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3 Myths That Make You Think You’re Not Type __

Do you find yourself saying, "I can't be that Type because..."

Your true nature is a gift that can sometimes be misinterpreted by others—and by yourself.

“But I’m Not the Life of the Party!” 3 Myths That Make You Think You’re Not Type 1

  • “I can’t be a Type 1 because I’m not the life of the party.”
  • “I can’t be a Type 1 because I’m not social (or outgoing, or an extrovert).”
  • “I can’t be a Type 1 because I don’t drop the ball all the time.”

I’m here to shed light on these common myths of being a bright and animated Type 1 woman. Let’s talk about the 3 myths that could be keeping you from fully embracing your Type 1 energy.

“But I’m Not a Homebody!” 3 Myths That Make You Think You’re Not Type 2

  • “I’m not a Type 2 because I’m not an angel. I get angry sometimes.”
  • “I’m not a Type 2 because I don’t like lace, frills, and flowy fabrics.”
  • “I’m not a Type 2 because I’m not a homebody; I am adventurous and like to get out.”

These are common myths surrounding the soft and subtle Type 2 Energy. Let’s talk about why not all Type 2 women will have ALL of the Type 2 attributes.

“But I’m Not Athletic!” 3 Myths That Make You Think You’re Not Type 3

  • “I don’t own my own business.”
  • “I’m not athletic.”
  • “I’m sensitive.”

Let’s talk about these common misconceptions about the rich and dynamic Type 3 woman. It’s important to not isolate one attribute and say because of that, you can’t be that Energy Type. Own it, live it, and share your passion with the world.

“But My Home Isn’t Clean!” 3 Myths That Make You Think You’re Not Type 4

  • “I don’t have a clean home.”
  • “I don’t have perfect skin.”
  • “I’m not mean.”

We’ll talk about minimalism, all-or-nothing tendencies, and the almost-stoic presence of the
bold and striking Type 4 woman. You’ll discover how these myths are simply misconceptions about the constant and still energy that Type 4 women effortlessly express.

Start Dressing Your Truth Today

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  1. As a type one, I do move a lot but I am not a “fast” mover. I get things done, but it takes me longer than most people. My husband teases me “I could get that bed made and laundry folded in half the time!” (he’s a type three!) But he jokes with me because he knows my type one mind is always humming with some idea or question or story. Type 1/2’s have triple yin movement… Is yin a lower movement and can a 1/2 have a high degree of movement in the mind- rather than in the body? I hope that makes sense.

    1. As a t1 married to a t3, I know exactly what you mean! I feel I am much slower than he is; often I let him do things in his way so as not to have him feel like I’m slowing him down. Compared to a t3 you see yourself as slow. But have you compared yourself to any other type? You may not perceive yourself as slow compared to someone other than a t3. 🙂

      1. You know what- I haven’t! Thank you, I will definitely take notice of that… I will say this: When my family all gets together, I am usually the first one up from the table. When I’m done eating, I’m ready to move on. I do notice that the 2s and 4s like to sit around the table and talk for an extra 30 minutes or even an hour. I get antsy sitting at the table. When I’m at home, I don’t even sit at the table. I eat standing up! I just need to be able to move around. But that’s a great insight- and I am going to follow up on it… Thank you!! 🙂

  2. I have the tendency of the Type 1, going back and forth on my Type and not wanting to really commit to anything that seems challenging, however I feel angry a lot of the time to where I feel like something is seriously wrong with me. I can get angry so quickly for the littlest things…and I HATE it. I just feel stuck.

  3. This is great info I wouldn’t have ever seen myself as life of the party, or dropping the ball. But, the more I’m aware, I catch myself being very T1! At gatherings if there’s a lull or it’s not going well, I start looking for ways to help and bring it up. No lampshades on my head, but can I turn on music, or draw attention to an activity that may be getting missed, I’ve even gone to who’s in charge and made suggestions. I do tend to take on too much – my whole life I’m told, you do too much – but to me, never enough. As 1/3, I can hardly resist! I really love variety and will gleen what I can from each thing as fast as I can so I have time for the next. I’ll take on a new thing if interest wanes in the previous thing. I’m loyal, but I love to skim through things, then come back to it and pick up more, sometimes I wonder how I missed some detail the 1st time around because I skimmed so fast that the 2nd time feels brand new. The more interested I am in something, the more I come back to it. I have wondered what’s wrong with me that I lose interest in certain things so quickly. But, if I do lose interest, I make a point of finishing what I committed to and replace myself if I can’t keep a commitment so no one’s hurt. I’ve also stopped letting people put me in charge of something too quickly – and tell them I tend to change my mind a lot, so give me something for now, not long term. I dig in so much so fast I’m seen as a leader – and I am, but don’t like to get stuck in the same thing for long.

  4. I forget to eat too!! Ugh!! It’s like- oh great, I have to make some time to eat, are you kidding me? I usually carry stuff around my hands that I can eat on the go. Your husband sounds just like mine- that is too funny! I bet his secondary is a four- my husband is a 3/4. He really has that ability to stay focused and get the job done.
    Here’s another difference in the energy type of my husband and me- we are both avid walkers. I walk three miles a day, he walks four. We do it separately on our own schedule. When he comes back from walking, he’ll say something like “Hey guess what? I beat my personal best today by 30 seconds!” And when I come back, I’m full of all the news and goings on about the neighborhood. “I saw so & so and they had their baby!” or ” So and so’s dog is feeling much better after the surgery”… I keep up with everyone (and their pets!) Two totally different focuses!

