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Having Trouble Motivating Someone? — How To Motivate Each Type

The 2 factors of motivation that inspire action in each Type!

Are you having difficulty inspiring another Type to do what needs doing?

Consider the possibility that your method for motivating others is all wrong! 

Understanding how each Type gets motivated (and knowing why each Type losses motivation) will help you inspire and encourage action in others. The secret to shifting the situation is in a few simple word changes. You can apply this knowledge to any relationship in your life: parent/child, intimate partner, employee, or coworker…

(For more insight into inspiring more willingness and cooperation in children and teens read my book The Child Whisperer.)

When people have the space to move true to themselves they are motivated, energized, and fulfilled. But when they have to alter themselves too much they are apathetic, unwilling, and not motivated. There are two primary factors that set the stage for positive motivation: communication and the environment. When you understand how they differ for each Type you are better able to set others up for success!

The 2 Factors of Motivation for Each Type:

  • (2:29) Type 1: Why “fun” is the point of positive reference. (Plus why “social” doesn’t mean what you think it does.)
  • (7:15) Type 2: Learn the essential questions to ask. (Keywords: feeling, and comfort.)
  • (13:03) Type 3: Keep things moving, and praise as you go. (Avoid these shut-down words.)
  • (17:14) Type 4: What is logical and reasonable? (Allow them the space to choose-in.)

Which relationship has challenged you in inspiring motivation (child, friend, employee, spouse)?

Ways to understand each Type better:

As a Lifestyle member, you already know the powerful results of living your truth more fully. If you want to explore your healing journey more deeply, it may be time to join my Healing Center. I created the Healing Plan for Relationship Challenges to help you heal the issues we discussed today. Join today and start your 14-day FREE trial.

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