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What Type Needs Alone Time? (Hint: Don’t Fall for this Myth)

Time alone: who, when, why, and how?

Would you benefit from a little more me-time?

It’s a common misconception that Type 4’s are the only Type that benefits from alone time. I’ll teach you why that’s a myth and what alone time can do for you, specific to your Type’s needs and the way you engage with people and your surroundings. Whether you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert, time with yourself will help you refresh, unwind, recharge, and reflect.

Let’s talk about why each Type needs alone time and how that might look different within the 4 Types of Energy. I’ll give you the three primary reasons your Type needs alone time and the clues that indicate you need more of it. I’ll also share tips and comments from members of our Lifestyle Facebook group on how they get the most from this beneficial gift you give yourself.

The 3 reasons you need alone time:

  • (1:03) Why a Type 1 needs alone time.
  • (2:30) Why a Type 2 needs alone time.
  • (3:56) Why a Type 3 needs alone time.
  • (7:38) Why a Type 4 needs alone time.

As you learned from the video, alone time doesn’t necessarily mean you’re alone and silent. It could look and sound many different ways. It’s the time you take for yourself, with yourself, to ground, center, and reset your energy.

How do you get alone time? Why is it important to you?

Learn more about how to bring more balance and grounding to your life:

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