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How to Wear Makeup With Glasses: Tips That Make Your Eyes Pop!

Do you ever feel like your eyes are overshadowed (literally) behind your glasses?

Let’s go over some simple tips to help them look bigger and brighter. You won’t believe the difference!

Plus: don’t miss this one important step that will help your beautiful eyes really POP!

Quick links to the products Anna K uses:

Shop True to Type Eyewear in StyleInspire!

More resources for your big, beautiful eyes!

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  1. Love this! I wear glasses or contacts depending on how I’m feeling that day, so it’s great to know a different way to do eye makeup. Thanks so much!

  2. At first when I saw the dark red shadow I thought, “No way is this ever going to look good,” but by the end, and especially with the glass on, it looked great! I’m curious about Sienna eyeliner–I’ve bought it from the T2 store, but is it also good for other Types? I love it and have already stock-piled one and think I may want to get another. That particular paraben-free line is great (I have Florentine eyeliner and Neopolitan, Plum wine, and Naked lip liner that appear to be from the same line). It goes on so easily and stays on well, too (and it’s paraben free!).

    1. Cathy, Sienna also works for Type 3s. There are a few makeup colors that fall into 2 Types as it will take on the life of that Type as it paired with other Type specific colors and brought to life by the woman’s energy.

      1. Ahh–I like that answer. I’ve run into clothing pieces where I feel like 2 cards work pretty well on it. For ones on the edge, I just try to make sure everything else I’m wearing is very definitely T2. It’s kind of a relief to know that there’s some wiggle room.

        1. Yes, there are some “cross-over” colors in the clothing as well and the whole outfit will swing it to either Type. We plan to do a video on this topic in the near future.

          1. That would be a great video! It’s funny, because I was just thinking about this yesterday. I was thinking about this jacket that I love (from pre-DYT) and thought “If Carol told me I was T3, I’d still wear this jacket because the color is so close.” And then I started thinking about what I could keep if it turned out I was T1. And now I realize that the fact that I’m planning for what I’d do if I were another type probably should be a clue that I’m in the right place :).

    1. HI Melanie, since the focus of this video was the eyes we started there, but in a regular makeup routine Anna K would suggest starting with foundation first.

  3. Great video – you mentioned that all the types have a medium shade of eyeshadow that is matte, but I can’t find any for Type 4 in the DYT store (they all have shimmer). I am over 50 and have hooded eyelids, so I don’t like wearing shimmer anywhere except on the lower lid and near the eyelashes. There are a few dark colors without shimmer in the T4 store, but I would like to see some medium colors that are matte as well. Thanks

    1. I’m also over 50 and would like to use mainly matte eyeshadows from the DYT-store (shimmer only for the lower lid). I share the same experience as Carla 😉

  4. i have a question,i have two spots above my eyes that are quite a bit lighter than the surrounding skin, doc says they are fatty deposits and insurance will not pay to remove them, so how do i cover them, most coverups don’t work it still shows, help

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