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All About Secondary Energy Types for Type 3

That was a blast.

We covered a lot of ground during Type 3 Night this week.

We answered questions like:

  • How do you keep your secondary from taking over?
  • How does your secondary express itself in social situations?
  • How do you use it to complete projects and tasks?

Plus, find out how each Dressing Your Truth Expert on the panel discovered her secondary!

Tune in as the ladies discuss how each of their secondaries expresses in their facial features.

Watch the recording and tell us how you discovered your secondary in the comments!



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  1. Thank you for the clarification on T3 hair!!! And Sarah, I rescue dogs/cats all the time too!!! And like you they run to me!! This was great, thank you!! Anna K. Those pants!!!

  2. This was great. I’m glad that all the type videos are available cause they’re a great way to learn. Carol, I would especially like more detail into the exercise habits that you talked about. I recall reading about type 2 being a double yin movement but I don’t remember the others. Maybe you could do more secondary nights and talk about exercise for each type. I’m a 2/3 like Anne and I had the same experience with crossfit that she did. I enjoyed it but it got too intense and pushy. I can’t remember, is 3 a double yang? If it is it sounds like I need to lead with softer movement but incorporate something a little more active too. I tried yoga before but gave up on it. Right now I don’t have any regular exercise other than walking and playing with the dog. I also like how you demonstrated how if you get too intense you all need time in your secondaries, like the s4 solitude. Great tips!

    1. Hi Rachel – I’m also a 2/3 I’ve always needed a fair amount of activity, but it’s T2 oriented – dance and solitary outdoor aerobics like biking, skating, cross country skiing. Not at all drawn to competitive sports, which is more of a dominant T3 activity. Some stretching is good for me, like yoga and tai chi. Oddly, though, I don’t enjoy it as much as the rapid, flowing, rythmic outdoor aerobics.

  3. PS. I found what I was searching for. Anyone else interested, in Its Just My Nature, Carol describes T1 as yin/yang, T2 as yin/yin, T3 as yang/yang, and T4 as yang/yin.

  4. Thank you so much for the peacock earrings! I’m so excited to have and wear them…an inspirational reminder to live my truth. You are all so wonderful! Love, love you!

  5. I smiled, nodded my head in agreement, and laughed the entire hour of this club night. I love “being with” other Type 3 ladies!! And I appreciate Carol constantly re-examining a negative statement and switching it to be true to a Type 3 nature (ex. “it’s not a dagger chin, it’s a chiseled one”) because it’s teaching me not to look at myself and think, “Ugh, I wish I could change that,” but instead think, “This is part of who I am and I need to own it.”

  6. Thank you for this Type 3 Night!! It was fantastic! It helped me go deeper in understanding myself and how my secondary is showing up. I am a Type 3/2 and could relate to EVERYTHING that Sarah shared. I also realized that in my days before DYT, I was “living” in my secondary (or trying to… it’s quite impossible to contain our big energy, right?). What I notice is that sometimes my secondary comes in as an element of control, “putting out my fire”, and I feel discouraged to embrace a project with the intensity I normally would. A little has to do with past experiences in which I completely overdid it then crashed – this was most of my life – but I think a little has to do with a little of judgement toward my energy. As time goes by, I love it more and more, but there is still a little of the past showing up – and I’ve been doing it for 1 year now. Any tips here? I am truly grateful for this program. It has helped me as a woman, as a business owner honoring my entrepreneurial side and as a mom – loving my kids even more in their beautiful energies. I love you all, ladies!!

  7. Thank you for the awesome insights. I have a question I have been pondering for months. Is it possible for ones secondary and third(ary) to be neck and neck? Could health play a role? We discuss a suppressed childhood, but what about physical health suppressing ones true to nature?

  8. Thanks for this video!! I’m a 3/?. First I thought I was a 3/4, but also pretty 3/1. I’m not sweating it though….all in good time. I had to laugh about how other groups may see T3s as “mean.” My T1 sister said something like that to me in a text message not too long ago. I responded and said we’re not mean. She said, “You seem that way to a T1!!!” Funny because I consider myself far from mean…but sometimes it’s all about perceptions, so it’s good to be aware.

  9. It’s great that the T3 video was posted the very next day. Any update as to when the very anxiously awaited T4 video will be made available?

  10. I love all the outfits, but Carol’s striped outfit was truly awesome. It reminds me of early 20’s century sporting colors, or also WWII outfits in Doctor Who series episodes.

