A Profound Process to Know Your Type and End Self-Doubt

Clear away the #1 cause of your own personal blind spots

It happens every time.

Every time I support a woman in recognizing her Energy Type, she’s surprised that she couldn’t see it before. Suddenly, her true nature seems obvious to her. Something just kept her from seeing herself clearly.

What got in the way? Today, I’ll lead you through a process to clear away the #1 cause of your own personal blind spots. If you’ve ever questioned your Energy Type or felt inadequate, this powerful exercise is worth your time.

Consider the possibility that you know who you are. Trust yourself!

I recently launched The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues above—and a hundred more. I invite you to start your first healing session today.

More resources to support you in embracing your Energy Type:

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  1. Thank you Carol. This was powerful. I already knew my type (2) but my S1 still feels the need to cheer those and me. i got the message as a small child that my gentleness was supported but what my family thought were negative emotions were not supported. I had a tender heart and cried easily and was told to dry it up. My parents told people i never got angry. I would get stubborn occasionally to be heard but gently stubborn. I did not want to rock our family boat. Learning to Live and Dress my Truth has been a beautiful process and I still (after 4+ years) am peeling layers of self doubt. I will watch this many more times.

  2. This brought on a lot of emotion for me. I feel free, like a weight has lifted. I have been on my DYT journey for 3 or so years now and have gone back and forth so many times between 3 different types that I have considered giving up because I just couldn’t make up my mind. Type 1 is what I think I lead with. That is what came up for me as I did this exercise with Carol. I don’t think anyone would say that I lead with an extrovert energy, but I feel like I was when I was a child and I feel very open to this possibility. I’m excited to see where my DYT journey goes from here.

    1. Good for you Amanda. Hands down I see more Type 1’s than any other Type go through your experience. I am sorry so many Type 1 women were taught to not trust and honor their light, bright nature when they were little girls. As you heal any old shaming beliefs about your truth, you help other Type 1 women heal as well.

  3. Loved this exercise! I imagined my 4 year old self laying on a fluffy white cloud, playing with a soft white kitten, Jesus and my angels were nearby and I felt a little lonely so I imagined holding the hand of a little boy next to me and my child self smiled. When you were describing what might feel good to each type the T2 seemed to be my experience, maybe with a little T1 mixed in, not at all T4 which I had thought I was for a while. I notice I feel more vulnerable when I dress as a T2 which feels scary, like I need to protect myself, so I know there’s still some healing to be done. Thanks for this video, it was an eye opener!

    1. You are welcome Janel, and that is great that you are noticing the fears dressing your truth can bring up for you that are old emotional wounds you are ready to heal.

  4. My place just looks like a garden. The sun is out and it’s peaceful and happy. Not really sure what type that makes me though. It’s been three plus years and I’m still as lost as ever. I thought I was a 1 but I’m not extroverted, I take too many notes on everything, and I’m a highly sensitive person. But then I’m not quiet enough to be a 2. When I get overstimulated I can get very loud in an attempt to get it all to stop. I’m so confused.

    1. Many Type 1’s do not consider themselves extroverts, based on the common interpratation of what that word refers to. I teach it that Type 1’s have an outward movement first, a jumping forward as they move through life. It is not a personality trait. I encourage you to go back to the Type 1 and heal any old wounding from your childhood.

      1. I decided to reply here instead of a separate post, as I feel it is relevant to my experience with this exercise. It is so helpful to read this. I am not an “extrovert” or social and that has been my major block to fully accepting my Type 1. I was extremely shy as a child and into my adult years. I found my little self in her room, and realized that it was the safe place to truly be myself. The place where I would listen to music and dance and sing and dress up, even if I was alone in doing it. Clearly something made it not safe to be that self outside of my room. So there is more healing to do. When I took her to a safe place it was a bright sunny meadow, like what Jenni said – “The sun is out and it’s peaceful and happy.” Thank you Jenni for sharing and Carol for your guidance!

      2. But I will go to a party and sit in the back by the wall for quite a bit of time. What good is wearing bright playful clothing when I’m quiet and not at all bubbly unless I know the people well (and sometimes not even then). I thought we were supposed to dress so people knew what to expect. They definitely don’t know what to expect from that.

        1. Many Type 1’s are only bubbly with people they know. Also, I am sure you are dressing everyday, and not just for parties. Dressing Your Truth is for the woman first, to look and feel her best.

          1. I strongly relate to Jenni and Nicole’s description of themselves. I grew up very shy and with little self-confidence; but, I was also extremely allergic and sickly with an overprotective mother. Never was allowed to do things like other kids. I was kept inside one entire summer when I was two, because my mother was so fearful of polio. I keep asking myself what I would be like if I’d been healthy and free. Throws me completely off in typing myself. I seem to be in an endless loop.

  5. I made an account to be able to leave a comment, hoping it will serve as a reminder when I start questioning it again (unless I remove it because it feels too private). Watching this brought an ache to my throat and chest. I was surprised at how much more strongly the type 2 spoke to me here than the others after trying to determine between 2 and 4 for at least 5 or 6 years (I have also considered type 1 as it’s the most common type to have trouble settling on a type but it just doesn’t make sense, I don’t jump into things, I stand back and assess/get a feel for things before I do anything, even completely non-threatening things).

