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How Hobbies Can Support Your Natural Movement

What comes to mind when you hear the word "hobby"?

What is a hobby to you?

Many things could come to mind, but it’s simply anything that you enjoy and choose to pursue. Things you do in your free time that support your natural movement.

I sat down with each of my DYT Experts to hear what they think of hobbies and how they use these enjoyable experiences to support their healthy lifestyles. Watch the video for your Type to get insights and ideas that might help you reconsider the benefit of a hobby in your life.

Type 1 – How Hobbies Can Support Your Upward, Light Movement

Find out with Jaleah how to prioritize playfulness in your recreational pursuits. Did you know your experience doesn’t have to be intense? It can be light and random! After all, a girl just wants to have fun, right?!

Type 2 – How Hobbies Can Support Your Fluid, Flowing Movement

Your experience with hobbies can be peaceful and calm. Join Anne and learn the one question to ask yourself to find out which hobbies will nurture you. Let’s end any stressful experiences you’re having with recreational activities.

Type 3 – How Hobbies Can Support Your Determined, Push-Forward Movement

You love to get results, and even better when they’re big results! Join Anna K and Carol as they discuss which hobbies are the most satisfying to them. You’ll learn how to say yes to hobbies that truly support you.

Type 4 – How Hobbies Can Support Your Constant, Still Movement

When you find the right hobbies, true to you, you’ll have another outlet for your perfecting nature. Join Kalista to learn what to look for in a hobby and why certain hobbies appeal to your precise and reflective nature.

Personal interests and hobbies support us in expressing and nurturing ourselves. We are happier and grounded when we honor this need.

For more ideas and ways to nurture your nature see these posts:

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  1. I love to read also Jaleah! If you don’t see me for some time, Im somewhere reading a really good book! LOL Love to stay up past my bedtime to finish a book that is almost finished! Crafts every now and then, but reading, singing and dancing (by myself) is my special spot!!! And yes, I do it everyday just for me hehehe

  2. I LOVE reading!!! I read fantasy, syfy anything that departs from reality. I think I love them so much because I really have to challenge my imagination to “see” the world and the characters. I’m an Artist, and reading fun books also inspires me to paint out the scenes I imagine.

      1. Plus it’s quicker than taking a trip! No packing, no plane ride, no planning….Just git a book off the shelf and you’re there!

  3. I am a reader and a singer. It’s just so much fun even to sing while driving and see reaction of people on cars next to me.

    1. Ha! I always make sure to stop singing at lights. Next time I am just going to keep on singing loud and proud 🙂

  4. I was just thinking when you both were talking about Pintrest and saving ideas, one of my hobbies, how I love watching all the videos from Dressing Your Truth and since I am a type one I wondered if the other types likes watching their type videos also. It seems like a type one fun thing to do and maybe a Type 2 but Type 3 or Type 4s…not so much.

    1. The Type 2’s are actually the biggest watchers! (but they do have the biggest group) Then Type 1. Type 3 and Type 4 watch pretty well too. Just not as well as the others 🙂

  5. I am a Type 1–just getting used to the idea! When I heard Jaleah talk about going through magazines and cutting pictures and putting them in a notebook and now using Pinterest, I thought, “Yep!” I did the same thing and still have the notebook I started in high school to “show a decorator someday.” I think it’s the “possibility thing” that appeals to me about those activities. And…I’m a reader, too.

    1. I wish I still had my books! I just loved the dreaming aspect of it, and the “possibility thing” too 😉

  6. I just found this video today and had to laugh on the pinterest-thing! That’s so me! I love dreaming out my own perfect world on there with all those beautiful pictures and who knows, maybe that’s the first step to manifesting it all? I think pinterest is a fairydust-booster 😉
    My other ‘hobbies’ are dancing and singing, too, and I really like to craft sometimes. But this craftiness is just a short burst of creativity that I have to follow immediately (taking necklaces apart in the middle of the night to make some earrings) or I won’t finish what I started. Other times it’s just making my home prettier by decorating with something new and unexpected or buying fresh flowers or herbs for the kitchen.

