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How to Choose Your Own Color of the Year

It's easy! Just answer a few key questions!

It’s fun to see what Pantone chooses as the Color of the Year. But what if it doesn’t work for your Type?

For 2019, Pantone chose a Type 1 color. They call it Living Coral. Our Bright and Animated women will have a lot of fun with it!

But what about the rest of us?

True to my nature, as I thought about this, I concluded that I don’t need Pantone choosing my Color of the Year! I’m going to choose my own!

Dressing Your Truth teaches you how to be your own beauty expert by following your beauty sixth sense.

The Style Kit teaches you what colors look best on you, true to your Type. Quickly, you can become your own color expert and learn which of your colors you feel and look best in.

Here’s the process I used to choose my Color of the Year!

Claim your color power back! What will be your Color of the Year?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What color have I recently worn that surprised me that I liked it?
  • What color do I get a lot of compliments in?
  • What color would I like to have more of in my wardrobe?
  • What color have I been resisting that I’m ready to try?

What were your answers?

By answering these questions myself I realized that for years, whenever I would wear purple, I’d get a ton of compliments! And, guess what color I have the least of in my wardrobe? Yup! Purple.

Carol Tuttle’s 2019 Color of the Year is Purple!

In this color tutorial video, there are several shades of Type 3 purple that I’m looking forward to manifesting into my life in 2019!

Also, did you know that colors have healing effects on us? Purple is recognized in healing circles as a color of royalty and inspiration. I’m ready to receive that!

What color are you intuitively drawn to? It could be that this color will offer an energetic effect of some kind.

Now use the following affirmation to help you create more of this color in your life:

I am grateful for all the (name of the color) that is showing up for me in items I love at prices I get excited about.

What Color of the Year did the DYT Experts choose?

  • Type 1 Expert Jaleah is going to have a blast in red! She says:

“My husband Mark just told me the other day that he really likes me in red. I was wearing a red sweater with red lipstick, and I was feeling great in it, too!

My color for 2019 is red! I want to explore red more. Where else can I insert it into my wardrobe? Shoes, jewelry,  hair accessories, socks, bottoms, dresses. How many tints of red can I find to wear? 2019, I am coming for ya!”

  • Type 2 Expert Anne will bask in beautiful blue. She shares:

“My color for 2019 is blue. For many years my favorite color was purple, but as I’ve taken a closer look at my closet in the past months I noticed I have way more blue than any other color – including purple. I have been intuitively drawn blue over the last several months, so I have decided to fully embrace blue and have claimed it as my new favorite color.

For me, blue represents a calming energy. Blue is also the color of the Type 2 element water. I look forward to playing with blue more freely this coming year. What others colors can I pair with blue? What Type 2 tones of blue have I not yet tried, and how can I incorporate blue into my makeup more?”

  • Type 4 Expert Kalista will start fresh with green. She says:

“My color for 2019 is green! I’ve realized that I don’t have a lot of green in my collection, but the items/makeup that I do have I love wearing and I get compliments when I do. To me, green represents new life and freshness. I have several goals for 2019 that are new to me, things that I have never done before. Green will support me in growing these new interests. A fresh new start.”

Share in a comment your Color of the Year and I’ll share with some of you what that color represents!

And make sure to share in the Lifestyle Facebook group the fantastic items that come your way, because we want to see how great you look in your Color of the Year! #mycoloroftheyear

Want more color support? Check out these resources!

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  1. My favorite color is a bright red and I also love a bright hot pink. This year I would like to discover the lighter blue tints for T1, because I have more than enough red and pink in my wardrobe. 😉

  2. I always get compliments in blue and it’s the color I look best in which is why at least 95% of everything I own is blue. This post came at a a good time though because I am definitely looking to get more colors in my wardrobe. I’m thinking I would like to try purple or green but I’m not sure which one will be my aim for the year. I’m a type 1 but I can’t wear warm colors and I never get compliments in them so coral is out. I’m exciting to try for the purple and green though. I have to make sure they’re medium saturation though. I don’t look good in light colors and I’ve been told that by others many times.

  3. As a new T1/S4, I am working on my palette. For winter, I think I need more white. I have shied away from it in winter as my S4 was way too dominant. I’ve been craving pink for a few years now but think I’d like to also add mint/teal/turquoise as well.

  4. I’m going to wear sparkly pink more, life has been a bit too serious this year and watching mamma Mia 2 at Christmas reminded me I do like fun!

  5. I love this blog post~ I love color so much it makes may day everyday waking up to my Type 1 wardrobe. I am actually going to follow the pantone color since it is my Type 1 color and I look pretty and light in it. Also, I know it will be easy to find! Yay!!! Coral to me is like an orange so this connects to my sacral chakra which I feel will support me in creating authentic moments in my life. Thank you for this amazing information.

  6. The color I would like to wear more of is green. I have very few green items and have been drawn to inviting more items in my closet in green.

  7. 2019 is the year I stop type jumping and fully embrace Type 1. I’ve been told numerous times by family, friends and even strangers that coral is my color. Hopefully with Pantone deciding on coral as the color of the year they’ll be lots of it available in the stores! Thank you Debbie for sharing about the sacral chakra- authenticity is my word for 2019.

  8. I am a type 2 and I LOVE pink and I have a lot of it in my wardrobe. It is always my default color. So, I am going to choose purple/lavender as my personal color of the year. I’m excited to see what it does for me.

  9. Type 1 here and one of my fave colors is coral, but I realized I don’t have that much of it, so I’m going to use this as an opportunity to stock up!! I’m also going to do purple because I always get compliments when I wear it but only have like 2 shirts that are purple.

  10. Blue is the color I get lots of compliments with, so I will be looking for more blue. BUT as a type 1, I am opening myself to more possibilities! I have discovered through our monthly calendar that I have a severe shortage of purple and green, so I am also going to be looking for more of those! All the possibilities!!!

  11. Finding a good color palette for me has been an obsession of mine for the past couple of years. Dressing Your Truth finally helped me narrow it down to the correct chroma – I am a Type 3 who needs shades to look good. This year, I am going for more ORANGE. I stayed away from orange for a long time because I was always looking at Type 1 and Type 4 oranges that did not suit me. Now, I know why… I recently bought a pair of orange suede Clarks (shoes) and got a lot of compliments on them. I need some tops to go with them now 🙂

  12. T3 and I love deep, golden yellow. It really brightens my complexion and my husband says I’m beautiful in it. It can be worn any time of year and, in fact, is my fave color overall. 😉

  13. I’m a T2/S3. I am going to try to incorporate more green. I have just recently been drawn to some of the T2 greens and want to mix them with other T2 tones, such as pink, purple and blue.

  14. I am completely on board Carol! Thanks for leading the way to picking our colors. My color is going to be a softer type 2 aqua. I don’t have any, and I am being drawn to it. Could it have any significance for me? Maybe a great pair of colored aqua jeans will show up for me. Colored jeans are one of my favorite items. Denim is too boring sometimes.

  15. My color is either blue or coral. Blue has always been my favorite color but since dressing my truth I don’t seem to be wearing blue much. I don’t seem to find T3 blues. My closet is alive with burgundy, reds, and cinnamon browns. I am also leaning towards coral though because the last two times I happened to wear a coral top to my facial, my esthetician commented how beautiful I looked and that my coral top looked fabulous with my skin. Although a T3 coral will be different than the Pantone color of the year, it could be a color I should pursue. I don’t really have to limit myself to one color of the year. I could have two colors of the year and focus on adding more blue and coral into my life!!

  16. Black and white patterns are where I’ve been intuitively drawn to lately. I have recently added 6 new pieces just since the new year!

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