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Why We Think Our Hairstyle Needs to Change: Lifestyle Coaching

Plus - How to quickly change your style without changing your hair.

Do you feel like your hairstyle is boring, needs to change, or isn’t quite right?

The ever-changing fashion world suggests to us that we need to be forever changing too. We’ve overdeveloped the idea that our hairstyle needs to change often. And we become dissatisfied thinking it needs to look different in order for us to feel beautiful.

But the truth is that once we find that sweet spot with our hairstyle the rest of our style falls into place. And there isn’t a need to deviate from it all that much. There are many ways to change up our style without pulling out the scissors.

In this recording of our Lifestyle Coaching Call, I’m joined by six guests from our Lifestyle community. They’ve come to me with questions about their hairstyles. From the feedback I give them, I show you how to narrow in on a timeless look, stop thinking so much about your hair, and give your time to things you enjoy more. I know that you’ll benefit from their questions and experiences and get pointers and insights perfect for you!

(6:56) But first, let’s hear two success stories, one from Dressing Your Truth and one from the Money Cure.

Now, let’s meet our guests and see what feedback they get:

  • (9:18) Helen, Type 2/4
  • (23:18) Melanie, Type 1/2
  • (25:56) Victoria (she’ll be in the upcoming #TruthBombTuesday)
  • (28:13) Kami, Type 4/2
  • (42:37) Kerri, Type 3/2
  • (48:00) Breanna, Type 2/1

Share what you’ve learned, and a picture of your hairstyle in the Lifestyle Facebook Group!

Quick links from the topics in this broadcast:

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