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Ever “Fall Out” of Your Type? How to Connect Back to Yourself: Lifestyle Coaching Call

Expert Q&A with Jaleah and Kalista

Whatever you’re looking for, you’ll get the inspiration you need.

“Can Type 1s wear tan? Is personal style a good way to figure out my secondary? Where do you find petite sizes? What’s the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 ruffles? How do I wear patterned necklaces with patterned tops?”

Imagine sitting down with two of the Dressing Your Truth Experts and asking them your most pressing Dressing Your Truth/Energy Profiling questions. That’s what we did! In this recording of our Live Lifestyle Coaching Call, our DYT Experts, Jaleah and Kalista were here to answer your live questions and give insight from their 14+ years of experience with Dressing Your Truth and Energy Profiling.

Have you ever wondered how Jaleah and Kalista learned about Carol and DYT? Hear the stories of how they came to be your DYT Type Experts. (29:54)

The Live Q&A begins at 8:22. Some of the questions we answered are:

  • (8:22) I wonder if the Type 1 experts ever “fall out” of their type. I find that there are times that I feel 100% Type 1 and then for some reason, I will have times that I lose touch with who I really am. I am not exactly sure why this happens.
  • (11:42) Please clarify beige/tan/nude for Type 1s!
  • (13:46) My style was edgy and androgynous before being #cluebombed as Type 1, 3 months ago, and I’m finding it really challenging to embrace Type 1 tints and the cute feminine style just doesn’t feel like me, how can I embrace that?
  • (20:25) I’m pretty sure I’m a Type 2, but am trying to figure out my secondary. I seem to have a number of Type 1 garments, is that a clue to my secondary?
  • (21:15) I’ve recently been #cluebombed as a type 4 woman and I’m really excited about it. I’m wondering if you have any advice on how to avoid getting “all or nothing” in my process. I’m working on building my type 4 wardrobe, but I find that if I can’t find a perfectly Type 4 outfit, I’ll find myself being inclined to just want to give up entirely because, if I can’t do it perfectly, I’d rather not do it at all. any tips? thanks
  • (22:58) Can Type 4s wear a “nude” color piece of clothing, like we can with nude shoes? Even though those colors are not true hues?
  • (25:25) Type 3 can be challenging to find for petites. Any suggestions?
  • (39:01) Can you share some advice for having longer Type 1 hair? I’m 52 and growing out natural, so getting grays up front. Its course, thick and slightly wavy, tending to frizz.

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