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The Yin/Yang Line-Up of All 12 Energy Type Combos

Your dominant and secondary Energy Type creates a yin/yang combo.

In Energy Profiling, we teach that yin energy is an inward movement, with yang energy being an outward movement.

Each Energy Type, therefore, has a corresponding yin/yang combination, along with keywords that describe the quality of that movement. For example, Type 1 starts with a yang movement that moves outward and is animated, followed by a yin movement that is light and crisp.

Here’s the complete list of each dominate Energy Type with its corresponding yin/yang movement:

Type 1 Yang/Yin

  • Yang: outward, animated
  • Yin: light, crisp

Type 2 Yin/Yin

  • Yin: flow inward
  • Yin: soft, relaxed

Type 3 Yang/Yang

  • Yang: push forward
  • Yang: substantial, edgy

Type 4 Yin/Yang

  • Yin: still, reflective
  • Yang: bold, structured

A more in-depth look at each of these yin/yang definitions can be found here.

Your dominant and secondary Energy Type creates a yin/yang combination.

As you continue to learn about your dominant and secondary Energy Type, it’s very insightful to understand the yin/yang combination and how this quality of movement influences your natural expression.

In this video, you will see a lineup of women from each dominant and secondary Energy Types so you can see which combination is the highest, most-expressive movement down to the lowest, more-still movement on the opposite end.

In addition, each of the women shares what her yin/yang combo means to her and how it affects how she moves through life.

This is a list of each dominant and secondary Energy Types with its corresponding yin/yang combination:

  • T3/S1 Yang Yang Yang Yin
  • T1/S3 Yang Yin Yang Yang
  • T3/S4 Yang Yang Yin Yang
  • T1/S4 Yang Yin Yin Yang
  • T3/S2 Yang Yang Yin Yin
  • T4/S3 Yin Yang Yang Yang
  • T1/S2 Yang Yin Yin Yin
  • T2/S3 Yin Yin Yang Yang
  • T4/S1 Yin Yang Yang Yin
  • T2/S1 Yin Yin Yang Yin
  • T4/S2 Yin Yang Yin Yin
  • T2/S4 Yin Yin Yin Yang

Here are some of the patterns you’ll notice in this video:

  • If you were to fold this list in half, you would see combinations mirror each other. For example, starting at one end: 3/1 is Yang Yang Yang Yin and on the other end 2/4 is yin yin yin/yang.
  • No Type is next to itself.
  • All Triple Yangs are at the high movement end – except 4/3 which is in the middle.
  • All Triple Yins are at the low movement end – except 1/2 which is in the middle.
  • The Double-double combinations are next to each other.
  • In Carol’s book, It’s Just My Nature, she teaches that Type 1 is the highest movement, so why is Type 3 the highest in this lineup? Because the secondary Type 1 Energy kicks it up. The same concept applies for the Type 4 Energy; the Type 2/4 ends up being lowest movement.

How do you feel about your placement in this yin/yang lineup?  What insights have you had realizing where you’re placed among the other women of your Type? Share how this information has helped you in the comment section!

Now you’re ready to learn more about how your yin-yang combo influences your style choices!

How to Add Your Yin & Yang Combo Into Your Style



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  1. Thank you, this has been very useful. When are you going to show all the other Yin Yang combo videos? I’m looking forward to the 4/3 video!

  2. I love this so much! I’m a 2/3 and my hubby is a 2/1. He needs a lot more down time, and things need to move a lot slower for him. I used to think he was just better at being a t2, but seeing them all lined up makes sense. Also, another aha is that all of my closest friends are 1/2s. They are right next to me on the movement scale and that makes so much sense to me. I’m like Anne, I enjoyed noticing all the patterns. Ah, I love it!

  3. I’m a 2/1 and a big fan of Jenny Baer! So amazing to see all the ladies lined up. I was lucky enough to see these ladies in real life on stage at the ILML event in SLC, but appreciate the new content here too. Love 2/4 Shayna’s comment about a waterfall ending in a calm pool. Thanks also for showing how the combos are mirror images.

  4. This is amazingly helpful! After thinking I was a 1/4 for a year and a half and then realizing I was actually a 4/1 a few months ago, this is just reaffirming to me some of my behaviors that led me away from T4 originally. I am exactly as Kalista said, highest movement of the lowest group. When I am around other lower movement people I am the most animated and talkative. But when I am in larger groups or with higher movement people I tend to show up much more introverted compared to others. This is also helpful in showing that although there are only 4 types there are actually 12 combinations, so it helps to illustrate the diversity within each type that can sometimes cause people to think they are a different type. Love it! And Kalista, love that sweater, your outfit is just perfect!

