What Your Facial Features Say About You, According to Your Energy Type

Face Profiling 101: Find Out What Your Face Reveals About You

Ever wonder if you can “Type” someone based on their facial features? You can—we call it Face Profiling!

This Evening with Carol from February 2015 is jam-packed with insight and instruction to help you improve your skill set of Face Profiling. You’ll develop a deeper understanding of the 4 different Energy Types and how each of them expresses themselves in facial features.

That’s right—you can easily identify your own Energy Type (and someone else’s) once you know what to look for in facial features.

Face Profiling is an accurate assessment tool that tells us a lot about ourselves and others.

You see, your personality is not the best way to find your true nature.

That’s because personality can be tainted and influenced by other people or your surroundings. You may be acting in a certain way based on who you think you should be, not on who you truly are.

But your facial features don’t lie! The truth of who you are is written on your face.

When you watch this recording, you’ll discover…

  • The 5 most common mistakes made in face profiling
  • 12 real-life examples of women of all Energy Types and ages
  • Profiling Q&A from live audience

But first, in the beginning, Carol acts out a little role-play of an in-person conversation she’s had many times before with women. (She meets a large number of women who are concerned about whether or not they got their Type of beauty right!) It might make you chuckle. Have you ever had this conversation with her?

You know who you are! So use this role-play to help confirm your Type of beauty for yourself.

How did this recording of Face Profiling support you in understanding this assessment tool? Leave a comment below!

3 women standing side by side Type 1 face profiling
Bright & Animated Type 1 Women
3 women standing side by side Type 2 face profiling
Soft & Subtle Type 2 Women
3 women standing side by side Type 3 face profiling
Rich & Dynamic Type 3 Women
3 women standing side by side Type 4 face profiling
Bold & Stunning Type 4 Women

Notice something all these women have in common? (HINT: their hair!)

It’s awesome, isn’t it? You can have that too. Want to find your next perfect hairstyle? (We know you do…)

Having a great hairstyle is a BIG part of expressing yourself and your Energy Type. We made it easy to find the best hairstyle that will work for you. Just take the 9-question quiz to get your results! 

Let’s get you looking and feeling incredible with a new hairstyle you’ll love! 

Take the Hairstyle Quiz now!

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  1. I am pretty sure I’m a Type 1 with a strong secondary 3, but others tend to muddy the waters for me by saying they see a type 4 …. LOL. I tell them to please hush and not cause confusion. Then they say that me telling them I’m sure tends to make me a T4 …. ugh.

  2. I am so grateful to Carol for not telling me whether I was right or wrong, but simply guiding me. I’ve looked back to this video so many times! And it’s helped me see a lot in my face that I was pretty sure didn’t exist before.

  3. Face profiling nailed it for me. I was lost in the 1/4 thinking I was a 3 circle. Oh well, I am sure someone will be able to use that Cognac leather coat! Hey any T3’s that are 3x?

  4. I was lost in the “I’m not a Type 1 because I’m not *social*” circle. Never mind how many of the other characteristics fit me!

    Looking at my face, the key words I see are “sweet” and “cute.” I certainly have the twinkle in my eyes! 🙂

    Update: 12/23/2016 Turns out I’m NOT Type 1. It’s my secondary.

  5. Can you please provide this sort of facial profiling resource for men? I’ve watched the other videos available but this would be so much more helpful!

  6. I’m still between Ts 1 and 3. I see a lot of 3 features: hairline, nose, eye corners, V eye undercircles… But people are always very surprised at my age, they say I could pass for much younger. So I’m still struggling.

    1. I feel the same. I am torn between 1 and 3. I’ve even had my course swapped from 1 to 3 and now I’m wondering if that was wrong. I can’t work out whether, as a child, my Type 1 bubbly nature was suppressed so I retreated into my Type 3 determinedness (I was a model student), or whether my Type 3 loudness was suppressed so I retreated into a Type 1 ability to adapt to people around me.

      All my life I’ve never felt I ‘fitted in’ anywhere – even in my family – and I have always modified myself depending on my company – even to the point where I’ve chosen outfits based on ‘fitting in’ with whichever people I’m going to be with.

      And I’ve also become an actor. Is that because I’m naturally Type 1 and see all the possibilities or am I really a Type 3 who was never allowed to express herself and so I became a chameleon?

  7. This has taught me a lot and I’m grateful for this video. I couldn’t help but feel though that perhaps Lara isn’t a dominant type 4…

  8. I am now so confused. I thought I was a Type 4/2 but my face shape screams 1. I am not light and bubbly. I have been called cute and sweet before but I hate being called that. The only thing T 2 about my face is my almond shaped eyes.
    I also don’t look good in most pastel clothing. I think I look good wearing bold colors, black and white.

  9. After reading Dressing your Truth and looking at lots of videos, I am pretty sure I am a Type 2 – my main reason is that I respond emotionally to things. But when I look at my face and compare it to the lovely Type 2 ladies in video, I just can’t see the similarity. I could have the face of type 3 – maybe it’s my secondary. I’m confused

  10. This was a really helpful and in depth assessment. I really struggle with being told that I am “sweet” or “cute”, I constantly try to cover over this when attending interviews and want to be taken seriously. I am struggling with the idea that I am a Type 1. I so want to be a Type 4 but the lines and colors aren’t quite me.