    Type 4 has always felts safer to me while type 2 feels more exposed and vulnerable. Wanting to feel safe has always been a big factor for me but I always attributed that to early life experiences. If it is in fact simply part of my nature and I am actually a type 2 it would make sense that I would look to type 4 if I see it as a stronger or more protective energy, especially if I tried using it as such from an early age. I also somehow thought type 2’s wanted to make *others* feel safe more so than it being a primary need for them.

    While I don’t live in a place resembling the one from the exercise, I can take steps to make this place feel more like that one and in fact already started doing that today, before I found this video. I moved things around and cleared some space by the window in my bedroom to have a place where I can sit and watch the sky and the trees in the distance and just be.

  6. It was great that Carol said that we might not be able to really visualize our younger self, because I can’t! Not in detail anyway. Just the rough size of a 5 year old girl with dark brown hair, blurry though. Taking her to a safe place, visualizing what it looked like, it was pink and fluffy clouds, and she danced around twirling and jumping and giggling, looking for friends to join her.
    And it just now occurs to me, that outside the safe space the continuation of that scenario is that nobody joins her. Instead she gets looks that she’s weird and dumb, and she’s told to “stop that!” In rolls the shame that she’s done something wrong, and the understanding that that is unacceptable. So she stops. I don’t dance. My body wants to but an inner voice says “stop that”.
    I’m going to have to look more into the Type 1 clearings.

  7. This just brought up my earliest memory of when my parents fought in the kitchen and I hide in the space between the center island while my Dad threw dishes at the sink. I wanted to have fun but was so worried about my mom she was always so hurt emotionally by Dad. I reached out and took that little girls hand and took her to a play ground with monkey bars and a merry go round. She was so happy to play and she laid herself out on the merry go round looked up at me and laughed gleefully. She jumped off the merry go round and ran into my arms and I told her she was safe to have fun and that I loved her so much and she said “I love you too”. I told her our grandpa Angel would watch over mom and she would be OK and she nodded and ran off to play on the monkey bars I watched for a bit and realized as I woke for he visualization that I do love myself and that I don’t have a home that is so volatile any more it’s a wonderful safe home and my inner child is free to play, bounce and dance as much as she wants now because she is me.
    Thank you so much Carol your heart must be as big as the universe for all the people that you have helped are sending this love they feel in a figure 8 right back to you! You are my hero and my inspiration!

    1. Thank you for sharing your beautiful visual, Angela. I’m so grateful you find our work helpful. Peace to you (and your inner child). 🙂

  8. Thank you Carol. I cried through this exercize, I saw a little me run down the stairs and she took me into the playroom where she showed me some of my favorite toys.
    When you said I could take her hands, she hugged me and we couldn’t stop hugging. The thought of me wanting to hug my mum when she didn’t want to or couldn’t made me sad so I just hugged myself and cried.
    In heaven she was surrounded by our friends and our grandfather. She isn’t alone and she is being hugged and held.
    I know I’m type one but I am having trouble finding my secondary. And I’m having trouble letting myself feel as a type one. I am dressing in the type 1 clothes though kind off safely (no coloured pants, only blue jeans and white pants, nothing to (by lack of another word) ‘childish’.
    I will try this exercize again so thank you! <3

  9. Carol, you told me I was a T1 on Facebook, but I still don’t completely feel like that is correct. During this visualization, I was walking through outdoor stone hallways, going somewhere, with a sense of structure and purpose, and felt total ease with it. What does this mean?

    1. Trust what answers you receive Tracy. Facebook is not a good place for me to give feedback as it is limited, so I could have told you wrong. Follow your truth.

  10. Ah shoot nuggets…Time to watch the type 4 beauty course…Mine was a combination of 1 & 4 but seemed to lean more towards 4…:

  11. What do I do if, because of being raised with spiritual abuse, any higher power feels threatening? No matter how much I tell myself that God is loving, deep down I’m still terrified.

    1. Theresa, would it help to think of it as a side-by-side, partner, or helpful power, rather than a higher power? Even for a little while, because to me that is just as true as higher.
      I feel God sometimes gets sorely misrepresented by misguided, frightened, angry, resistant, manipulative, deceptive people who are not living true to themselves with compassion, and not allowing others to be their true selves with love. It’s like the sayings along the lines of “what people say about you reveals more about themselves than you”. I’m so sorry someone tried to blight your faith and connection to God with their skewed viewpoint. I feel pretty safe to say that’s not God; that’s them.

      1. Thank you, Heidi! I appreciate you taking the time to share your ideas and understanding! ❤️

    2. What happened for me was that the first couple of times I just sort of ignored that part of it. After that a dog showed up and has been there ever since, keeping my younger selves company and helping them feel safe.

      1. Really? I have it as an audiobook. I should relisten to it, it’s been a while. Thanks!

  12. Thank you Susan, I will do that. I’m feeling better each day. You are right, my secondary will come out at some point. God bless you too!

  13. I can so relate to Amber Brown, as a T2, and shared many of her same experiences in life. I also retreated to my room for hours escaping into books. I also took four years of French in high school, and realized my dream of traveling to France a few years ago (S3). I embrace my little type 2 inner child and love her dearly. She is a survivor! In spite of being married for 33 years to a man who dearly loves and respects me, I find the unconditional love of my pets to be my greatest comfort. Thanks Carol for a very touching meditation/visualization.

