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How to Create a Sexual Experience True to Your Type (Yep, We’re Going There! )

We're talking about how to "undress your truth" in the bedroom.

Sex and intimacy—oh that’s right, ladies. We’re going there.

Your sexual energy is one of the most powerful expressions of yourself. If you’re not experiencing your sexuality as satisfying, enjoyable, and pleasurable then consider the possibility that there is a disconnect between your sexual energy and your true energy. The tips I offer here will help you reconnect these energies so that you can experience sexuality in harmony with your natural movement and expression. Watch the video for your Type to get the insights you need.

How to make your Type 1 sexual experience fun & playful!

Is your sexual energy running true to your upbeat, light energy? If you’re like most Type 1 women, you may have wondered how to make sex an upbeat, light, and spontaneous experience. What does “sexy” look like to you? Does sex feel playful and fun? This video will give you tips on how to connect to your Type 1 nature in the bedroom!

How to make your Type 2 sexual experience emotionally connecting.

Is your sexual energy running true to your more emotional, Type 2 energy? If you’re like many women, you feel the need to have an emotional connection with your partner before you can have a deep, sexual experience.  But as a Type 2 woman, this is especially important! When you use these insightful tips, you’ll be sure to have the intimate experience you want—which will make you and your partner happy!

How to make your Type 3 sexual experience adventurous & firey!

Is your sexual energy connected to your fiery, swift Type 3 energy? You’re a natural leader in so many ways—so does it feel conflicting to take the more submissive role in your sexual experience? You can have better sex and more pleasing sex life when you let your yang energy push forward to get things moving! What will you do to create a more adventurous, daring experience in the bedroom (or elsewhere)? These tips will help you communicate with your spouse about what helps you feel supported so you can open up sexually.

How to make your Type 4 sexual experience meaningful & satisfying.

As a Type 4 woman, you experience the world in a still, reflective, internal way. Sex is such an outward, physical experience—how can you make it true to your Type 4 nature? Discover how to be your own authority in your sexual experience. You can own the ability to initiate, tell your partner about your preferences, and even schedule (yes, I said schedule) sex, so you know what to expect. Educate yourself on your own anatomy so you are an authority of your own body, and use this information to get out of your head and get in your body.

What “aha” moment did you get while watching these videos? Share in a comment!

You may need more support in creating the sexual experience that you want. Maybe you’ve struggled with shame, guilt, or abuse surrounding your sexuality, or you might just like it to be better than it is? That’s why I created the 3-week guided Healing Plan for Sexually Intimacy. It is one of the most powerful courses that I have ever written, and I’m so excited to share it with you.

It’s time! Learn more about how you could benefit from this healing plan. Also, what it is and what it is not.

Carol Tuttle Healing Plan for Sexual Intimacy

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