Thinking About Going Gray? Michelle’s Type 2 #HairMakeover

Have you been thinking about letting your gray hair have center stage? In this episode of #EnergyProfilingWithCarol, we’re talking all about gray hair.

Part 1: Michelle’s Before
Dressing Your Truth’s Type 2 Expert, Michelle, is headed to the salon to change her style and embrace her gray hair.

Listen to the emotional process she has been through while making this decision. Have you had similar beliefs about gray hair?


Part 2: The Gorgeous Reveal!
True to her Type 2 nature, Michelle is taking a subtle, step-by-step process while she transitions to gray—and this first step is already jaw-dropping! Her new hair softens her overall appearance, further honoring her gentle energy.

What do you think about Michelle’s new hair? Leave us a comment and let us know!


Share this gorgeous #HairMakeover with your friends!

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  1. Really beautiful ! The softer, and more blended colour is extremely flattering and just ‘feels’ right to look at.

  2. Beautiful. You look so t2 it’s amazing! Very blended and soft. Thank you Carol for this wonderful content! My mom, two sisters and I started dressing our truth almost two years ago. It’s made such a difference in our lives! Not just the fashion but getting along with people and realizing we’re not all the same but that don’t make us wrong.

  3. i love this subtle change on Michelle. I am a T2 also and had an online hair consult with Nicole. I changed my hair drastically (my secondary 3 kicked in 🙂 ). I cut it all off! And had it colored and highlighted. Now I no longer color the main portion of my hair, but do have a foil done to give me some umph! Thanks Nicole for great advice! I love it now! Here is my before and after the cut. 🙂

    1. Oh my goodness! What a great style you have! I love it on you. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

      1. Can’t wait to meet you Anne! My daughter and I have up close and personal tickets for the event in September. So excited!!

          1. Thank you, Michelle. I love what you’ve done with yours!! Very soft and complements you really well. 🙂

  4. I love it, Michelle! Your skin looks even more beautiful! Who would have ever thought that grey hair could make someone look even younger and more lovely?! Love it.

  5. I think that looks lovely! Michelle kind of glows in the after picture, I can’t explain it better than that. She shimmers and tones better with her clothes IMO.

  6. You are right Michelle in that you look much softer now. We T2s buy the gray hangers and gray clothes, but for some reason think that gray hair is off limits? You actually look younger. I think doing it gradually is the way to go for T2. Thumbs way up. You look gorgeous.

  7. Michelle’s layered bang in a lighter brown softens her look and brings her features into balance. I was expecting to see her go from dark brown to all gray, but I understand her desire to ease into it by keeping the her hair brown and making it a lighter tone to blend with the silver strands. Good job Nicole!

    1. I actually wanted to have Nicole change it all to gray, but because I had booked an appointment with her months ago (before I even decided to let the gray come out) I only had 2 1/2 hours to work with. She did what she could within that time. She did a great job, and I’m looking forward to even more changes in a few months when I have my next appointment.

      1. You’ve encouraged me to embrace my gray..I don’t have much- a few strands. However when I saw how your silver strands wove in with the brown it reminded me of my hair. I think the silver strands look like jewelry! Hair jewelry? ☺️

  8. Michelle, WOW! You actually look younger, softer and even more beautiful
    than before! I’m so happy for you. Can’t wait to watch the entire
    transition unfold!

  9. Michelle, you look fabulous and soft and even more approachable with your beautiful silver highlights! Welcome to the this exclusive club. I love my own silver, and you will grow into this so beautifully!

  10. Michelle you look beautiful ! I love your jeans & and the hair is fab !! You do not look 50 at all . I’m 47 and I also have a younger husband, and a small child. Well done – such an encouragement xxx

  11. So lovely, Michelle. Echoing the ahhhh of feeling even more blended, soft, subtle beauty. Thanks for sharing, I too am extricating myself from mother and grandmother attitudes about beauty. My gray / silver is multiplying, but so far I’m enjoying it. I anticipate some purple highlights at some point.

