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How Your Calm & Reassuring Energy Gets the Best of You

Think of a recent time where you were worried, overwhelmed, and looking for reassurance.

As a Type 2 woman, your sensitive nature allows you to easily comfort others in need—but what happens when you’re the one who’s looking for comfort?

In this video, I’m giving you 3 steps so you can shift yourself out of anxiety and bring yourself back into an emotionally calm state. You’ll have the tools you need to look inside yourself for the support you desire!

Purchase your ticket for the 2018 “I Love My Life Event!”

Enjoy more Type 2 tips here:

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  1. Carol,
    Thanks for posting this great video. It unexpectedly set off a great deal of emotion in me, which tells me I clearly need this advice to validate my own feelings and sensitivity. I will make an intention to give these steps a try as I practice more self-love. Also, I was present at last year’s ILML event and vividly remember the energy in the T2 breakout session. It was truly amazing to make connections with all my T2 soul-sisters that I had “met” through Facebook. I will be back in September for this year’s event. Can’t wait to see all of them and I hope to muster up the courage this time to say hi to you Carol.

    1. Alexandra, this is Kathy from Carol’s support team. We are happy to hear from you! We are also so excited to hear that you are attending the ILML event again t his year! Please do say “Hi” to Carol! and be sure to come and find me that I may give you a hug!

  2. Carol, thank you so much for this video! It was just the right thing that I needed today. I am giving myself the reassurance and care that I need. I appreciated your break out session at the 2017 I Love My Life Event so much! I also often bring to mind the conversation you and I had on the stage together. I often remember to send my energy ahead of me into the room when there is something difficult to deal with. I can feel the difference of the calm and peace when I do that, and I realize that I can lead with my energy rather than my words. That has helped me so much, so many times! Thank you again <3

  3. This is the best one yet, at least the most needed by me. I have often thought, “I am great at reassuring others. If only I could do that to myself”. This tells me how to go about that. Thank you so much, Carol. I loved your reassuring voice as you presented this, too!!!

  4. Carol, This video is just what I needed to hear! I would have loved to have had these tools to help me over the last 20 years. But, better late than never! I have definitely needed reassurance and have felt so panicked and felt that I couldn’t trust myself and so everything churned in my mind. No peace there! My thoughts and feelings were not validated as a child so at times I revert to the child that doesn’t know what I’m really feeling or how to express it. I will use your techniques to help me reassure myself and also understand my feelings. Thank you again, Carol!

  5. (2/3)This is so good. I originally typed myself as a 2, but questioned myself because I had many knee-jerk reactions trying to find reassurance, so this is a really good video for me. I even remember being disciplined for it, my dad said I was acting rash and should feel embarrassed for it. Oh how I wish he had this information growing up, but I’m so thankful to have it now so that I can understand my own children and even my parents.

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