  7. I’m a professional artist, so painting and drawing is everything for me, hobby, calling, mission, passion and etc.. I can knit, too. My other major hobbies are reading, and I like karaoke, too!

  8. I love crafting. I love singing. I love reading fun and positive books. And I too spend spend so much Time every single day on Pinterest. If you did is just for a few minutes before bed. It makes me happy.

  9. Jaleah! Who are your favorite authors?!? I save my reading for flights. (I hate to fly). So I am right there with you in terms of it being an escape. I like Mercedes Lackey and Ann McCaffrey but I’ve read everything they’ve written. Who do you read? Quick, I’ve got a flight next Friday!

  10. I can so relate to this reading issue. I tried for so long to read books from the 1001 Books to Read Before You Die list so I could be better read and better educated and I could just never get through it. I even bought the book with the list so I could keep track of them all. i was just asking myself this morning if I should get rid of that book and give up on getting through this list. Why spend all that time reading books that bore me to tears?!? It just doesn’t make sense.

  11. Really enjoyed watching this video. Believe it our not, as a result, I was able to gain a bit of insight into my own energy type. One of my hobbies is Genetic Genealogy. For many years my mother insisted that it was my job to research and build our family tree. Kicking and screaming, I began this project a little over 3 years ago. Since then, I have not looked back. What’s amazing is I had no clue that research and connecting the dots, was my thing, and that it would be so much “fun” for this Type 2.

  12. I’m not much of a reader, it’s not something I find fun, but I do enjoy it when I’m learning something or diving into more information about something. Like DYT or some books that I’ve been able to relate to or envision when I’m reading ie: Pride and Prejudice, Where the Hear ti s and Silver bells. all but p/p I’ve hate the movies, so not the same or even close to the real books story. I’ve never gotten into reading sci-fi/adventure/fantasy, just never interested me.
    I’m also addicted to pinterest and had my design binder back in the day. I think I may still have it, but really it’s not longer relevant as my design style has changed, and I love Pinterest for that because I can go back and edit things out that no longer appeal to me.
    I do enjoy singing. I’ve been singing since I could walk. I used to dress up like tina turner around the house and sing. Though I hate being in front of crowds, and being forced to perform. I enjoy singing, but I do it for myself. I love to sing when I’m swing dancing and I’m known for serenading my leads when as song comes on that I love and I can’t help but sing, and I get very positive feedback from my leads who enjoy hearing me singing in their ear.

    I’m lucky to have been blessed with an amazing singing voice and it’s been confirmed through the multiple strangers who approach me when I’m singing at the store or at church or at some event.
    Last night I was super proud of myself. I was around my T3 & T1 friends who were my cheerleaders and helped me to get up on stage for an A Capella competition. We had only about 10 minutes to practice and I was like ‘I don’t know if I want to do this and then right when they were calling us to stage, I was like “okay, let’s do this.”

    We got up on stage and myself and V were ready to do Royals, but my T4 friends was like were not ready for that. I was thinking we were doing “I feel good” by James Taylor. I saw some T4 in her at that point. My T3 pulled up and was like are already up on stage and people are staring at us. We look like fools now, so we might as well rock it and at least finish this. Not gonna lie it was pretty nerve wrecking for me, but OMG it so worth it and so good for my inner soul.

    between our stage songs, as we had 2 others we had to perform (All the Single ladies (from the wheel of death) and another one we chose ‘royals’.)) and as long as I kept moving (I was so moving like the T3/1 movement ie: 3/1 & 1/3 video) my nerves were in-tacked. We ended up getting 4th place out of 5 groups. I was super stocked that we weren’t dead last and were in the running to win $500!! woot woot!

  13. I love this so much! What great insight! I love to read. When pinterest first came out, I asked my friends, but do you actually ever DO anything with your pinterest boards (cook the recipe, etc) and they were like, yeahhhhhh. I was like, oh….I guess I could do that. Years later and I’ve cooked 1 pinterest recipe! ha ha

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