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A Powerful Visualization to Heal Your Inner Child: Type Talk With Carol

Are you struggling to figure out your Type?

Can a Type 4 be reactive like a Type 3?

Do affirmations seem to work for everyone else—but not for you?

In this episode of Type Talk With Carol, these questions (and so many more!) are answered so that you can have a greater insight and understanding of Energy Profiling.

Due to technical difficulties, the first few minutes of this broadcast were not recorded. During this portion, Carol profiled the members of The Beatles:

No wonder they were so successful! Each Energy Type was represented, allowing the band to work together in harmony.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by our technical error and appreciate your understanding. We hope you enjoy jumping right into the event and listening for Carol’s answers to the following questions…

  • Do all Type 1s doodle? If I don’t doodle, am I not a Type 1?
  • How do I transition my wardrobe into my true Type after mis-Typing myself?
  • Can any Type of person be an empath?
  • As a Type 3, I’m always afraid of being perceived as rude or unkind. I use humor to lighten things up. Is this a healthy adaptation or a behavior that needs healing?
  • As a Type 2, I have sensitive ears and react immediately to all the earrings from the Dressing Your Truth store. What can I do?
  • Can a Type 3 get burned out? Or have I mis-Typed myself?
  • For the life of me, I can’t figure out if I’m a Type 1 or a Type 4. I’ve been trying to figure it out for a long time. How do I determine this?

Carol closes with a powerful visualization to heal your inner child and allow your true self to come forward. We would love to hear how this healing session affected you. Tell us in the comments below.

I recently launched The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues above—and a hundred more. I invite you to start your first healing session today.

Additional healing sessions and resources:

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  1. I love the new set. To me, it has a brightness for T1, a comfortableness for T2, a feeling of the outdoors for T3, and a stillness for T4. Both Carol and Anne looked great on the couch. This content was something I will want to revisit. i am a T2 S1 and my secondary tries too hard to cheer others up. Thank you for this!

  2. This is so helpful in figuring out my energy type, Carol! I am so much closer now. I love the part about Empath’s (10:10) I am most definitely an Empath and I am allergic to a lot of things and that made me wonder if I am a 2. I am having a hard time with facial features because there are so may factors. I love the inner child part also. Some things happened a few years ago that completely broke my heart open and brought out my inner child. Embarrassing at age 42, but so necessary for hopefully moving forward in a healthier way.

  3. Thank you much for both the lifestyle session and visualization. This is one of the first type talks I’ve listened to since returning to lifestyle. The content was helpful as I am still in the process of finding my type. As for the visualization, this is the second one I’ve done with my inner child. Both have brought me such comfort. And some good tears! I find it interesting that there is an element of the safe place with a light, warm, soft yellow each time. And a swing set! Thank you again!

  4. I just recently wrote a little book, “Twinkle Carrie, My Love Filling Fairy” and Twinkle Carrie’s mission is to remind the little girl in the book to remember her worth and her wholeness that she had at her birth. Twinkle Carrie reminds the little girl to be her own gem of a friend and to make her self-talk be helpful, praising and kind towards her self.

    Thank you for the clearing and all that you do to help women live their truths.

      1. Johanna – My books I self-produce. I give them to family and some close friends. If you would like me to email you the book in long form I would be glad to do that. The books I write are small books with clip art that I take off of the internet.

  5. Carol, I am so grateful for the inner child meditation. Would you consider providing more inner child healing exercises for us? I feel certain that my inner child interferes with any healthy eating that I attempt to do. Thanks!

    1. Thanks for asking. All of the healing and tapping sessions are designed to heal your inner child, as that is when you took on all the limiting beliefs I help you clear in those video’s. Use them with that intention.

  6. Oh my goodness!! Thank you for the inner child meditation! I’m a type 1, and I wondered what was going on when I looked through my childhood home for her, and found her happy and well adjusted at home in her bed. But when I started to look for her, I found her in school. That’s what made me cry for her. Always misunderstood by teachers and unintentionally rejected by her bigger sister who could no longer be her companion because they were in different grades. Big sister’s friends ridiculed her, and teachers sent her out into the hallway or to stand in the corner. She had a big “nuisance” sign on her. My mom, I’m sure is a type 1 as well, and I never felt out of place at home. My mom always accepted and loved me, and created a great experience for me at home. IT was school that she found hard.

    I have homeschooled all of my 8 children and have felt a fierceness come up inside of me every time someone breathed a suggestion that they should go to school. I always wondered what that was, going on. Now I get it. I have already been healing a lot, as my eldest son and daughters (now over 20) have grown up and experienced college and jobs. I’d learned to be ok with that, and voiced it to help myself give up my offence over it. But this picture was so real and helpful, I’m sure my inner child is going to be free, going forward from here.

    I am so thankful for you, Carol. May God bless you!

  7. The studio is beautiful, but it’s echo-y. Is that a microphone issue, or do you need more sound absorbing things in there?

    I love these type talk videos!

    1. Yes, we need more sound absorbing things!! We weren’t quite finished, but the show must go on! We are finishing the set the rest of this month. Thanks for being a Lifestyle Member, glad to hear you liked the session.

  8. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the talk about being an empath. I’m a T3 and very empathic. I grew up in what sounds like a situation similar to yours. I now understand myself better after you talked about the fact we had to really hone our skill in to survive. Makes so much sense! Xoxo

  9. Wow, I just have to pipe in again. I’m at the point now where you talk about things that keep showing up in our lives as it something we usually need to work through. This is a little raw, but I think worth sharing, please delete if not. My Dad took his life a little over a year ago. I work in the heath profession and the same topic keeps coming up at work, at my children’s school, with strangers. I thought there must be something wrong with me. Thank you yet again for helping me to see this as a reminder that I need to work through my issues related to my Dad’s passing. It makes it feel as if a blessing rather than a curse…if that makes sensemble. Gosh, I’m going to have to listen to this recording again because it feels like you had me in mind. Blessings!