  11. Also, my kids and I all have small hands: we can all fit our fists in our respective mouths. If you’re curious, we’re all three of us 4/1’s.

  12. This is awesome!! Feeling better about what I’m seeing in my features and that they aren’t contrary to how I feel about who I am . 🙂

  13. I’ve been injured an not exercising for a month now and I feel horrible. I feel like now all my “systems” are out of whack. I’m not managing my time well, I’m not keeping up well with house work or staying clear in my thoughts, I’m having trouble sticking to a healthy eating plan. Everything feels horribly off! I haven’t officially typed myself yet, but I wonder if this is a clue that I could be type 3 or secondary 3. I’m not into competitive sports at all, but I enjoy weight training and walking, hikes, and biking.

  14. I’m a 3/4 and I would totally do what Sarah does with animals – I love them and they seem to be drawn to me too!

  15. When I first watched this video I was confused in my secondary. Now a year later, I am 100 percent sure I am a 3/1 I connect with Anna Kay. What I have figured out is my third will come into play when I have my videos in alphabetical order and I can level a picture with my eyes. If I don’t notice it doesn’t bother me but if I notice I will fix a picture, or my husband will use me as a leveler when he’s putting something up. However, it’s not prominent or even secondary dominate it’s my third number that comes into play. This has been something I have come to understand myself even more. Going over these again is a help after knowing who I am.

  16. I was confused about my secondary until I watched this. I thought I was a 3/2, but now I can tell that I was simply putting that expectation of softness and gentleness on myself. I’m a 3/4 — everything Carol said just resonated with me completely. Now I can see how, especially in the past few years, I’ve been attempting to force myself to be softer and more nurturing, and it’s been completely to my detriment. You simply cannot run a T3 to-do list with T2 movement! My whole wardrobe was blush pink and grey (and black), my to-do list was all soft and blush colored, I’ve been painting all of my walls grey — it’s just exhausting. And now I think that because I was trying to force T2 movement on myself, I was defaulting to my secondary 4 and letting it take over, which meant that trying to climb up on top of my T3 expectations was even MORE exhausting, and all I wanted to do, quite literally, was sit on my chair like a lump and eat. I’ve gained so much weight — I’m certainly softer! — and just been utterly miserable. I’ve tried to make everything better by being more nurturing, taking it easier, taking baths and sleeping more, have a more gentle routine, being more routine — I’ve been trying to be even more T2, and it has not worked. At all!!
    Until I found DYT a few days ago, every single day, dressed in my grey and black and blush, I would say or think but always feel, “I hate myself. I hate my life.” As soon as I realized I was a T3, in very THREE fashion, I ran out to Goodwill, Target and TJ Maxx and bought myself enough clothes to do a 30 day challenge, and since then, I haven’t had anything but the most self-loving thoughts! And now, realizing that I’m an UNSTOPPABLE 3/4, I can finally stop trying to force myself to be soft and gentle. I’ve got so much energy back, just in a few days!!
    This is life changing. Thank you so so much.

    1. MMMMMMM — My words are especially delicious this morning! I went to bed completely convinced that I’m a 3/4, and then this morning, I started to question that. I noticed that the colors I choose are definitely from the lighter, brighter end of the 3 range; the jewelry I like is lighter and brighter — could I be a 3/1 instead? I resonated with everything Carol SAID, but I couldn’t take my eyes off Anna K. Could I have assigned myself a Secondary 4 because that’s just more acceptable to me? I come from a family of 2’s and 4’s — who am I to think of myself as light and bright and sparkly? I have to admit, I couldn’t even WATCH the 3/1-1/3 video at first; I watched all of the others, but Catherine and Erin were just so bright, who am I to think I could sit with them? Is a 3/4 my TRUTH, or is it a conditioned response? Physically, I’m a smaller person, I have a more heart-shaped mouth, and people always think I’m at least 10 years younger than I am. I’ve considered myself an introvert for so long, I thought I surely must have the 2 or the 4 to balance the 3, but the 1 is feeling so… light and freeing.

  17. Rewatched this video today! It’s so great! Is it possible for secondary energy to switch off? 🙂 Most days I feel I’m 3/2 but on occasion I have days where I feel very 3/1 and bring in those elements or feel 3/4 and bring in those elements. Hmm…

  18. Oh wow! Love this video! Watching Sarah talk about long lasting friends really rang true with me. I recently had a 60th birthday celebration. It was very select guest list for a spa day. My friends were from 54 years, 48 years, 42 years and 30 years. The women at the spa could not believe that I kept friendships going for so long. Yay!!!

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