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Exercise & Fitness Tips for Each Type of Woman

Honoring your natural tendencies is the secret to exercise success!

The secret to health and fitness…

Isn’t really a secret. It’s all in the approach. Watch the video for your Type and I’ll share with you the tips you need for success in your exercise goals!

Type 1: Psst…want to know a secret for creating a successful fitness routine as a Type 1?

Here you go: honor your natural movement, keep it fun, and change it up! In the world of fitness, you usually hear the opposite message: it has to be intense, heavy, and hard. But watch in this video as I share why this approach won’t work for you, and what you can do to change it!

Affirmation: I am coming up with playful, fun ways to make exercise interesting and enjoyable. I am committed, and I follow through because I’m having so much fun with it.

As a Type 1, you have so many bright ideas about how to keep your fitness routine fresh and fabulous.

Type 2: In the world of fitness and exercise, you often hear the phrase, “No pain, no gain.” But as a Type 2, do you agree?

If you’ve felt burnt out and run-down from hard, intense, and aggressive exercise regimens, you’re not alone! In this video, I take the conflict and struggle out of fitness. I give incredible tips on how to make your exercise routines soft, subtle, relaxed, and calming. Ahhh…that sounds better already, doesn’t it?

Affirmation: I am grateful that I am sensitive to my choices when it comes to my fitness experience. I’m always making choices that are nurturing to my well-being.

How do you keep your fitness routine relaxed and successful?

Type 3: Activity and fitness? This is right up your alley!

But because of your drive and love of big results, you could easily burn yourself out! In this video, I share many tips to help you create a plan so that you get the results you want—all while honoring your go-getter attitude.

Affirmation: I am grateful that I am making choices with my fitness that are balanced and healthy for my Type 3 energy that keeps me on a long-term fitness plan.

How do you keep your fitness routine grounded and successful?

Type 4: When it comes to fitness and exercise, Type 4 women tend to have an all-or-nothing approach.

But what if you want a more balanced, consistent regimen that also gets you the results you strive for?

Today I’m going to share tips that will help you do just that. You’ll discover how your Type 4 tendencies can be your greatest asset when creating a structured, solitary fitness routine. You’ll also be inspired with confidence as you learn ways to get back on track if you’ve fallen off course. Watch to learn more…

Affirmation: I am successful with my approach and choices with fitness and exercise. I am using my natural gifts and tendencies to create satisfying and fulfilling outcomes.

How do you keep your fitness routine balanced and successful?

Share your ideas in the comments below!

Helpful resources to support your fitness journey:

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