Leanne Ely of Saving Dinner Gets a Type 1 Before & After

Maybe you know Leanne Ely as the “mother of menu planning” from her website, Saving Dinner.

I also know her as an extravagant and bright Type 1 woman.

Watch as she lights up the room with her brilliant “After” — she’s truly a breath of fresh air, so true to her light and animated Type 1 nature.

Leanne wasn’t sure about her new outfit prior to trying it on. Once she had it on, she loved it. Have you ever experienced this? I especially love the jacket on her.


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  1. Leanne looks sensational, what a delicious transformation! What I found especially helpful about this makeover was the contrast between the coral colour in their outfits – the T1 fresh coral vs. the T3 rich coral. I’m a 1/4 and prefer darker tints to pastels, but sometimes stray into T3 shades. Thank you for this reminder!

  2. I love the word “extravagant” for type 1 energy! What I noticed for the first time is how different type 1’s can be from one another. Leanne reminds me of the Meryl Streep kind of type 1 energy. To me she has points of a star features. I love her playfulness. I am always awed by the way type 1’s can keep engaged in conversations. This was a refreshing makeover and so fun to watch!

  3. Yay, Leanne! I was extatic to see you on here, literally did a happy-dance! Now we need Flylady on here! 😉

    1. I was so excited to see Natalie last time and Leanne this month. Carol seems to be going through all of the people I follow.

  4. Love that jacket! It’s so interesting that the expression on her face in the before and after pictures is the same but she looks so much brighter and more natural in the after pictures. Just worked out a while ago that I had mistyped myself as a type 2 when I’m in fact a type 1, so I’m wondering if my grey clothes have that affect on me? Time for some trying on in front of a mirror, I think!

    1. I see things in pictures that I don’t catch in the mirror. I’m not good at selfies but every now and then I have my husband snap a picture and it is amazing what you can pick up in a photo.

  5. This is an amazing makeover. She looks 10 years younger and her figure is adorable and she looks so much thinner. She is a beautiful woman who was hiding in her clothes before.

  6. I absolutely love to know that there are different expressions within the Type 1, as I didn’t see myself as “cute”… I totally resonate with the Extravagant style. I get a bit confused about the stripes… I thought that it was more a Type 4 style…it looks nice.

    1. Stripes are definitely a type 4 movement, but any type can wear stripes–especially if you have a secondary type 4. Remember that we can borrow the four other elements from our secondary type–just not colors.

      Five Elements:
      1. design lines (shapes, structure)
      2. texture (feel: bumpy, smooth, rough, soft, etc.)
      3. fabrication (drape: flowing, stiff, etc.)
      4. pattern (contrast, shape, etc.)
      5. color

      You can incorporate stripes with the other elements of your primary type. Type 2s (like me) will most likely feel comfortable with subtle stripes, rather than bold ones. So I would look for things with stripes that are so thin that the colors blend together from further away, or stripes with a low contrast between the two colors. There are probably also some people who don’t feel comfortable with stripes, even if they are combined with the elements from their primary type. You just need to think of the elements of your energy type, try things on, and see what feels right for you.

  7. Leanne!!! I raised my kids on meals from your cookbook!❤️ Wow, you look amazing! And not that you looked big before but you look like you lost 20 lbs in your After pics! I love this outfit and I want that jacket!!

  8. Oh – my – gosh! This video resonated SO much with me that I literally got emotional. By just observing Leanne’s demeanor and movement, I confirmed my secondary T4 movement. It is so strong in me sometimes! I need to learn to keep it under check for sure 🙂 My daughter owns a jacket very similar to the one chosen for Leanne, exact same color with stripes. I wore it about two weeks ago and felt so complete and light despite the stripes. Now I now that it was my T4 movement thanking me as well. Thank you so much for doing these videos. They are a tremendous aid to all of us. Sending lots of love your way!

  9. I looked it up and its from Dillard’s. It comes in type 4 black and white (yippie for me) but pretty expensive.

  10. Leanne, you look lighter and brighter, shining your true self out. Fabulous outfit, esp. the fun jacket.

  11. Yeah!! Leanne you look so fabulous! I, too, started with FlyLady and then you, and then your sister Leslie. Let’s get those two ladies in here!! They’re beautiful, wonderful women who have helped so many. Thank you, Carol!!! <3

  12. This really spoke to me! I’m about halfway through my 30 Day Challenge, and at a meeting last week, I not only got several compliments (you look “great,” “cute,” “lovely”) but one woman asked me “What did you do? Did you get your hair done? No, it’s more than that. . .what’d you do?” We didn’t have time to go into DYT in depth but I mentioned Carol’s name and told her how AMAZING I feel now that I’m dressing in clothes that make me feel fabulous! 🙂

  13. Now do her sister Leslie – MissusSmartyPants! It’s my dream to see her MSP profiles integrated with DYT concepts. 🙂

  14. love your outfit Carol — you seem to be “lightening up” with colors and textures…more of a secondary Type 1 for you?

  15. Oh, I loved this one!!! I am more the extravagant type one myself, so this really spoke to me in being a bit sassier and more tailored than the ususal type 1 makeover. Leanne looks so shapely in the fitted jacket and jeans. I would absolutely wear that outfit. Great one!

  16. A beautiful woman….I would have typed her as a T3 with the angular jawline, swift upward brows, skin texture. more forward moving energy…I didn’t see the circles and smiling eyes and lightness that normally define a T1 She souls have looked dynamic wearing Carole’s outfit

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