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Stressed Out? Reset Again with This Exercise – Healing Session

Overwhelmed. Stressed. Out of balance.

Can you relate to these feelings?

You know the kind of life you want for yourself, but it can seem beyond your control in this fast-paced world. I invite you to join me for this calming exercise as we clear away those negative feelings and welcome a life of ease, flow, and balance.

I recently launched The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues above—and a hundred more. I invite you to start your first healing session today.

More resources to help you create an amazing life:

New to an exercise like this? See my introduction to tapping.


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  1. Oh Carol, thank you so very much! Yesterday three members of my family of four (one being me) expressed that we felt the need to cry from what we each perceived as our own overwhelming moments of the day. I shared this observation last night with my husband, a type 2/3, who is so wrapped in his stress that he reacted that no one could be as stressed as he is. Thanks to the Relationship Communication course I’m participating in via my Lifestyle membership I was able to reframe my response which might have been to say “never mind.” Instead I was able to share that his response seemed like a pattern of him feeling that he alone was suffering. He felt validated and was able to listen. I was able to point out that what I was about to say was how I could see that we were each suffering our own stress and that I was applauding all of us for continuing to support and love one another despite our own stress. So, I hadn’t realized I was going to type ALL of this… now, to the point. I’ve just done this clearing. I feel a renewed sense of my own power and strength. I feel I can once again manage my own life in ease and balance as well as send the energetic support my family needs. Can’t wait to share this exercise with my husband and daughter (both type 2/3).

  2. This was exactly what I needed. I have been struggling with the stresses that have been present in my family and in myself. I felt the tension leave and a clarity that I needed to make some big decisions that I have been avoiding because of the tension and stress surrounding them.

  3. Wow! The letting-go part of this tapping exercise described exactly how I used to feel when my children were young and I was working full time as well as saying yes to everything that was asked of me! I do wish I had had this help back then. Better late than never, however….I realize I still do get stressed and feeling overwhelmed, and feeling as though I don’t have enough time or energy for everything…..and feeling guilty about not saying yes etc. So I guess I still need this! Thank you, Carol and Anne!

  4. Is it normal to feel the need to move in my body when tapping? I like to tap but after a small amount of time I feel and need to move or shift or breath deeply and audibly and if I resist it, I have an involuntary shutter. Ever experienced that?

  5. I’ve been going through this tapping almost everyday for the last 2 weeks and I can’t believe the amazing results!! I’m feeling more comfortable with my daily routine and content in knowing that I know what to focus on and when to focus on it. I used to have a running list of things to do in my head, most of the time I felt like I couldn’t just be present and in the moment to relax because I knew there was always something that I “should” be doing. I’ve been working on this for quite awhile but this tapping made the biggest shift so far! 🙂

  6. Thank you for this video, Carol, and for all of the other energy applications. I’m in the process of getting my certification as an EFT/INT practitioner and had been getting nervous about passing my exam and doing my case histories within the time limits that I have set. This has helped me to keep the energy flowing and to stay Present, focusing on what needs to be done now, not worrying about the rest. Great tapping sequence; love the bonus of the RET, tip, too!

  7. I LOVE these tapping videos! Super helpful!! Does it matter your position when tapping, sitting, standing, lying down? Can I do them first thing in the morning while I’m still laying in bed?

  8. I’ve watched this video at least 4 times now in times of stress. It always helps me turn my day around. Thank you Carol!

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