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How a Type 1 Takes on Other People’s Energy

“I’m sensitive to other people’s energy; does that mean I’m a Type 2?”

This is a question I’m often asked because of the Type 2’s emotional connection with the world. But every Type has an empathetic quality, true to their nature. As a Type 1, you’re naturally open and able to adapt—which also means adapting to someone else’s heavy energy!

So how do you honor and support your light, Type 1 energy when you’re around others? I’m going to give you tips to tune inward and distinguish your energy from others’.


Affirmation: My light supports others feeling light and happy if they choose to allow it.

More resources on energy healing:

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  1. Thanks! Just had massive meltdown and then realised it was everyone else’s’ emotions I’d absorbed and then thought were mine, very timely reminder. The cleaning thing helpful, Maria Konmari says that and good too in reverse for people who like having messy spaces, mess makes them happy! Well you lightened my day, very grateful. In the past I would go around saying everything was my fault just to make everyone feel better, today I’ll just have a cup of tea and a bit of Pinterest!

  2. Thank you soo much Carol! I have been feeling so heavy not realizing I was taking on the energy of others! I really needed this before heading off to work!! xoxo

  3. Carol, thank you for this. I’m Type 1 and you described me perfectly when it comes to this issue. I tend to feel drained after spending one-on-one time with most people, and now I realize it’s because I take on their energy while giving mine away. And I have always preferred to avoid crowded places (shopping malls, football games, parties, etc.) because they just exhaust me to the point of feeling totally wiped out. Most big groups of people feel like very heavy energy to me.

  4. Love love love this video! I’m a type 1 and it completely resonates with me, thank you for the perspective and perfect affirmation! 🙂 I’ve noticed that I’ve been getting better over the last year, since finding DYT, at recognizing when I’m taking on other people’s energy, but mostly with people I’m not very close to and when it comes to my own family I go back to the old habits of taking on their energy. I’m excited to see how this helps!

  5. Thank you so much for always giving us practical and simple techniques to shift our energy! I’m getting better and better at living in my lightness!

  6. This is was sooooo great! I loved how you repeated yourself so much because I needed to hear it so much. I think I will keep watching this about 10 more times! Thanks you for sharing your wisdom, expertise, and insight! I will keep practicing my affirmations and mirror woman super power!

  7. Oh! I So needed this video! At the last type talk, I had this exact Issue all ready, but didn’t know how to phrase the question in a broad way, I’m often feeling myself sucked into others energies, especially a few t3 and 4s in my home, “this Is my energy and that is your energy”. I will repeat it often to myself.

  8. Thank you for sharing this! Im a T1, I tend feel drained around some people, particularly some T3’s in my family. I use a similar technique as the mirrors, I picture myself walking into a giant ball of warm ,white light and the whole outside of the ball is mirrors. When I start to feel ‘heavy’ I start getting physically sick; colds, aches, pains and I tend to hurt myself with accidents a lot more, that’s how I know I’ve been taking on other energy and its time to clear out everybody else’s junk!

  9. I’m unbelievably sensitive to other people’s energy, even though I’m a 4/3 or 4/2. I am an HSP and probably an empath. I have to really try not to get affected by angry/ sad/ other negative feelings. I did grow up in a fairly traumatic environment though.

  10. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for this video!!! So grateful for all of your knowledge and wisdom!

  11. It was so powerful when you said that sharing our brightness is so much more effective than taking on others’ energies in an effort to “lighten their load.” What a huge insight! Thank you, Carol!

  12. Wow! Little did I know I was taking on my parents energy and my husbands… I only recently made the realization that I was a type one because I’ve been taking on others’ so much. Thank you for this.

  13. My brother and I are both type 1. We have discussed how other people’s energy effects us. He said when he noticed the change in himself. One day he said he came home from work in a really good mood, but when he walked thru the door he started to feel really sad and down. His wife was at the computer. He walked over, told her “Hello!”, and he asked her if everything was alright. She returned the greeting and said she was fine. He said he was so confused because the feeling persisted. He returned to his wife and asked her if she was sure she was okay…and she burst into tears.
    Thank you for this topic. I related so much with what you said. Also, my husband is a type 2. WOW, do I relate to wanting to get away from him when he takes on my emotions. When your advice to the type 2 was to bring their calm energy…it felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders.
    So I will be working on my energy boundaries and put up some mirrors. Thanks so much!