  5. I’m a 1/2 but I don’t really find myself to be low movement. I’m a fast walker, a fast eater, a fast worker. I hate waiting for slow people, especially when i’m at work which is why I often prefer to work alone. I like having people and energy around me but I prefer others to be doing their own work so they don’t slow me down with my projects. It’s been like this ever since I was a kid. My mom was always complaining that I would climb under the tables when i was a child at restaurants and that I was her only child that wouldn’t sit still in the playpen. I kept climbing out. I also walk loudly and talk loudly. I’ve suffered depression since I was in grade school and am working to remedy that now so I will probably even have more energy when that is taken care of. The few times I’ve been on antidepressants I always had the urge to clean (lol). I’m doing it naturally this time though without meds. But who knows. Maybe I’m low movement in some other way :).

  6. I LOVED seeing this at the I love my life event. I was so AHHAing that I counldn’t go back, I was able to move forward knowing my yang, yang, yang, yin movement. I could put more pattern on and it’s not too much. I didn’t have to have blouses because their too yin. I also found that I HAVE to take care of my yin first thing in the morning when I get up, even being a morning person, because if I don’t take care of the little yin and the bottom, I’m off all day long. Because I do move non-stop throughout the day, taking time for that yin first thing balances out my day. This was so validating, so freeing, and visually life changing.
    I also did it with my family and it helped understand a little more. My daughter is a 1/3 and she does exhaust even me sometimes but she also saw that me beging the highest movement can still learn to move less if needed in a situation. So If was fullfiling on multiple levels. What was interesting to me also was unless my son is a 4/2, not a 4/3 like I think my husband and daughter both 2/1’s are at one end and my daughter and I are both at the higher end. WIth my oldest and my youngest 1/4 in the middle. It was quite eye opening.
    Ann did a phenominal job on this undertaking.

  7. WOW! This has helped me to valid that I am !finally! correct in my typing – I’m a wonderful bright and animated, soft flowing woman! Thank you, all for doing this vlog.

  8. This is a great video. So helpful to me as a 1/2. I understand now how I mistyped myself as a 2/1 initially and why I will still wonder at times if I have it right because I don’t feel that animated. Thank you Stephanie for your insights and thank all of you for showing all the possibilities!

  9. Thank you for taking the time to organise and share this information. And well done to Anne for being so concise and accurate describing each of the types. I could see your love for patterns Anne and appreciate your calm and sure approach to explaining them all.

  10. Extremely helpful and validating video, not just for my own type, but in helping to understand friends and family. Thank you!

  11. Wow, this was so enlightening! I am a 2/1 and I cried when I saw the lineup because it felt so validating for me. I have always felt the pressure to go, go, go and do, do, do. I get down on myself for needing lots of down time and breaks. But this helped me understand why and not to feel ashamed about it. I also love the patterns and appreciate the ying/yang dots and the text on the screen as a visual aid. SO ENLIGHTENING! Thank you to all the women and for your work, Anne! <3

  12. This was really helpful to me! I’ve been having trouble typing a couple family members, and just being able to watch all the dominant/secondary combinations, their body language and mannerisms, made it so much easier.

  13. LOVE THIS!! Thank you, Carol, for mentioning it on the FB video today.

    I love the 2/4 visual about the waterfall flowing to the still pool of her being. So lovely! I noticed the wiggling, too. HA! So funny!

    I’m a 1/4 and feel better about being lower on the high end. Whew. I identified with what Carol said about not being big on chit-chat when working and when I have something to do I just do it. I know my mom is a 1/3 or 3/1 and it’s pretty intense for me sometimes. I thought my dad was a 2/4, but now I’m not sure if his secondary is 4 or a higher movement. I know he was seriously shamed for his more subtle, soft movement as a young person. He may have pulled up his tertiary to “toughen up”. I wish I could discuss this with him, but he doesn’t like being labeled; secondary 4 maybe. hee.

    My hubby identifies as a 4 and we think he has a higher secondary. I’m excited to watch this with him to see what he thinks his secondary is. Oh, and I LOVE patterns; LOVE them! Thanks, Anne, for pointing them all out.

  14. This was so helpful, I have been studying energy profile for years and have mistyped myself several times because I saw myself as a 2, a 4, and a 1. And I knew that was indicative of a type 1 but I told myself there was no way I could be because I wasn’t animated enough or moving enough, I liked my down time and quiet moments. Last week I was just so sick of not feeling inner joy and just facing a lot of emotional baggage, so I did Carol’s energy clearing and inner child visualization and I finally accepted that I was indeed a type 1. Since then I have found more joy and energy and felt more like myself then I have in a long time. I believe my secondary is a 2 so this was so helpful in seeing why I mistyped myself as a lower energy but also how I need that outward movement first before moving inward and how I can still have both. Thanks for this, it was insightful for not only myself but for understanding my family dynamics more.

  15. I’m the second to lowest movement (4/2) and seeing it on a continuum like that really drives the point. Makes me really think- I can understand more why I don’t have a desire to go fast or dive in. This was super insightful.

  16. Any other T4s out there immediately rewatch the video or pause it numerous times to study it? Trying to really process the info fully and analyze? funny.

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