  14. Oh wow – I wasn’t expecting the emotions that came up for me. I lost my dad in a boating accident when I was 6 and our happy, loving, safe home was turned upside down. I didn’t allow myself to grieve him because I didn’t want my mom, brothers, grandparents etc. to feel sad. The years that followed my fathers death were hell – filled with sexual abuse and bullying. So for my visualization I went to heaven to be with my dad. God was there and I brought my mother. It was so peaceful and safe. I had forgotten what it felt like to be with him. It was filled with light and peace. So even though I question my type it felt so good for a moment to just be.

  15. You have given me a lot to think about, Carol! I had forgotten that my child self went for lengths of time without her mom and dad and spent that time with a grandma who was feisty and fun like me! My child self wanted to explore, dance, sing, run, and play. More than feeling safe she wanted to feel free! Thank you for mentioning angels and ancestors as they are the ones who remind me of my child self, they are the ones who loved me unconditionally.

  16. I’m a type 1. I did the exercise. And I found my child self hiding behind the living room door. We went on an adventure together in the golden clouds, with sunlight pouring over us and angels all around. We ran through lush green fields with sunflowers, and laughed and played.

    I explained that she didn’t need to try and make everyone else happy or be afraid of being true to herself. We then went back to our home and it was full of light.
    I didn’t realize how desperate I was as a child to have happy parents, or how much not having that affected me. Thank you for this experience.

  17. So I’ve been having difficulty for about 3 or 4 years now. I’ve been living as a 1 for over a year now. Guess what I finally did? Drew on my face! 😛 I finally got a good picture from a photographer and I outlined my face. Traced around my cheeks, nostrils/mouth, forehead, eyes…Guess what? Mostly circles and one heart. Finally settled on a 1/4. 🙂 Loving it. – I was a 2 for 1-2 years, tried T3 for all but a few minutes, and I’ve been trying to figure out if I’m a T1 or T4 ever since. My pictures never really turned out right when I tried with my phone so it helps when someone actually takes a good photo of you.

  18. This visualization was really interesting for me. When it came to the part about leaving to go to a safe place, my inner child really didn’t want to go and leave everyone behind. I had to assure her she would not be alone and she would still be surrounded by people who enjoy spending time with her and respect her. What I found ironic is that in my adult life, I have done just that because most of those relationships are toxic, but I was reminded of how attached I really am to them and how much I wish I could stay around them. I think what also surprised me was that she didn’t want to be alone, even though she was with me…and what that implies. I will have to explore that further. Thank you for the powerful exercise!

  19. I had to go all the way back to being born and put in an isolette for a month before being placed for adoption into a family where I was wanted by my mom right up until her own firstborn daughter was born and I was pretty much relegated to “spare child” as the years passed and her favoritism showed. I scooped my baby self up and told her, “It’s okay, Baby Girl, I’ve got you. You’re safe. Let’s go to Neverland together and have some adventures!!” Thank you!!

  20. Thank you! I think this was the biggest confirmation that I am a T1. It took me a little while to find my little self, she kept jumping to all the different places we lived at that age. I finally caught up with her outside, because that’s where we could always let our imagination run free and we didn’t have to worry about making everyone else happy. She ran up to me grabbed my hand and started swinging it back and forth. I got the warmest feeling, and started crying, when I took her to our safe place, it was a big open field with lots of warm light and flowers and all kinds of real and mythological animals 🙂 and surrounded by a forest; the happiest place I’ve ever seen. Thank you again for this gift.

    1. Tracy, I also found myself in a big open meadow filled with wildflowers and bordered by a beautiful, friendly green forest. The sky was bright and clear with just a few wispy clouds here and there.

  21. Gosh – this brought up some really confusing feelings for me! I’ve spent the past year really settling into the ‘type 2’ space, but here i felt like i connected with the type 1 experience – which is the type i never thought i could be. At the start of dyt i felt drawn to type 4 but now i feel that was the type i was expected to be – powerful, direct, strong…but i this felt to harsh and exposed to me. Now i’m wondering was i hiding in the type 2 world as a way to counterbalance this as a means of comfort. I know i’m overthinking this but now i feel unsure again!

  22. I first read your book “It’s just my nature!” three years ago when my roommate and I came across your program. When I first read it it seemed that everyone was in agreement that I was a type 1. Most of my life I have been the bouncy, laughing rainbow girl and type 1 seemed right for me. However, I also seemed to reflect that type 1 tendency of seeing myself in every type, and I kept coming back to this system and your book, never quite satisfied that I had found myself. During the past two years I have also experienced depression, and am constantly fighting this feeling that I’m missing something, that I’m not being true to myself and I don’t know why. Doing this exercise today, as I was with my younger child self, for the first time in my life I had the sense that my brighter, bouncy persona was one I had taken on to serve others, rather than being my true self. When I had to contemplate the place where I would take my inner child self, I reacted strongly to the type 2 place – a place of comfort and safety. I went back to “it’s just my nature” after watching this video and read through the type 2 section again and totally felt like it described me. It’s a strange feeling, altering my whole idea of myself after watching just this one video.

  23. I will admit that I have skipped over your emails before today because I thought that I had to pay for the help. For some reason I was prompted to open the link today. I am one of those who struggles with visualization. But I want you to know that the tears are still flowing and I still feel the tingle of peace as I sit here to write this. Feeling free to be myself has always been a struggle. I have always felt that I needed to be who everyone else needed and thought I should be. This will be a favorite place for me now to return to and remind myself of who I am!

