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How Did the Pattern Guides Come to Be? (Here’s the Inside Scoop!)

Ever wonder what really goes on behind the scenes when we create a new product?

Well, since you’re a Lifestyle member, you get the inside scoop on the creation of the Pattern Guides! You’ll love hearing about how they came to be—as well as a product that even confused Carol and Anne once we started testing it!

Be sure to watch the video, How to Use the Pattern Guides, for a full tutorial!

(PS: You can find the Pattern Guides in the online store, or in the Before & After Support Kit—purchase yours today!)

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  1. I loved hearing about the evolution of the style guides. A collaborative brilliant idea and I can’t wait to order mine. Thanks!

  2. I just ordered mine <3 I saw how some girl used them on a scarf in T1 group and to my surprise the scarf was not T1 as it seemed, it was T4! Amazing!

  3. Wow, this was incredibly interesting.. Loved it when you showed how you had listened to feedback, developed the color cards and yet.. not, I couldn’t tell the difference between the types either when watching this video.. thanks for the reminder of it is NOT color based, but movement based.. can’t wait to get my pattern guides and play…

  4. Y’all put so much thought and care into the pattern guides and really the whole Support Kit. Mine just got delivered to my PO Box yesterday, and I’m picking it up today!

  5. Just watching you all working with the pattern guides in these videos, I can see how helpful they are in identifying solid colors as well. I think when we’re using the standard style guides (and the issues with your single color prototype cards) there is a tendency to get hung up looking at each individual color block and subconsciously trying to visually match them to the garment, overanalyzing instead of just knowing. With the pattern guides it kinda forces your eye to see the “big picture” or overall effect that those colors and patterns create together, which allows you to more instinctively perceive whether or not the garment works. I have an art background, so the theory elements
    behind this program have always fascinated me and it was great to get this insight into how the guides were developed.

  6. These are brilliant addition to my dyt resources. I have already widdled out clothes that do not work just with the pateen guide. LOVE IT!

  7. Thanks so much for this brilliant new tool! I agree with Laurel Smith Hailey – the pattern guides teach our eyes to view our colors and shapes more flexibly, without getting locked in to specific matching, trying to nail the exact colors.

  8. I love the pattern guides and really enjoyed hearing the details of how they came about. Thank you for all you do, This t2 loves the details.

  9. I love the pattern guides. I am planning on framing them along with my color cards sometime soon:)
    Anne where did you get your ripped jeans? I love them and have a hard time finding T2 ripped jeans.

    1. They are maternity jeans from Motherhood Maternity, but we have some incredible T2 ripped jeans coming out end of January, so stay tuned!

  10. Loved watching this! I also love the explanation and reminder that the colors are about movement. So true! Have seen that firsthand…it’s magical. I’ve seen it go the other way too – where folks get caught up in the color & lose sight of the overall movement. Mostly, I love the overall positive energy of your team. There is a vibration that radiates from this company – it’s alive, thoughtful, evolving, etc. It’s really a pleasure to watch y’all create and express your gifts. Thank you!

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