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Growing Out Your Pixie? How to Get Through the Awkward Phase

How to enjoy the growing-out experience!

Pixies are great—but do you detest the growing-out process? It feels awkward and uncomfortable! (Neck hair, anyone?)

There are tips and tricks to help you through each of the phases of growing out your pixie hairstyle. It can be a graceful experience that gives you opportunities to try new things as you go along.

Our Expert Stylist documented a client’s journey as she grew out her pixie. Check out the pictures included in this video as well as tips to help you style your hair and feel comfortable every step of the way. You can have a lovely experience as you grow out your hair.

  • (1:34) Tips for progressively adjusting the cut.
  • (2:15) How color can get you through the tedious spots.
  • (3:12) Styling tips for exploring styling options.
  • (3:34) What to do once your hair reached your shoulders.

Have you ever grown out a pixie cut? What helped you?

What if a pixie is what you want?

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