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5 Tips to a Happy Hair Appointment

Fabulous hair. We know you want it!

Great hair often begins with an awesome haircut from your stylist! But did you know there are things you can do BEFORE your appointment to make sure you leave with the haircut of your dreams?

Dressing Your Truth Stylist Nicole shares her five tips on how you can own your experience and become a co-creator with your stylist so that you can have a happy hair day every day.

More happy hair tips for every Type of beauty:

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  1. You are looking better and better the longer that you use this system! Whew! You look soooo beautiful! Love your hair, necklace and earrings…and wish the shirt had come in xl!! Ha ha…have a great day and thank you for your great tips! We are so lucky to have you as an fashion influence as T 1’s!!!! Lucky us!

  2. Thank you for the tips Nicole. Do you have any suggestions in particular for those of us who would like to grow our hair out? I state very clearly each time that I would like to grow my hair out. I feel like some stylists chop off too much length which to me did not look damaged, and usually they tell me to come in more often than is necessary. The one stylist I really trusted has retired so I’m trying new places.
    Also, do salon scalp peelings and hair masques work more efficiently than those at home?

    1. Erica, great questions! Normal hair grows between 1/4-1/2 inch a month. Most people are on the spectrum of about 1/4 inch per month. If you aren’t using much heat for styling and you do really well at using heat protectant, you should be able to go about 10-12 weeks between salon appointments/trims, especially if you’re growing out your hair. Now, at this point, it’s a matter of communication with your stylist about cutting off the most minimal possible. You can take a ruler with you and show them that you want ONLY 1/4 inch off the bottom, because at that point your hair will have grown 3/4 of an inch because it will have been 3 months between salon haircuts. Therefore, you’ll be left with 1/2 inch extra that keeps growing and growing:) A lot of the issue is probably communication with your stylist and scheduling your haircuts further in between-especially if your hair is pretty healthy. As far as peelings and masques? Most deep conditioners are very similar to what you could use yourself. However, there are a few treatments, like Olaplex that is done only in salon and is absolutely fantastic! Olaplex also has an at-home treatment (purchased in salon) that can be used in partnership with the treatment at the salon. So, really, there are treatments that are comparable to what you could do at home, and others that are really just exclusive to the salon. Sorry, it isn’t so definitive:)

      1. Hello Nicole, Wow, thank you for such a thorough answer! I used all your tips for a haircut and I am pretty happy with it! I will have to work on making regular appointments though. and I will look into places that might offer Olaplaex in my area. Thank you so much again! Everything was really helpful! 😀

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