    1. Hey Louise, imagine how many people would love to be called sweet or cute and sadly never will. I, too, struggle with people not taking me seriously, but I am really thinking that this is up to us to change. Meanwhile, I think I’ll be “working on it” for a long while yet.

  11. So glad I found this, now I understand better what Carol means when she mentions “S” curves, what she means with the “softer” look in type 2’s, what to expect in the face of a type 3. For me seeing type four is most easy I think. Now I will be able to examine my own face much better.

  12. I have gone over and over this. Besides being extremely asymetrical, in my facial profiling I REALLY look like a type 2, and for years, I dressed that way, and had very detailed occupations and hobbies which I was very efficient at. I absolutely hated the type 3 colors I now enjoy and find most flattering. More recently, I realize that I REALLY act like a type one, and there are aspects of my face, movement, and expressions that reflect this, plus the way people don’t take me seriously. but then you mention how personality is the least accurate criteria. MEANWHILE, the colors of your type 1 and type 2 absolutely do not suit me one little bit. I REALLY enjoy AND look good in the type 3 colors. I know only that I am not a type 4.

  13. I cannot for the life of me look at a picture of myself and profile it because I can see most types in my face. I think I am a 4, but I have a crooked smile and nose, so IDK. It is hard having a secondary 1 because I am constantly struggling between getting things done & playing. Having 4 kids (that I am super thankful for) it is impossible to keep my house clutter free, so I just opt for fun. Haha.

    1. I understand. I look at my face and see Type 1 hairline with some extra angularity, Type 3 eyebrows, Type 1 eyes, Type 3 lump of clay nose (although one of my friends thinks it’s Type 2 teardrop and another friend thinks it’s Type 1 turned-up), Type 2 mouth and S-curved naso-labial lines, Type 1 apple cheeks, Type 2 skin with extra “freshness” (when I was younger it seemed more Type 4 porcelain, but now I have rosacea), and Type 2 chin. Sometimes I feel like a 2 and sometimes I feel like a 1.

      I’m still working on it, looking at the videos of each type and trying to remember what I was like as a child.

  14. My baby photos show T3–I have that scowl a lot. I went through a rough childhood from age 3 up and I see changes in my expressions and I know that I adapted a lot. But I am not think I’m T3, so…this part (talking about childhood photos) of this video sort of is confusing me. This video makes me wonder what I’m doing wrong in this facial profiling thing. Oy. I have no one left who knew me as a toddler to ask about how I was now either.

  15. Thank you so much for DYT and all the resources. They are SO helpful. I have a problem that I don’t think has ever been addressed. I look COMPLETELY different when I smile…..I look like a completely different type. What would you suggest I count on to assess?

  16. The first 10 minutes made me feel so relieved because I finally felt like I knew my type without a doubt. Once I watched the rest of it, I just became confused again. I feel that I am a 2/4. A lot of my type 4 comes from how I was raised (military family with a very type 4 father and maybe I am avoiding type 4 because of emotional issues with that). The first 20-30 years of my life I was told I was a “winter” and I tried to dress to suit that (basically dressed as a type 4), although, I kept trying to put those types of colours onto soft draping types of clothes. Really, the only thing that is confusing me is the facial profiling. I have very contrasting features. Super naturally dark hair but extremely pale skin that has been called porcelain many times (I’ve also gotten the snow white comment many times). So, with that, I would type myself as a 4. But, I feel so incredibly uncomfortable in type 4 clothes (minus the black which is still a crutch for me while I’m heavier), I feel uncomfortable in modern spaces and modern prints and just plain stressed out. When I did the role play at the beginning, I would have chosen type 2 (if I could choose) because I feel so much more relaxed and comfortable, like I can finally breathe, when I am around obvious type 2’s. Type 1 makes me feel tired, haha. Type 3 makes me feel unproductive, and type 4 makes me feel stressed. Anyway, I guess I’m just stuck on the fact that I have contrasting colouring. Can a type 2 have my colouring?

    1. I’m obviously not Carol, or an expert but I see some beautiful blending and softness in your face. And I have seen other 2’s with similar coloring to you! It sounds like maybe 2 would be a relief for you, and I think those calming watery colors would look amazing with your dark hair and porcelain skin 🙂 Maybe the 30 day DYT “challenge” to see how it goes?

  17. Hi ladies! I’m looking for reassurance. I am a type 2, and I have no clue what my secondary is. I think it’s 1 but I just dunno. I really just knew I was a type 2. It took me a while to feel confident with the choice though. I really want to be able to find out for myself, but I just keep flip flopping. I always felt embarrassed of who I was as a child due to some situations so I never really lived in my secondary energy either…. and it’s a secondary, so it’s hard to know for sure. Any thoughts?

  18. Very informative and interesting. Thank you for creating this video; I find it all too easy to get lost in the “perfection” rather than relaxing and embracing my initial and accurate assessment.

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