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Get Big Results! Fitness & Food Tips for the Type 3 Woman

Ready to crush your fitness goals? How to use your fire without burning out!

How many times have you made a goal at the start of the year to get fit, only to fall back into old habits within a couple of months?

As a Type 3, you are known for your determination and fire! You dive into things with enthusiasm and certainty, going for big results and big gains.

But…it’s frustrating when you don’t see them as quickly as you’d like. You may throw in the towel and move on to something else when you get discouraged.

If you are a Type 3 woman who is ready to finally see a lasting change in your fitness and nutrition, take the time to really read on. We’ve put together this thorough guide to help you get started, and actually stick with it this time.

When you know yourself well, you’ll know how to get the results you want.

Let’s talk about the Type 3 woman and how you can crush your food and fitness true to your Type!

Type 3 energy is active, reactive, and dynamic.

You move through life with determination and confidence that you will get results. You like intensity, change, and challenge in your experience.

The more you allow yourself to approach diet and fitness with your natural movement, the more successful you will be. 

As a Type 3, it’s important for you to be able to get things done quickly and see immediate results from your efforts. 

But sometimes your swift-moving nature can bring its own challenges as well.

Let’s talk about some helpful solutions to the challenges you’ll face.

Challenge #1:  Eating when you’re on the go.

Because you like to get a lot of things done in a short amount of time, you will find yourself having many meals and snacks while you’re on the run. You might not give yourself enough time to prepare the healthy food you’d prefer to have. 

Solution: Be prepared with quick snacks.

Have protein bars, fruits, or veggies to take with you and eat on the go. Keep some protein bars in your glove compartment or bag/purse for when you don’t have time to stop. Know the healthiest fast food options at your favorite types of restaurants. 

When you do stop for meals at restaurants, use these healthy strategies so you can keep your brain and body functioning at their best:  

  1. Always order grilled items. Fried and breaded foods, such as crispy chicken sandwiches and breaded fish fillets, are high in fat and calories. Select grilled or roasted lean meats, such as turkey or chicken breast, lean ham, or lean roast beef. 
  2. Have it your way. Don’t settle for what comes with your sandwich, salad, or meal. Ask for healthier options and substitutions. For example, ask for sauces and dressings on the side. Or at a fast-food Mexican restaurant, request salsa with your meal instead of shredded cheese and nacho cheese sauce. Try to avoid special dressings, tartar sauce, sour cream, and other high-calorie condiments. 
  3. Watch what you drink. Many beverages contain a large number of calories. Instead, order water, unsweetened iced tea, sparkling water, or mineral water. Also, steer clear of milkshakes and other ice cream drinks, which can contain more than 1,000 calories and all of your saturated fat allotment for the day.

Challenge #2:  Pushing things to a place where it’s not healthy or in your best interest.

Your natural tendency is to push things forward into action—including yourself. Even though you are capable of doing more than many people, be conscious of what you participate in so you can avoid injury, burnout, and a compromised immune system.  

Solution: Give yourself a defined limit, and stick to it!

Make a boundary with yourself about the number of workouts, games, or races you’ll participate in so you can keep a balance of loving the activity but avoiding burning out or overdoing it. 

Be aware that athletic injuries are often overtraining injuries. Let your body recover or rest when it needs to. You play hard, so rest hard as well!

Challenge #3  Going for long periods of time without eating, then binging. 

It’s common for you to multitask, fit a lot into your schedule, and get it all done. But that also means it’s sometimes difficult for you to fit in healthy meals. Then, when you’ve gone too long without eating, you feel famished, reaching for the quickest and easiest snacks—which are often unhealthy.

Solution: Try to eat 4 times each day.

Most Type 3’s feel and function their best when they eat more than three times a day. If you give your body nutrients throughout the day, it will lessen the need to binge since you won’t be as hungry.  

Watch what your energy demands are. Sometimes you’ll need more food or energy so allow your volume to be higher. There will also be times you don’t need as much, so keep serving-sized foods around and use those when you need to.  

It might be easiest for you to buy many foods such as chips, crackers, cookies, dried fruits, and trail mixes in serving-size containers/bags so you’ll always have something easy to grab—or a lower volume to eat when you need less.

Challenge #4:  Not taking time to log your food & exercise.

You might not want to be bothered with the details of food logging. It feels like too much detail, and you’re confident that you don’t need to do it to get the results you want. 

Solution: Log your food and exercise in the beginning, knowing you’re doing it for a limited time.

Track for a day or two, maybe one week tops, so you can have an idea of how much you’re consuming/exercising. Once you have an idea of amounts and serving sizes, go off your estimations of what you learned. Know you can go back to logging when you think you need to keep yourself on track to hit your desired results.  

Know the purpose of it is to provide you with information about how much and how healthy your food intake is. Logging is only effective if it helps you achieve better results. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed by the details, know that you can try doing it a little less intensely, or that it may not even be for you.

Bonus tip: Some Type 3’s absolutely love tracking, as it helps them see their results and get satisfaction from watching the numbers that are connected to their success. See if this shift in mentality could help you track more often if needed!

Now that you’re filled with all this Type 3 knowledge, you’re more than ready to stay consistent with your food and fitness goals this year!

Keep in mind what you do may not be as important as how you approach what you do! 

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