just wasting money. I’m going to do a little weight training at home with free weights and be happy with that.

  18. Carol, I can not thank you enough for helping me live true to myself. I am a T1 and fitness I always had to FORCE I never knew why but now I do. When I lived in California I was thin healthy and loving life. All my friends were there and with all the public transportation I did A LOT of walking up steps. I would put my workout setlist on and have fun with that. I had the Rocky theme and I would put it on at the bottom of the steps and run up them when I got to the top I would pretend I was Rocky at the top of the stairs. I loved Kayaking, hiking, going to amusement parks, concerts, museums. It was all fun for me because I had my friends. I don’t live in Cali anymore and I do not have friends where I live. So working out has become to heavy for me. I have been trying to find something to do inside I don’t go out because of the heat and the horrible bug problem. I did come across Shaun T his dance workouts and I am going to try them out. I know it is not me why I have failed it is because working out was not fun or light.

    1. Yeah Dawn! This is Kathy from Carol’s support team! We are happy that you have found the reason and are going to bring fun back into your workout! You can do this! 🙂

  19. This video gave me so much hope and inspiration!, I teach classical Pilates in a private studio and often ge t frustrated with the regimented sequencing and intense structure of the workout process, whether it,s on a reformer, Cadillac , Wunda chair or mat. I,’ve always thought of Pilates apparatus as adult playground equipment, which has helped me keep the fun I my workout routines for myself, as well as my clients. A major pilates principal is imagination and creativity, and when based on sound Pilates principles, it can add great fun and challenge to a workout. I’ve recently become so burnt out with my teaching , so this video has been a great support to me to stay true to my Type 1 energy and my Pilates principles , which actually I do love because of my secondary 4. Structure is the support system that allows me to base my workouts on creativity and fun, for my clients and myself. Thank you, Carol!!!

  20. I have a hard time getting to a gym due to my work schedule and family demands. I really like your ideas of connecting with another type 1 friend and report via text on how I am doing. After listening to the video I think my choice would be dancing and there are some really good dance videos out there that I am going to try.

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