  24. I’m not very good at visualization but I did give it a try. I never really saw my childhood self in the physical sense, but rather I saw everything through my eyes as though I was there in person. Just as Tracy experienced, I also found myself in a big open meadow filled with wildflowers and bordered by a beautiful, friendly green forest. The sky was bright and clear with just a few wispy clouds here and there. I recall having a big smile on my face and being free of fear. I still have no idea what my type is; however, this exercise in visualization was uplifting.

  25. Carol, several years ago now, I talked with you over Skype and you assessed that I was a 1/2. I have never quite been able to settle into primary T1, though. I’ve done all of the clearings, gone through the course, watched all of the Lifestyle content, and yet it still doesn’t feel quite “right.” In doing this exercise today, I gravitated strongly to the idea of a T2 place. I didn’t want to bounce or dance or twirl, I just wanted to feel safe and calm and cocooned. Given that you saw and spoke with me and determined T1, should I continue with trying to become comfortable with that or should I further explore this possibility of T2? Thank you!

  26. Thank you so much, Carol. I’ve done a lot of inner child work over the years but this one was so powerful. I found little me, somewhere between 3 and 5 I’d guess, and came to realize that she was trying to hold emotions for my oldest sister who had been sexually abused by my dad (her step-dad). I have no conscious memory of witnessing any of that and in fact I didn’t even know anything about it until years later as an adult when my sister talked about it after my dad had passed. I was the second youngest in a family of 6 kids (three from my mom and dad and three from my mom’s previous marriage). I believe I am a 2 with a 1 secondary so it kind of makes sense that I would have sensed empathically the discomfort my oldest sister was feeling. I gave her permission to let go of holding my sister’s pain and to send peace instead. Afterward, I felt emotional. I so appreciate how you share your wisdom. <3

  27. Oh man! My inner child met me in the middle of the house but she was very pensive and suspicious of me. Although, after she warmed up she wanted to take me to explore the neighborhood and then she wanted to drive me to her school just because she knew the way and wanted to prove it to me. It’s taken me a long time but this is the closest I’ve felt to nailing this thing down for good. Difficult for me to tell if this is a primary 3 or 4 reaction she had.

  28. I was so a very happy little girl and talkative to the point I was made fun of. Even in K grade the teacher told my parents I was to social, I got put in the corner for it. she said that the kids would follow me and I would be the leader and make up games, and tell stories. She didn’t like it at all. I got into so much trouble for it. I got nicknamed chatterbox from my dad;s family. My dad’s family was and is a very dysfunctional family and they always made of fun people, it was awful. Being a type 1 was hard to accept , my type 2 wanted to be in charge to keep me in a lady like manor. I love to socialize , parties, and make it fun at all times. Things have to be cute for sure. This visualization took me to my grandparents house and I was by my PA at the couch (where I was always, as he was dying of cancer) I was 2-3 years old. I wanted to make him have fun, they told him to leave him alone. But, I couldn’t and then he was gone. And everyone was crying. I just realized I thought it was my fault because I talked to much. And then after his death the sexual abuse started, so I realized I put it all on his death. Thank you. I know I need more healing with my inner child, always being told I wasn’t accepted as I am, and to grow up you are so immature.

  29. My visualization was so goofy that I hesitated to share it, but here goes. I saw little me sitting in a little chair in the front yard, wearing a little dress, about three or four years old. She looked very serious, as I indeed was at that age. Home was often not a happy place. I picked her up and said. “Let’s go, I’ll take good care of you, don’t worry,” and she was happy to go with me. We went searching for a place. But instead, I placed her on a tall booster seat in the front passenger seat of my Mustang. (I know that’s not legal or safe and I wouldn’t do it in real life..) She leaned forward against the seatbelt and drummed her little feet against the front of the booster seat and said “Let’s go!” (As I type this, I realized that that’s exactly how I was at that age.) We both laughed and I realized we were both thinking, “This is gonna be fun!” I think it means I’m a Type 1. I had suspected I was but generally people think I’m quiet and serious.

  30. I started crying at the beginning of the video, even before we got close to the visualization. I guess I was ready to shift this. I’ve typed myself as a T1 and vacillate between T1 and T3 only because I know my energy in utero was all over the place according to my mom. They thought I was boy twins before they took an ultrasound. I really don’t think I’m a T3, because I’m not that intense and if it’s not fun I quit whatever it is. Then, I usually feel terribly guilty about letting people down even if I didn’t.

    In the visualization, I went to my family home. I turned up the light, but my bedroom where little me was sitting was still dark. She was shy and quiet, though she knew who I was and that I was safe for her. She showed me the stuffed animal she was playing with and sat on my knee while I was cross-legged on the floor. I didn’t try to hold her, because she hates being held in one place. We did hold hands and I looked her in the eye as I told her she did an amazing impossible job and now it is time to go be in a place where she is free to BE herself.

    We walked hand-in-hand up the shiny path. It was bright and sunny and in the fields up ahead there were water features and fun rides like bouncing beds, lazy carousels and pony rides in a circle. It reminded me of Willie Wonka’s Chocolate Factory where you could drink from the daffodil tea cups and eat the cups and saucers. LOVE THAT! At first there weren’t any friends because I didn’t want anyone coming and being mean. Then, I thought of my hubby as a child and my current BFF as a child and the three of our little selves went off hand-in-hand to play. I LOVE that!

