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Relationship Rehab! How to Make a Positive Shift in Your Relationships – Effortlessly

Improve all of your relationships without any additional effort? Yes, Please!

What if you could make a positive shift in all of your relationships by understanding one simple system?

One of the most powerful benefits of learning Energy Profiling is it improves your relationships!  In some cases, almost effortlessly.

Why does this happen?  It’s a benefit that comes as a by-product of understanding the 4 Types of people. It’s a change in our expectations of others.  And when our expectations are more aligned with what we experience with others, we have less judgment, and when we have less judgment we naturally have more joy.

Think of one relationship that has improved in your life as a direct result of learning about that person’s Energy Type. What changed in you that changed the relationship?

I want to show you how to take Energy Profiling and put it to practice to help your relationships (The other person in the relationship doesn’t even need to know their Type). I have invited four guests to join me who need some rehab in their relationship! I’ll also review Face Profiling with each. What can you learn from their experiences that will help you shift a challenging relationship for the better?

This session is a live recording from the I Love My Life Event 2020.

Relationship Rehab Questions:

  • What is the issue you are having in your relationship?
  • Give a specific example of a scenario that plays out when this issue arises.
  • How has the relationship improved since knowing your Types?
  • What is still not in harmony with the relationship?
  • If the issue improved what would the relationship look like?

Relationship Rehab Guests:

  • (4:40) HeatherLynn is a Type 1, her daughter is a Type 2.
  • (18:08) Noelle is a Type 2, her husband is a Type 1.
  • (32:46) AnneMarie is a Type 3, her husband is a Type 2.
  • (49:48) Delcia is a Type 4, her mom is a Type 3.

What relationship in your life could use a little rehab right now? Set the intention that you will receive the insights and information you need to help that relationship shift for the better.

Learn more about the four Types in my book Its Just My Nature

Quick links mentioned in these sessions:

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