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Personalize Your Style with Floral Prints Perfect for You

How to pick florals prints true to your secondary - for all Types

Knowing how to bring in your secondary style with the correct floral prints will freshen up your personal style! (You’ll also save yourself time & money avoiding the trial-and-error method.)

You’ve learned how your dominant/secondary combo (this can also be called your Yin-Yang combo) applies in your relationships & lifestyle, and to your style with clothinghair, & jewelry. Print is another way to create a next-level of style personalization.

Watch the video for your Type of beauty as Anne and I give explanations and show examples for each combo. Keep in mind, there are many flower prints that would work for anyone of your Type. We are showing those that pull more to each of the dominant/secondary combos. You’ll want to have your Style Kit handy for this.

Type 1 Dominant/Secondary Floral Print Combos:

  • (1:04) Type 1/2, (2:57) Type 1/3, (4:22) Type 1/4

Type 2 Dominant/Secondary Floral Print Combos:

  • (1:48) Type 2/1, (3:33) Type 2/3, (4:34) Type 2/4

Type 3 Dominant/Secondary Floral Print Combos:

  • (1:15) Type 3/1, (2:17) Type 3/2, (3:17) Type 3/4

Type 4 Dominant/Secondary Floral Print Combos:

  • (00:54) Type 4/1, (2:57) Type 4/2, (3:49) Type 4/3

Now, go into your closet. Do you have any floral prints? Divide them into these secondary piles. Do you see any clues as to why you like what you do?

Share your floral prints in our Lifestyle Facebook group. You’ll love the inspiration that you receive from sharing and seeing each other’s great style combos.

More deep dives into floral pints for your Type:

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