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“What if I Don’t Like Your Type?” Healing Session

Clearings to help you remove judgement and appreciate each Type more.

Do you find yourself getting triggered by another Type? Do they seem too [silly, emotional, aggressive, or rigid]?

Each Type has natural tendencies and ways of interacting with others. Sometimes because of how they express this, or how we see this movement, we can take on judgments that cause us to see them in an unfavorable light. In these healing sessions, we’re going to clear all that negative energy surrounding how you view each Type so you can create more harmony and ease in your relationships. 

Before you dive in, check out my instructional video on how to tap. Then join me back here to do a clearing exercise tailored specifically to your Type.

What To Do When a Type 1 Pushes Your Buttons.

(3:00) I Don’t Like Your Type 1 Energy: Healing Session

The beauty of Energy Profiling is recognizing each Type’s gifts and challenges. But what if, despite knowing this information, there’s still a Type 1 person in your life who is pushing your emotional buttons?

I’m going to help you understand exactly why you’re being triggered. I’ll also show you an effective exercise to clear away negative opinions and judgments that have been sticking with you for years. You’ll feel empowered and free to honor that Type 1 person once again.

Have Negative Opinions About Type 2 People?

(1:28) I Don’t Like Your Type 2 Energy: Healing Session

Every Energy Type has amazing gifts. But what if it’s difficult for you to see those gifts of certain Type 2 people? What if they just downright bother you?

In this healing session, I’ll support you in recognizing the triggers that make you feel frustrated. Do this exercise along with me, and you’ll notice a shift within yourself that will allow you to create positive and successful experiences in your relationships.

Feeling Frustrated With a Type 3 Person?

(2:24) I Don’t Like Your Type 3 Energy: Healing Session

“You’re too aggressive. You’re abrasive. You’re overwhelming. You’re overconfident.” If you’ve ever thought this way about a Type 3 person, you need to watch this video.

I’m going to take you through a powerful healing exercise that will allow you to see Type 3 people for their positive gifts—instead of the negative attributes, you find yourself feeling frustrated over. The shift you feel within yourself will bring you more peace, understanding, and joy.

What to Do When a Type 4 Triggers You In a Negative Way.

(2:38) I Don’t Like Your Type 4 Energy: Healing Session

Do you struggle with a specific Type 4 person in your life? Do you feel like they’re too analytical, icey, stiff, rigid, or a know-it-all? When you feel this way, it’s difficult to be yourself around them! But is this something they need to change—or you?

You most likely have triggers from your past that are still affecting you today. In this healing session, I’m going to support you in recognizing this energetic imprint. Soon you’ll feel willing and able to honor the natural gifts of the Type 4 person and create more harmony!

Want more? Join The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues above—and a hundred more. I invite you to start your first healing session today. (You can try it free for 2 weeks.)

Helpful profiling resources mentioned in these videos:

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