    1. Lol this is great!! My husband saysbhes over observant and I’m not sure what type is that. This is what got me confused with him. I’m glad I narrowed down his 3. At a play we went to the misshapen roof they made for the house was not made right and my husband couldn’t enjoy the play because the roof was driving him crazy. I just had to chuckle a little bit because of it. Still talked about the misshapen roof they made after the play on the way home and I just smiled at him and let him talk to get it out. He gets annoyed at people who say they will do stuff and they take weeks sometimes months to get it done and it wants results now. He’s had to get used to me because I don’t do things as fast as he wants things done. It’s funny the talks we’ve been having and chuckling inside because he does things or says things pertaining to his type. He doesn’t know anything about dyt.

      1. Hi Elaina- just to let you know, I am married to a 3/4 husband so what I have to share is from that perspective. Someone else (who knows more than me!) may see it differently… Anyway, you said your husband is over observant, and this is something I see a LOT in fours (either dominant or secondary). My husband would be going on and on about that misshapen roof too! He notices even the smallest things- that’s that “perfecting” quality that type fours have, that attention to details. One time, he was helping his brother rehab a house… And my husband spent EIGHT HOURS on a closet door that had to be “just right” because it wasn’t exactly square. They still tease him about it. His type four REALLY comes out in household projects- I’m so glad because I have NO patience for them…. I hate details!!!! But that soft carpeting does sound nice- when I was growing up, it was still legal to have double padding. My friends would always comment on how plush our carpet was! But you can’t do that anymore (have double padding underneath) because of fire codes. Anyway, I’m not trying at all to tell you his secondary is a four like my husband’s- but it sure does sound like they have a lot in common!! 😉

        1. I know you aren’t telling me my husband is secondary 4. I knew he had to be 3/4 or 4/3. He has no patience like a 2. I know his 2 is last. When he started talking about being over observant and can see everything around him it got me thinking. He hates crowds because he can hear every conversation and can’t narrow down who is speaking what in the conversation he feels like he needs to yell to tell everyone to shut up. He goes to crowds because I like going. It’s quite interesting narrowing his type down and understanding my husband better. Thank you for helping me with the “over observant part. I couldn’t tell if it was s2 or s4.

          1. By the way- is your husband by any chance related to Robert Reich the former Secretary of Labor? Sorry to intrude- I’m sure you get asked that a lot!

  5. Oh my! No, I knew he couldn’t be the former Secretary… My goodness, he must be in his eighties by now! No, I thought maybe your husband was his son or grandson or nephew or something…. Lol, that is too funny!

  6. Not only is every type able to get things done, every type also drops the ball from time to time. It’s part of being human. I dropped the ball a few days ago, and I’m a Type 4. Type 1s aren’t the only ones, so I’m glad you dispelled that myth for the light and lovely ladies in our midst.

  7. I go back and forth on my Type ALL THE TIME! Lol. So that leads me to believe that I am a Type 1. I thought I was a 4 but once I look at pictures of myself, I can see that I’m not because my face is not symmetrical. However, when I read the Child Whipserer, Type 1 didn’t fit, but 3 and 4 did. My mom described me as being a serious child but Im just confused because my face is telling me 1 but I act like a 4 most times. There have been moments in my life where I get semi comfortable around people and the animation starts to come out but then afterwards I start to think that the way I was acting was wierd and that I should just stop being wierd lol. Plus, I relate to everything Jaleah says but when I read about Type 1 in The Child Whisperer and Your Beauty Profile, Type 1 doesn’t fit. Im just really confused! 🙁

  8. So this nailed down my type. I said the same thing about the type 4 video! LOL. I’m a type jumper since the very beginning so I’m pretty sure I’m a T1/4. I do love lightness and I’m not much structured but I do like things neat and tend to move in linear fashion to get something done as quickly as possible. I’m a very happy, positive person and it is hard to be around others that are negative. My eyes are big and round but I also have the parallel lines. I have so many qualities of each type it has been like a mental ping-pong match going back and forth between all the types! I’m assuming that indicates I’m a bright and happy 1! It also took me forever to write this. I kept going back and deleting and perfecting before I hit the post button! 1/4 it is.

    1. Great insights, so remember when you are tempted to jump on over to another Type, jump back to your true Type 1 self!

  9. I can’t be a T1 because my earliest childhood memories are of preferring to be solitary, low social skills, very in my head, imaginative and creative. As a teen I felt extreme discomfort in social settings, even family, and even now I need time to recover afterwards. I am very passionate and can be volatile. I cannot carry a conversation and do not like talking on the phone for that reason. Being invisible is my preferred state but not always. I feel too often that I “try” to be T1 although I do have a fun side. I’ve noted that I have become more animated after marrying my T1 husband. Also, I look like I am ill in tints and will not wear them often. Shades make me look healthy and alive.

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