    For the other inner child visualizations I’ve done, I didn’t feel as connected that I might return. I am already mentally having a blast with her in that safe place. This one feels solid. I also went back already and told her she could be as loud and bouncy as she wants to and she can say follow me and point out every fun thing she sees. ♥

  31. I am finding the visualization getting easier and definitely found my
    child is a type 3 looking for adventure (which I am doing more of in my
    adult life). I love being a type 3 and dressing my truth!! I found
    this to be a very powerful exercise! Thanks Carol!

    1. Thank you for sharing Liz! This is Kathy from Carol’s support team. We appreciate hearing from you! Enjoy!

  32. I just watched your video (inner child visualisation) supporting me in finding my true self twice. The first time I was confused.
    The second time the incredible thing happened that I started crying and feeling all warm when I recognized my true self. It was almost as if I felt real warm love and so much peace. However I still see some facial features that belong very much to another type and I am anxious to find out more. Thank you for doing this, making people happier than before through getting to know and become themselves better.

  33. I couldn’t get pass 10 minutes. I just cried because I have no memory of that age whatsoever.

    1. I hope you go back and do it when you’re ready. You might imagine what you were like as a child of that age. ♥

  34. Don’t we all just love Carol? Her big heart is showing in this one. Keeping it brief, began when I was nearly 3, and an incident that taught me how to be perfect, and how much it mattered. So, I show up, catch her eye, and nod to come with me. She jumps into monstrous pile of marshmallows (pillows) is surrounded by a herd of elephants. And then! A baby elephant comes to play with her and tickles her with his trunk and they giggle and fall back on the pillows and are safe. (A particularly grievous experience about a baby elephant makes this extremely significant to me. Basically, in my visualization the baby was safe and okay. I made one of the saddest things turn out better. I don’t know what this says about my truth, but I sure do feel better with the image replacing what I’d experienced.

  35. My 5 year old inner child did not come out immediately; she was watching the situation. She came-out when I called her. She was reserved at first, and not chatty. The place I took my inner child to was the place I always feel most like myself: alone, on the beach, listening to the water, eyes closed, facing the sun. This exercise really confirmed me as a Type 4. Childhood wounding did not occur later until about age 7/8 when my mother became ill (both mentally and physically). She was wounded herself and needed a lot of support….I was that support for her when I was a child. I remember going through distinctive phases where I acted like a 2 to satisfy her need for what she though a good Christian girl acted like. A 1 to lighten her moods and make her laugh so she was not suicidal. Finally a 3 as a teen, because she is a 3, and she wanted someone to be like her; to understand her. The last time I probably allowed myself to be myself was nearly 20 years ago before I turned 7. Type 4 was made fun of and not respected by my mother. Now I feel stuck in a rut — I’ve known that I am a 4 for a while, but I am always so busy and chatty and focused on making sure everyone is happy. That is a direct influence of trying to keep my mother happy and mentally sane for so many years…I do not know how to break free from this busy, chatty learned behavior (that is frankly exhausting). On another note, Carol has been a huge resource in helping me finally meet myself. I am grateful for this program and all its support.

    1. Thanks for sharing your story Amelia. Are you Dressing Your Truth? It is a daily reminder of who you are and will help you ground to your true energy.

      1. Than you for replying, Carol. Yes – I have been Dressing My Truth as a T4 since December. I have been involved in DYT for several years, but I spent a while dressing as a Type 3. It is fascinating how an awesome look for, say, you and the other T3 experts was a simply a scary look on me. haha
        I am much more at home dressing as a T4. I am also a lifestyle member, and truly enjoy the content featured there.

    2. This is interesting because it took many many tries of this….5 years ago my child would not come out. She was hidden and wouldn’t even look. Then she looked at me. Then she slowly walked to me. She’s usually always quiet, sweet, but quiet. Occasionally she will run around and be laughing, but usually she is still. I’m struggling with if I’m a 1/4 or a 4/1. I resonate so much with Kalista and what she said in one of the more recent videos, especially scheduling the fun. They both made sense in the video though.

  36. Carol, thank you so much for this. I opened my eyes after I completed this. When I placed the energy on my heart, I felt a lightness come back to me. I knew exactly who I truly was when my five yer old self skipped out to me and jumped in my arms. I brought her to the light, it was bright and light and had God, Jesus, and all of the angels. She was sitting on Christ’s lap laughing and playing patty cake. She was happy. I woke up with tears in my eyes. This is who I am. I am a type 1. I should’ve known when I thought I was all four types, but I now understand that I’ve had a hard time trusting myself and my nature. Thank you Carol, I feel like I’m home.

    1. That’s wonderful, Sara! I’m so happy this was supportive to you in finding your true nature.

  37. Great video! This is totally unrelated, however it is just me or do the 4 pillows on the couch represent the 4 energy types?

  38. These inner child visualizations are invaluable. I’m a T3/S2 who mistyped myself as a T2 for two years, even though all of my physical features are T3. Now that I’m living as a T3, I have really embraced the five elements of style and feel good in them. It’s interesting, though, that my inner child loves all things cozy and protected – just what a T2 child would want. In the visualization, I just went with it and let her have that cozy environment.

  39. I did this exercise but had a really hard time remembering me as a child in this age group. The parts that I finally remembered were me with my brother playing- nothing about my parents being around or being caring or supportive. I also had a hard time finding the little girl and comforting her. I wonder if this happens to others and what it all means. I still ended up crying after doing this.

