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Natalie Ledwell of Mind Movies Gets a Type 1 Before & After

Ever wonder how Carol developed Energy Profiling?

Tune in for Carol’s interview with Natalie Ledwell of Mind Movies to hear tips for living more true to your Type and loving the way you look.

Plus, you’ll see how fabulous Natalie’s new look is. Don’t know your Energy Type? Find out now!

If you’re already living your truth, share in the comments one way you’re honoring your true nature.

“I feel classy!” — Natalie, Type 1 woman


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  1. It is refreshing to see a “calmer” type 1. It’s very easy for those type 1 that are calmer to mistype themselves because of the effort that is to be so “animated”. 🙂 Great.

    1. That’s what made me go with T2 once I let go of the ridiculous notion that I was a T4 (mostly because of my level of contrast as a light-skinned brunette). But, no, I’m T1/2.

      Correction: 1/4

      Correction again: Maybe 1/2

  2. This was one of my favorites! I took notes 🙂 and learned a lot and loved the easy exchange between Natalie and Carol! Natalie’s makeover made it even more fun.

    1. I Think Carol.. should have Men & Women guest from other sites… on her show @ her studio.. This brings Everyone that is involved… more aware… and higher Consciousness… SINE I HAVE BEEN Dressing My Truth… I found my personality changed and I felt… more me to my core… I quit having World War 3 with myself…When I get Dressed.. IN MY Type 1/3 cloths I get Soooo gittie… Like I was back in 5th Grade.. when I used to get Excited about getting Dressed and going to SCHOOL… IN A BRAND NEW OUTFIT.. YA KNOW WHEN YOU GOT AN OUTFIT YOU JUST LOVED… Well that was me…. But with the Fashion .. Industry out there…… I Lost my way… Plain and Simple…! But now I am Blessed… to have found Carol Tuttle… in Dressing Your Truth…! 🙂 Juhli B. Carlsen

  3. Really enjoyed this video, as I do all the transformation videos. Any chance of a type 2 transformation popping up anytime soon?

  4. I want to be a quiet Type 1. To quote Captain Picard, “Make it so.” Oh, wait, that’s my job! LOL

  5. Wow! looking at the two outfits in the pictures at the end of the video, the black outfit made her look older and cast shadows on her face. The Type 1 colors brightened her up and brought out a more youthful appearance. She does seem to be a more quiet type 1. Wouldn’t be surprised if she is a secondary 4. Loved this,thank you!

  6. I am so thrilled to see Natalie made over. She is such a positive role model but every time I saw her pictures I would think, “I wish Carol Tuttle and crew could get a hold of her.”

  7. I am a type one and I saw the earrings Carol is wearing in the type 3 store and thought, “I like those and I can wear them.” When they came they were totally overwhelming and I just did not resonate with them at all. Luckily, Katie (my daughter) is a type 3 and I gave them to her. She is shorter and smaller than I am so I thought they would be way too much for her, but I should trust the Dressing Your Truth team. They looked absolutely awesome on her and she loves them.

    1. Thanks for being true to you Type 1 nature and believing in possibilities! And, thanks for trusting us!

  8. I just love this transformation! Natalie WOW you are so refreshing, bright and shining and I see you! You totally look fabulous! Glad you surrendered to Carol! Way to go and keep it up!

  9. I love the polka dot blouse you had on Natalie, but I don’t see it in the Dressing Your Truth Store, can you tell the rest of us Type 1’s where you found it? Natalie, you are dressed like how I like to dress, which is encouraging and a refreshing view. Thank you.

  10. Carol… You made a statement about muted colors aging you. I thought bold muted colors were Type 3. I am a Type 1/3 (3?) and so many things you wear I absolutely love and think they are so close to a Bright Type 1 color. Like the jacket you have on in this video. I’m still just a little confused on the colors. I love this Energy System….and thank you for discovering and sharing it with us. Would love for you to categorize the 4 types clothes from the CAbi collections each season into the Style Finder.

  11. You mentioned in this video that Natalie portrays a classier Type 1 style. I am a 1/4 with a very very strong secondary that is always threatening to overwhelm my more animated type 1. I tend to dress in a more sedate Talbots style, and it feels much more comfortable for me. It would be lovely to know how to suppress a bit of the type 4 because, as you said, it feels heavy and stressful.

    1. I would dress that style with T1 colors… Seems that would work for a 1/4 especially if 40+, unless going somewhere that would call for a more casual, animated look…

  12. I am just beginning to dress my type 1, partly to discover if it is correct. Carol always mentions wearing gold, and letting go of how much silver I have invested in over the years is tough. However, I wondered about the randomness of two toned jewelry? (Gold and silver blend) How about bright, shiny copper, like a new penny? (Not something weathered) Does copper suit the type 1?

    1. Hoping the DYT experts will chime in on this, too; would be great to learn more. i read somewhere that for T1’s, as long as jewelry is made of a shiny metal, it suits. Two-toned also works because it’s random and adds variety. Gold, silver, and rose gold are the metals I’ve read about, no mention of copper. Copper strikes me as a T3 metal/color as it’s a rusty shade, but now I wonder if bright copper works well for T1’s?

  13. Carol, whatever happened to the 5th type? It seems pretty obvious that type 1s are fires and type 2s are Waters and types 3s are woods and type 4s are metals but wherever did the Earth type go? I’ve heard previous interviews reflect on the origin of these types and someone asked about astrology but it seems much clearer to me that it’s connected to the Five Element types of Chinese medicine.yet we are missing Earths.

    1. Hi Nicole! I am a very obvious type 1, but I would never relate to fire. I CAN, however, see air movement in my chosen surroundings. I see fire as being very in tune with a type 3 energy.

  14. I can’t tell you how much I love this!! -I am familiar with Natalie and her work through Christy Whitman’s emails. I am a little embarrassed to admit this, but I had a very hard time watching Christy’s shows when Natalie was on or viewing recommended videos of Natalie’s work. There was just something off with her. Like I just didn’t trust her. Being familiar with Carol Tuttle’s work and me myself dressing my truth for several years now, I have wondered if it was because of Natalie’s clothing choices that I felt this way. Well, I have been confirmed by that today! As soon as she came on in her truth, I liked her! lol I felt more at ease with watching Natalie and hearing her talk. Natalie Keep dressing your truth!

  15. I’ve seen the “Carol Dresses All 4 Types” Video, would love a link to the video where Carol dresses as a T1 and a T1 wears the same outfit. Would be great to watch! Thanks.

  16. Natalie’s secondary 4 really fights for dominance. Her original dress is animated although the blues are little too grayed to be T1 (but close). For the makeover I would keep her dress and pair it with a tangerine sherbet blazer (rounded color and front hem) and tangerine sherbet pumps. I would have her wear a bangle bracelet (orange, white, or blue) rather than the beaded one. And she needs to majorly tousle her hair!

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