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Building Your Inner Confidence as a Type 1/2 Woman

Make "experience" a kinder teacher, and how to say "no" (while still feeling nice)

You’re friendly and light with gentle sensitivity. Did you know that these can be your greatest strengths?

Learning to develop your inner strength as a Type 1/2 woman is vital to your ability to thrive in this world. But, could you already have a confidence that you aren’t recognizing and giving yourself credit for? I’m joined by Stephanie, my Type 1/2 Dressing Your Truth Expert. She shares tips to let your bright light shine true. (10:00)

(1:28) You can be assertive and still true to yourself. There’s no need to “toughen up”. Learn how to make confidence your friend.

(2:14) Setting healthy boundaries for yourself and others, and how to say “no”.

(7:52) How being discerning and selective can keep you from being overrun, or agreeing to something that will require too much of you.

(11:11) You bring a unique gift and strength to this world! Own it, and love it!

Helpful? Watch these three videos too!

Build your Type 1 confidence with this daily affirmation track:

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  1. Wonderful discussion. My mum used to say my sister has the gift of grace, we are both encouragers in life and in our professions, my sister has learnt to use her gentle power over the years and I\’ve learnt through LYT to embrace my enthusiasm for big ideas and visions, mum used to say I was like someone with a bee in their bonnet once I had an idea, she was 3/4 and very wise xxx

  2. I love this discussion! So helpful to me as a 1/2. Thank you for sharing so many insights. Especially naming that gift of encouragement.

  3. Thank you so much Stephanie and Carol for this enlightening video. I\’m a 1/2 who has worked as an RN on an involuntary psychiatric unit (and hospice). I can relate to everything you said. I lasted 8 years in my last position- while it was definitely challenging, I found my strength was in encouraging others as a charge nurse. Somehow I\’d never thought of a leadership position as a 1/2 possibility and this added to my uncertainty regarding types. You\’ve both done an excellent job of explaining our strengths and challenges!

  4. Yes wonderful to see! I now understand my best (lovely) friend 1/2 better, we are quite alike but also different. I hope you will make more discussion like this, for example 1/4 🙂 Thank you!!

  5. This was a beautiful video! I\’ve missed seeing Stephanie\’s light and sweet nature lately. I identify with so many points made during this discussion even though I\’m the reverse energy as a 2/1. 🙂

  6. This was a cool aha video for a fellow type 1/2. It\’s neat to think of being an encourager as a gift. I can think of many examples of that in my life. Where people have told me I was a big part in their life (even though I didn\’t think I was), but looking back, it was because I was able to help encourage, give hope, and be a light in a crossroads time in their life. I think that happens over and over again and never really understood why until now. But that has happened so many times. Now I know why! Kinda cool!

  7. I\’m a 1/2 and I have this same problem with saying no. When I was a CNA and people asked for things I couldn\’t give them I always tried to give them a long thought out explanation so they would feel better. I can be more outspoken though if I feel a person is trying to take advantage of me or is disrespecting me. It\’s probably a healing issue I need to clear but at those times I can even get angry and rude. It happens a lot with salespeople, companies, etc…and fellow employees who don\’t do their work and try to push it off on me. I\’m sure there\’s a better way to handle this. Hopefully I will find it.

  8. I had tears in my eyes watching this. As a 1/2, and someone in the healthcare- I totally related to every word. I do not really struggle with being direct (I must have a bit of T3) but I do struggle with self-worth and seeing that encouragement is actually something to be valued. I know that in my head, but not yet in my heart. TY!

  9. My sweet heart 11 year old daughter is really having a hard time with this atm. She is being bullied at school and taken advantage of constantly. Everyone only wants to be her friend after school when they can come over to our home or when we go on outings (which is often, im a 1/4 and love creating fun oportunities with my kids and their friends). They exclude her in all their little conversations and often say things that really hurt her sweet heart. Thankfully our school has a lot of amazing programs during lunchtime that she can do to get her mind of it (or at least so she isnt sitting in the playground alone crying) and she is much loved by the children in the younger years. She wants everyone to be her bff but would even just settle for one if someone would just accept her for who she is. Unfortunately I didnt listen to my mothers intuition when I thought I should hold her back from school the extra year. All of her preschool teacher said she was such a social little butterfly that she wouldnt have any issues and at the time everyone loved her cute sweet nature, but then as the other children started to grow and mature faster, I began to really see the divide and by the second year of school the bullying had started. Yesterday I was in the process of writing this long winded essay on the childwhisperer to see if I could get some advice on how to help her. Her teacher is a 3/4 I believe and though she cares for her, the advice that she has given her really isnt in my daughters nature.
    Has anyone got any tips that could help? This year she is finishing Primary School and next year will be going into Highschool. I am considering the possibility of getting her to repeat this year at school (at a different school) next year to see if that evens up the maturity between her and her class mates; though I am leaving that decision up to my daughter because I dont want to force her. She is on the fence about it atm. Would love love love some advice!!

      1. My sweet heart 1/2 daughter with her big brother 3/1 and little brother 1/3. Daddy is a 3/4 and im a 1/4… pretty high movment family hehe

        1. Also, she has the gemisphere mother of pearl necklace which I believe helps a bit when she wears it consistantly. Any other natural things we could do?

  10. I love this, I\’m a Type 2, and I relate with many of these life situations. Thankyou for this lovely, enlightening conversation, Stephanie.

  11. Love this! So me and I denied it for a time in my life and that wasn\’t a nice period. Now I\’m back to being me and my life is wonderful. I know who I truly am and I\’m the soft place for people to fall, the encourager, the cheerleader of others, and I\’m solid in that! Thank you, Stefanie, for being a part of this video. <3

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