  40. Very interesting exercise! I found my little smiling, happy self wanting to sit on my lap and be cuddled and loved. Soon we were in the peaceful, comfortable forest with her still wanting to be cuddled. After a while, I found we were in a patch of sunflowers and wildflowers in a meadow near the forest where I watched her twirling and laughing joyfully as she ran through the flowers holding her hands up and receiving light from heaven. I remember acting in a type 4 nature as a little small girl, hoping for respect. I also remember wanting to nurture all family members and friends who were hurting or who I felt were sad. I also remember trying to say and do something to make others happy if they were sad. I especially wanted to help my mother laugh and be happy. These days I understand that I am not responsible for the happiness of others so a great burden of heaviness has been lifted. However I still try. Lol
    I believe I am type 1/2

  41. Hi Carol! Thank you for making and sharing this BEAUTIFUL video. I was very touched by all that you had to say. I was also very touched to reacquaint myself with my inner child once again. I cried as I held her hand and hugged her and it felt so good to leave that scary familial situation that I had to deal with as a three year old…but no more. I ran and played in my safe place and felt great joy as my Heavenly Family greeted me with open arms and happy laughter…the kind of laughter that one hears from those that truly love me and are THRILLED to see me once again. Truly a blissful moment! I WILL come back to this video for continued healing. I found I resonated with Types 2 and 4. SAFE and RESPECTED were two words which resonated with me. Still need to learn more about myself…which tells me I’m a Type 4 mostly…Looking forward to doing that here on your website. Thank you for your good work!

  42. Thank you I really enjoyed doing this visual. It helps me heal a time I don’t remember. A time between watching my brother pass, becoming the person that made everything light and happy and covering my adventurous moving self. I will be returning to this again.

  43. I went back and saw a little 4- or 5-year-old girl, a worried face and furrowed eyebrows asking a lot of questions and feeling ashamed for that. I relate so much to seeking protection and comfort, and having a loving and safe atmosphere.

    1. I can relate because I got in trouble for asking a lot of questions in school and blurting contradictions to what the teacher was saying. After enough years of that I shut up and became afraid of having an opinion. I’m learning to let go of what are habits from my early years and getting to know who I actually am. Good luck to you on your path xx

  44. I have no real memories of being younger than 5. When I visualize my young self, I see me in photographs I have seen. I was able to go to her in the house I was in at that age and she was eager to see me. As I was visualizing and taking my young self to a safe place, I took her to a trampoline! We bounced and bounced and laughed holding hands. There was a safety net around the trampoline, but she was doing flips and cheerleader jumps. This helped me confirm my Type 1. I am still not sure if my secondary is a 2 or a 4, but I am grateful I am a 1. I am learning to trust this and not stand back and be an observer, but jump in and have fun. I am not sure when my oneness was stifled, but I pretty much grew up trying to be perfect, to please my parents. I am very critical of myself and sometimes of others, but I am getting better about not being critical of others. Still working on being critical of myself. Thank you for all the wonderful healing you have provided me so far. It is a wonderful journey!

  45. Ok I did the exercise all the way through. I came to my family home that i very first lived in to my earliest memory. Entering the house made me very afraid. I could not light up the whole house, just where I and my angels were. As we walked into the dining room where i sat in front of a tv in my high chair. I was 18 months-2 years. I saw myself bend down to look at me in my high chair. She (I) said to me, You don’t have to be here anymore, we are going somewhere not scary. She pulled me out of the high chair, adn now i am holding me (sorry if this is confusing, but my perspective kept changing) and Carol said now think of a safe place. the safest place i could imagine was the celestial room of the temple, for you other mormons out their. 😉 My angels and Heavenly Parents were there with me, and i first sat myself down on a comfortable chair,t he room was bright nad safe, where even the people around me made me feel safe. There was light and missiors adn the room was empty of others as if prepared for my party of people. then adult me walked me over to a set of large mirrors and now i was standing outside of both of me. The adult me leaned over to little me, and said you are safe now, and she placed a huge crown on my head, and my hair was suddenly long nad curly and blonde, adn she was surrounded by heavenly hosts all there for me. she was wearing a white dress and holding Heavenly Mother’s hand. there were mirrors, and flowers. I had a sense that the walls were strong and thick and safe for me, And felt my royalty placed upon my head like the heavy ornate crown.

    I have no idea what it means though. ha ha ! if i had to type it, i guess it would e 2/4? safe place with lots of reflection, regality, and bouncing light.

  46. It’s really beautiful (and brave) everything that’s been shared here: to be able to expose some of your most intimate feelings and experiences… This is a very healthy community and I’m always learning something: it makes me very happy and confident in following the path to finding my truth. I’ve cried after reading your experiences, ladies, as I identified myself in many of them (specially type 2s) and I feel I’m not alone and that’s simply beautiful…

    I also realize that I’ve been doing these kind of visualizations (of my inner child) sort of unconsciously (I didn’t know what a visualization was) for quite time, and now I know that it was my instinct speaking to me and trying to connect with my inner child. I can’t tell you how peaceful I feel after confirming I’ve been living my truth, listening to my inner voice, even when I was trying to act out as someone else (mostly type 4 and 3). Now I understand what Carol always says: there’s no way that you have buried entirely your true self, it always shows up, specially in the most important and/or challenging moments of your life.