  10. The new set is beyond amazing. So cute, beautiful, dynamic and perfect! I love it. It just feels very soothing and light to me! I am a 2/1:)
    I always enjoy these videos with lifestyle. Even as a season member of dyt ~ I still always glean some golden nuggets from what is shared.
    Thanks for all you do Carol and team! <3 Xxo

  11. Thankyou for the meditation, it was very insightful for me today. There were things in my childhood that hurt my gentle self, and I have been healing. The room looks beautiful, I was wondering, are those real trees? 😀 Thats really nice that its real! I would also appreciate if the room didnt feel so echo-ey. I also have a suggestion, if its possible, could there be a option button to control the speed of the videos? Sometimes, I would like the speed faster to finish watching a longer video, and then, there’s places where people talk too fast where I’d like to slow down to pick up what they were saying.

  12. I’ve done the healing in the past …after being molested as a 5 yr old & never told anyone. My dad never understood why I would not ever let him get close. My mom thought I was just too sensitive. So since both my parents have passed yrs ago, I took the child me by the hand called my parents in & introduced her to them. I explained to them what had happened to her so I could let go of it and they could finally understand why I had been the way I was, never trusting anyone. even though I knew they loved me & thought they had kept me safe, which most of my life they did.

    By not releasing earlier in life, (because I didn’t know how…), I made other mistakes to live with. My parents never told me or any of my sisters the facts of we learned on our own. Because of this other bad things also happened in my life that I now know was the inter-me thinking that was how life was . Now knowing some of my past sins were not always my fault, it has helped me move forward & truly enjoy my life. I forgave my parents because I know they did the best they knew how .

    1. Ena, we are all glad to hear that you are healing with Inner Child work. It is great that you have forgiven your parents and understand that they did the best they knew how. May you continue to embrace your healing journey with Love and Light. We appreciate you sharing.

  13. I love your new studio!
    I’m a T1 who was squashed as a child. My mother died when I was 4 weeks old. I was sent to live with an aunt and uncle until my father remarried when I was 18 months old and I went back to live with him and my step mum. Ours was a very serious household, quiet and controlled. Laughter and fun are not things I remember. In the summer holidays I was handed a children’s classic like Grimms fairy tales or Charles Dickens and made to sit on the sofa and read all morning. This would be the pattern Monday to Friday every week of the holidays. By the time I was 11 I had read Jane Eyre twice. The visualisation you ended this session with was very helpful. Time will tell how effective it is, but I know I can repeat it if necessary. Thank you.

  14. Love the look of the new space! Unfortunate that the acoustics are not great though 🙁 too much echo. Definitely not as easy on the ears as the last space was.

    1. Hi Kalli, we are still fitting the studio with the correct sound requirements. We just needed to carry on as the show much go on. You will hear improvements soon!! My amazing Type 4 production team is on it!!

  15. I love the look of the new studio as well. I’ve done the visualisation twice now and cry and cry all the way through it. I’m not even sure what the issue is, but this is the first time I’ve done any inner-child work and I think this demonstrates that I need to do more. I’ve thought I might be all the types a few times now, and in another video you mentioned that whatever the person’s journey is it’s perfect for them because healing is taking place throughout the process. I think this is why I haven’t been able to type myself – there is just so much pain and confusion around ‘me’ that I wasn’t even aware of, or more to the point ignored, covered up, etc. The lifestyle membership is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.

    1. Thank you Celestine for sharing your journey with us. Carol and her team truly are grateful to know that the work that Carol shares is helping you and other women heal so that they too will be free to truly embrace their truth. We are all happy to know that you are embracing your Lifestyle membership! Keep working it through. You are worth it!

  16. Wow! That visualization was so powerful and helpful! It was exciting to see my little self and to take her to a safe place. I will be using this technique! Thank you for sharing it!!!

  17. Thank you for this new tool I now can use. I have goosebumps all over. I feel lighter! Healing the inner child is a must for everyone. I also liked how you talked about there not being a need to fix anyone. I can feel so much empathy sometimes that I just want them to heal faster then they should. I need to remember to not take away their journey or not to rush my journey. Still working on my type but I’m leaning toward type 1.

  18. A month and a half ago my aunt, who rarely posts on Facebook, posted about a Bemer event. I happened to be on there to see it and looked it up. I asked her about it. It took about a month and I finally texted her to find out more. She was busy and told me to call her that afternoon, but I forgot because I’m a busy mom and forget things easily lately. A few weeks later, I picked my kids up from a friend’s house and their grandmother was in town and brought her Bemer. I finally remembered to call my aunt when I got home! As I was talking to her, I had the strong impression that I needed this for myself and my family. Of course, we don’t have $5000 for one, so I though “How on earth am I supposed to make this happen?” Well, a very distinct impression came on how I should go about it, and I am now working up the courage to do it. It’s been 2 weeks since that happened and we’ve been praying about it as a family every day. Today I was feeling like maybe we really don’t need it and then I watched this video! I think God is telling me something…

  19. What’s the “tools to determine your type” video? I’m not finding it with the search bar. Thanks!

    1. Jenna, this is Kathy from Carol’s support team. There are a lot of tools to determine your type video in the Lifestyle subscription. There is also the new Before & After Kit. Using the resources that Carol provides, allows you to determine your type. In Lifestyle, she continues to support you in living true to your type with more tools and video resources. Enjoy!

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