  14. Wow Carol I cannot get over how gorgeous and top notch these videos have become! I love how you guys added the affirmation on the screen!
    I really tend to take on people’s energy, esp if I am tired. Thank you for the insights here! I’m so grateful for your work.

  15. Will yo do this for all the types? I am a type 3 and the beginning touched me. One of the reasons I struggled with my type at first was because I would take in the energy of people or a room and be the one to move that energy into a different one. This stems from a very early tramatic experience, I believe. So I would love the t3 version of this, well after t2 following in the time sequence.

  16. WOW!! I found myself on the edge of my seat listening to this. Great. P.S. You look gorgeous–I guess you have the T3 glow today.

  17. I used to do this all the time when I was growing up. Especially with my dad, who is Type 4, I think, and very opinionated (I love him, but he is). I was homeschooled, so pretty much just raised by my parents, so I took on that very black-and-white view of morality, of ways I “should” dress and talk and be, of types of people I should hate or be okay with… etc. I really bought into thinking anything else was “bad”. Once I became a teenager, I started being exposed to other mindsets, and I realized that I had strong empathy for lifestyles and environmental efforts and such that were against my dad’s right-and-wrong. I discovered I liked my own types of music, too. I really struggled with this for years, even for a while after moving out, because a deep part of me always thought I was wrong or “bad” for being myself and being more open-minded.

    Accepting myself as a Type 1 and understanding how my own brain and energy work has gone a long way toward helping to cast off other people’s mindsets and truly accepting my own as right and good – even if it has been a bit of a gradual process.

  18. I cannot tell you how much this resonated with me. I have been saying for so long that I don’t know who I am anymore. That somewhere along the way I lost myself. My husband 4/3 doesn’t understand this at all. But I feel like I have remade myself over the years to make those around me happy and now I am having a hard time finding my way home. But I am working on it. I have struggled to find my type because I see all the types in myself. There are days when I am sure that type 4 is my dominant and days when I know it is type 2. I have been told since I was in my teens that I am a chameleon and can fit in with any group and it’s true, I can. But the struggle I have now is feeling comfortable in my own skin. But I am not giving up on the journey!!

  19. Thank you Carol ! That was very helpful and kind of a revelation. I am still in the process of determining/ accepting my dominant energy type. I wasn’t sure if I am a type1/4 or type 4/1. Especially when my energy feels scattered and I am having difficulties feeling my own energy I feel so drawn to the calm, clear and distinct energy of a type 4. But your words about feeling light and then taking over heaviness is exactly what i experience. I need a lot of time alone, so that I can ‘wash’ of other peoples energies and feel light and hopeful again. The required alone time also added to my perception of being a type 4.

  20. Oh my goodness, how I love this video… will save and to watch over and over. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Carol, thank you.

  21. I really LOVE this video. Energetic chameleon describes me perfectly and it can be so frustrating. I honestly struggle to know my OWN opinion on so many things!! I’ve been practicing this technique for the past day and I can already feel a shift from it. Thank you!

  22. Thank you Carol!
    This was extremely powerful and helpful. I am bogged down quite often due to taking on other’s energy and trying to help them to feel better or more optimistic.
    I find it makes me depressed for a while until I find my own light once again.
    I will practice these affirmations.
    I pray this will assist me in helping a loved one without absorbing their energy.
    Many Blessings to you.

  23. Wow this makes a lot of sense-I believe I’m a type 1 but I’m SUPER sensitive to other people’s energy (i think since birth) which has lead me into some toxic relationships. this work is helping me find my own natural movement and energy again and I’m sooooo appreciative. Thank you Carol-I’m binge watching a lot of videos now and it’s so helpful!! Your work is the bomb!!

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