  12. LOVE IT! you look beautiful! Good Job Nicolle adn Michelle! you have created a beautiful look together!

  13. You look so beautiful! The new color just looks so much softer and less harsh/stark. Very flattering! Go girl!! :))))

  14. You look so beautiful Michelle! Nicole has done a wonderful job with the colour. I , also a type 2, have been transitioning to grey for a few years and my process looked a lot like yours (made me laugh when I heard your process)…. I joined the Grey and Proud Facebook group, I created a pinterest board with grey styles, I read articles and blog posts on the internet and even a book or two lol…. I was so glad to hear, when I started this transition a few yeas ago, that type 2s can easily be grey. In the end I can’t see that much grey in my hair and am willing it to be more grey because I LOVE it. I attach a pic.

    1. Wow Maddie, you look beautiful! My sister is a type 2 and she looks gorgeous with her silver/gray. Photos of her with dyed hair now look harsh and it actually was aging her.

  15. Thanks so much for doing a segment on going gray. I am a type 4 with white hair coming in underneath my natural dark brown. It is getting harder and harder to cover each month even though I LOVE my dark brown hair. I finally convinced my hair stylist to color me in a cooler darker brown since discovering live your truth that I love more than highlights or any other color. I too have been struggling with going white and am thinking of a few white streaks to begin the process. Still struggling because I feel my hair has to be either dark or white. No in between. Any suggestions for a type 4 going through this stage of life?

    1. Absolutely! Most of the time, the front portion of hair goes white first. Thus, you can keep the front section a nice clean white, and the rest you can color darker. I do this with a few of my type 4 clients and they really love that they can have a significant contrast, to create a bold statement. Plus, when the white roots grow in, you can’t even see them:) This allows you to go longer in between color appointments too:) You can keep just the bang area nice and white or section of the portion in front of the ears as well. Whatever is supportive to you:) Talk to your stylist and ask what you can do to obtain that nice clean white in the front to create a beautiful bold statement:)

  16. So lovely, so soft, so flattering! All that research and pre-anxiety was worth it!! (LOL) I have to giggle to think that other people have to deliberate over decisions as much as I do! Due to health reasons, I have had to elimate as many chemicals as I can from my environment and my hair/skin products. I have always used semi-permanent hair colour, so I made the choice to just let the colour wash/fade away. I was very nervous about it, because I realize I carried similar beliefs as yours, Michelle. (revelation!) However, I am happy with the results so far. I really appreciate you sharing your experience, Michelle. The words “soft” and “beautiful” are truer than ever!

  17. Love Michelle’s transition! After 30 years of color, I’ve also decided to let my gray grow out… so this video if well-timed for me. I also did a lot of research, saving photos, etc. I’m Type 2, 60+.

    One thing I’m curious about is wearing hair up. I don’t see any information on the site about that. I’ve tried wearing my hair cut shorter and while it’s easier, I prefer it longer and the whole thing up in a twisted knot or French roll, with a few loose pieces around my face. What is DYT’s stance on up-dos?

    1. Kelly, I wear my hair up sometimes as well, but make sure I have some softer, loose pieces around my face like you do. All types can wear their hair up, but just keep the elements related to that type. For instance, Type 4’s wouldn’t have loose pieces around their face, but would have a sleek, still updo.

      1. Thank you for replying, so sweet! I feel like I’m communicating with a celebrity!! You’re wonderful. I’m a big fan. 😀

        1. Oh my goodness! That is so nice of you. Thank you so much! Are you on Facebook and are you going to the event in September? I’d love to meet you!!

          1. You are welcome, of course! Yes, I’m on Facebook (and in the T2 group) and no, not able to be there in September. If you are ever near Mesa, Arizona, I’d love to take you to lunch! Ha-ha… seriously! Thank you for all you do on DYT, very appreciated. <3

  18. Thank you so much for sharing your journey, Michelle! The depth of your story regarding self love and the generational issues that you experienced definitely resonates. This is encouraging for me as a T2 woman, to lean further into the acceptance of my authentic beauty.

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