    Now I feel empowered and ready to allow myself these conscious visualizations and healing practices. And I thank you all for sharing your experiences: they’ve made me confident and braver. Peace and (self)love to you all.

  47. Is Carol wearing black?? Is it because the jacket is more rugged & textured? I’ve watched most of the DYT videos posted in the past 1.5 years, and I remember it being said that patterns can be interchangeable with your secondary types, but colors can never be borrowed from other types.

  48. This was a wonderful video! I had a tear streaming down each cheek by the time I was done with this meditation. I could feel energy pouring out of my chest like an emerald green waterfall. I saw my grandmother, who passed when I was 1 and she guided me to our house where I was working alone on my chalkboard doing algebra (yes I was doing algebra when I was 5). I gave my child self permission to feel calm and a knowing that it wasn’t necessary for my parents to apply discipline because I was a very well-behaved child on my own. It was ok for them to discipline me (not abusively by any means!) because that was their nature and they wanted the best for me. It was ok for me to enjoy solitude and to not relate to other kids. My safe place was the library all by myself. I was sitting cross-legged, leaning against a shelf, with a book in my lap reading alone and it was very quiet. The only thing moving was my chest as I breathed, the pages I turned, and my eyes as a read. When I initially found DYT nearly 3 years ago, I instantly thought I was a type 4. After reading the book and going through the free online course, I started to feel like I was a type 2, especially since so many people describe me as gentle. I have been dressing as a type 2 since then, but it has been a struggle to let go of my black clothes. I feel grounded in black. Lately type 2 clothes make me feel frumpy. In addition, I have been working a lot on my self confidence and self worth this past year and I’m starting to “know” myself better and accept my analytical, literal, independent, and introverted self as well as my side that feels emotions deeply. Looking forward to returning to this video in the future.

  49. My really little self showed up chattering away, right away, then a little older self quiet and mellow, entertaining herself. After that, a teenaged me showed up ready to get in someone’s face & manipulate the scene to get what she wanted. Finally, the polished self showed up with everything in perfect order to make sure the picture was just right. I believe I’ve drawn from all four energy types over the years for whatever I needed at the time. Type 1 &2 feel more true. Three & four only show up when those aren’t working or accepted. Not sure what this means for my true self.

    1. Something interesting happened after watching this video and following through on the clearing (with multiple pausing to give myself time to process). I had to get ready to go out. I’ve been mostly dressing as a T2 for awhile now, but felt stuck & unsure in that ability to own it and finish my style. I’ve held onto some favorite wardrobe items and a few more T1 items…… just in case (pretty much ruled out T3& T4). After watching and posting, I went to get dressed. I started to put on a T1 type outfit to go out and immediately felt uncomfortable. Thank goodness I had T2 items on hand to wrap myself in. I feel so safe and comfortable. I think I might finally be ready to clear my closet and makeup drawer out for good and move forward in fully dressing and living my truth. Thank you, Carol Tuttle!!! What a profound experience. I’m teary eyed & grateful this morning.

  50. This video out of all the videos that I’ve watched resonates with me the most. If I allow myself to feel the energy rather than trying figure it out mentally, I’m very much attuned to the light, soft and open qualities of the Type 1 and Type 2 energies. I’ve wanted to be a Type 3 or Type 4 so badly and I tried to dress and act the ways that I perceived those types do, but the key word is “tried.” I did the inner child visualization and found myself at about the age of three. The little girl I met has soft baby blonde curls, big blue eyes and rosy red cheeks wearing a buttercup yellow romper. She is a bit timid and retreats inward when she feels threatened in the loud, sometimes unpredictable world she lives in. The only way she can survive around such an authoritative, sometimes harsh energy is to just shut down. She thinks that if she can remain as quiet and still as possible maybe she won’t be noticed therefore, she won’t get into trouble and be punished. Three smiling, peaceful angels show up for her. One is wearing a lavender gown, the other light blue and yet the other soft pink. They take her to a Candyland-type, colorful place where she can giggle, dance and wiggle around to her heart’s content. They are healing her through play. There is no one else there but her and her 3 angels. I say goodbye to her, hug her and tell her that the rest of her life is going to be wonderful, she’s safe and never alone. She can rest and be content knowing her angels are always watching out for her and they are available anytime.

    Type 1 and Type 2 have been the hardest for me to accept. I have both qualities of the Type 1 and Type 2 almost equally. I had to adapt as a child to the prevailing energies around me and now I’m facing the daily task of giving myself permission to be who I really am. It’s freeing to know that there is nothing wrong with me and in fact, my flaws are my greatest strengths. I tell myself everyday that I bring light, hope and peace to this world and there is a great need for people like me. So instead of just hesitantly accepting this about myself, I’m choosing to let go of all my preconceived feelings about it and commit to living true to my nature. Thank you!

  51. I finally did this yesterday and was surprised by what memories surfaced. I found myself at 5 in a place I did not live very long. I was scared. I was in trouble for breaking things. Most of my life I felt that I was shamed for being very talkative, but I “know ” that – this surprised me. I had forgotten that my play had an aspect of the physical that turned into broken things…a doll bed, a safety bar on the bunk beds…and when I thought about my safe place, it was where I could be as big and loud as I wanted to be. So many memories of this time in my life have to do with a frustrated physical activity…not being able to keep up with bigger kids, falling out of a car, getting in trouble for figuring out how to get up on my bike that was a little bit too big without my parents. I have always doubted the type 3 because I couldn’t see the “physical” connection, but now I see it in my younger self. Thank you.

