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How to Organize Your Accessories

You have more accessories now that you’re Dressing Your Truth, don’t you?

Michelle has a few tips and tricks for finding a home for your necklaces, earrings, scarves and bracelets.

Plus, some tips for removing tarnish from your jewelry!

How do you organize your accessories? Tell us in the comments.


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  1. I have my necklaces hanging like yours on the DYT hangar and I love having them visible. I also hang my scarfs hanging on what you show for bracelets (love your idea) and I’m going to try that and look for the scarf holder you found at IKEA. For my earrings, I prefer keeping them in my jewelry box on my dresser. I have them organized by types and colors so I know what drawer to look in. I found this easier to not lose the backs. Thanks!!!!

  2. Thank you. That idea from Ikea is good for my T2 daughter-in-law..must remember. I, also, love that outfit on you and the way you tucked in the shirt in front to show the jeans a little more.

  3. These are wonderful suggestions, and yes indeed, I certainly have more accessories these days – especially scarves! However, I have more drawer space than closet space and would rather not hang organizers on hooks on my wall, so I’d love some drawer organizing tips. Maybe a video on that?

      1. Tracy, that’s a good idea. I also recently read a popular book, “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” by Marie Kondo. She described a great idea for organizing scarves (and other items like sweaters & t-shirts that go in a drawer.) She recommended folding them so that they sit vertically in the drawer, not horizontally and stacked. That way it’s easy to see right away what you have. I tried it and it really worked.

        Cindi Dennison’s comment mentioned the value of having things in plain sight where she can see them. I’m in the same boat. Out of sight, out of mind. So vertical stacking as I described, clear plastic boxes and other in-sight organizers are very helpful.

  4. Those are all great ideas! As a Type One I need things right in front of my face—if I hung something in my closet like that I would never think of it again! I need to have all my options out where I can see all of them all the time. These are some things I have done: I painted a pop (soda?) bottle and now I stack bracelets on it. I found an old display rack at an antique store and painted it and hung it on the wall of my closet. Voila! Instant jewelry holder! I tried to upload images but my computer has gone insane and won’t let me.

  5. I put my earrings in empty ice cube trays, inside drawers. They can hold lots and can be stacked, put side by side, or lifted out as needed.

  6. Here are a few more things that I wasn’t able to show on the video. The first is my own organizer that I made years ago (not as nice as the one I made for my sister and it’s had a lot of use). But, it holds a lot and it was cheap and easy to make. The second one is my sister’s over the door jewelry organizer that she got at Bed Bath and Beyond. She loves it, but it’s expensive.

  7. Michelle, I purchased cork board and covered it with fabric. It hangs on my wall, and my jewelry on it. Not that I wear any of it… ugh.. 🙂

  8. Some great ideas ( just a warning about the Window mesh though if it’s metal – he same idea with plastic mesh i think is probably safer.

    I did something similiar but i think it reacts with the earrings sometime to tarnish :or expose underlying cheaper metal;
    and part of reason i ended up getting infection reaction to my ears from the metail getting tarnished . I notided after i got infection that all the earnings i put on the metal strainer no longer had proper seals coats on them.

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