  52. Wow!!! Powerful. This is the best. I visualized it all and when it culminated, I was on a big, old fashioned porch rocking on an old fashioned rocker at my fav place Disney’s Boardwalk…it is nostalgic and peaceful and stepping back in time kind of place and I felt safe and gentle and a breeze while looking out toward the fun Disney stuff and the fireworks I have seen many times. So the peaceful, gentle rocking is my T and the fun fireworks is my S.

  53. And one more addition to my comment below. I recently found something out about myself that surprised me immensely. After having brain surgery in Feb I kept a video diary of my healing journey. I recently went back and watched my videos. I was amazed to hear myself say something over and over and over again in each video….I kept saying “The hardest thing during the recovery is that I can’t plan anything”. Each and every video I produced I said the same thing over and over again. I didn’t even know I had been saying that. So, it was an epiphany. Put that together with my visual below of me sitting relaxed on a rocking chair with a breeze in a nostalgic, old fashioned setting.

  54. Long post ahead, but I truly want to share all of this & put it out there to encourage others. I share this video ALL OF THE TIME! It was the biggest support in discovering my type and trusting myself. I was questioning being a type 1 and feeling confused, but I was determined not to do the “type 1 bounce”, I wanted to just know and move forward with confidence (big clues already lol). So, I did this visualization with that intent. My inner child was in the, “What took you so long, I’ve been waiting!” camp. She ran right into my arms & gave me a tight squeeze hug. Then, I used to have a dream when I was younger where I was left behind while hiking at a place where I had to jump over a big gap in the rocks, but I couldn’t do it and no one waited for me, so I just wake up after staring at the huge gap. We went to that gap together, held hands & jumped!! We made it & hiked up a little bit to the place of my inner home. Everything about this place was dynamic, earthy & filled with adventure. Climbing places, waterfalls, even a lion came out to greet me. There weren’t any other kids there or animated things, so I asked my inner child if she wanted other kids to play with or other playful stuff to interact with (princesses, a carnival, unicorn, etc.) And she said with complete confidence, “No! They’ll just get in my way or slow me down!” That was the big wake up call. I have done the visualization many other times since & the results are always the same, I even purposely took my inner self to other places & she always wants to go back to where she feels truly at home, where she can be as big and as loud as she wants to be! I’m a type 3 and I love it now, I found my home! Thank you Carol, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  55. I did this, thinking I would find my bookish self, hidden in a room, a closet, surrounded by books, my safety and comfort. My escape from the terrible things. I was certain I would find my child hidden away, I have a room in my mind that I go to for comfort and it is soft, with a warm fire, heavy curtains and velvet, with a large window, where grey rain is always streaming down. There is no door. No one can get in to hurt me, my own safe haven.

    This is not what I found. My child was dancing in a glittering twirl. A costume of shining, glittering, streaming light, twinkling everywhere. Oh she danced. We danced away together to a place of shimmers and glimmers and love and we danced together. When I left, she gave me the most enormous joyous smile.

    I truly did not know this could happen and yes, I can feel doubt creeping in as I write this. But that child was full of joy. This was in no way the reality of my childhood, I don’t understand it at all.

    1. Yeah to you Sandra! This is Kathy from Carol’s support team. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Carol provides many tools to help you embrace what comes up that your inner-self is telling you. If you haven’t already done so, you may begin your Before & After journey and see where that takes you! Enjoy, and please do not hesitate to share your Before & After with us!

  56. I so wish this would help I have no memories of my self as a small child, i remember vividly being 13 but before that, only small memories that are stories i have been told so may not be memories at all. :(

  57. Another direct hit. Thank you Carol. Every time Inhave done a childhood healing video my childhood self has shown up in different homes I lived in as young. This time being no different. It did give me clarity.

    I have been questioning if Type 1 could possibly be a dominant, mostly because I disconnect so easily (and see the possibility in everything). When I found myself I was 4 and sitting alone in the livingroom floor watching TV – disconnecting myself from myself and my surroundings. I noticed that this is something I have done all my life and this is where it started. It was safer to disconnect all together and escape into the fantasy world of the TV show than being present in my own body and situation.

    What little me wanted was some uninterrupted one on one play time. Soft, safe and fun.

    Thank you.

  58. Omg..I LOVED THIS!! My little self so needed me to rescue her! I loved fantasy, colors, playing in a colorful fantasy amusement park like The Land of The Dragons at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, jumping through little fountains of water in my bathing suit!! I was so happy to be me and to love make believe, colors and happy adventuresome playtime! My little face was constantly expressing thrilled glee at all that I saw and experienced. I wanted more and more! This was just too much fun and happiness for my family. “Ok, that’s enough Vawny, calm down.” That was the mild response to my zeal. Now she’s mine! I can take her to have all kinds of awesome exciting experiences and she can be just as happy as she wants to be! Thank you for this!

  59. I’m feeling a little emotional… My grandma Carol came with me to the first house I can remember, and my 5 year old self was waiting for me. I got on her level, took her hands and told her that I’d take her somewhere safe. She wouldn’t look directly at me, but would look at the ground. We ended up being back at my house now, and she wanted to snuggle and read a book. She just wanted me and my affection and attention, snuggling on our couch. I’m not sure what to think of that, but I felt waves of emotion and tears brimming my eyes. She didn’t want to let go of me.

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