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What’s Your Pet’s Personality Profile?

You know your pet has a personality of its own!

But have you ever considered that your pet’s temperament connects to an Energy Type?

Energy Profiling is a system that identifies 4 main ways that people (and pets) move through the world. It’s a system based on movement. Everything in this world has a movement and an Energy Type—even your pets!

You can quickly Type your pets.

Your pet’s physical features, coloring, movement, and demeanor will all be true to Type.

Here are the 4 Energy Types and how they are expressed in your pets:

The Fun-Loving Type 1 Pet

Type 1 keywords include light, uplifting, bright, animated, and fresh.

Type 1 pets are playful, bouncy, energetic, and they enjoy the company of others. They love, love, love tricks and lots of random fun throughout the day.

Type 1 pets move about playfully, light on their feet. They are fun-loving and have a “cute” factor to their face. They keep their youthful appearance even after growing up!

Tips for your Type 1 pet:

  • Make time to play with them or buy a random toy for them. Be sure they get not only physical exercise but also mental exercise activities as much as possible.
  • If you are thinking of bringing a Type 1 pet into your home, consider all the factors that will come with a high-energy pet. Decide beforehand whether or not that supports your family.

Cute black dog wagging her tail

Here’s what Kristine says about her Type 1 dog, Lily: “Her tail wags joyfully whenever I so much as look in her direction. She needs more play time throughout the day—not necessarily a long time in one sitting, but random opportunities to play with me multiple times during the day. Her runs are random, often veering off into different directions unexpectedly. She quickly moves out of one command because she is excited and ready for the next one.”

The Sensitive Type 2 Pet

Type 2 keywords include: soft, subtle, graceful, calm, and connected.

Your Type 2 pet will be more cuddly, gentle, have favorite toys for long periods of time, and comforted by the companionship of a human or another pet.

The appearance of a Type 2 pet will show up in qualities that are soft and muted. Their face appears gentle, and their coloring may look blended or have S-curves.

Tips for your Type 2 pet:

  • Type 2 pets may get attached to their favorite toy. Buy more than one so you have a backup. Take time to pet them or be with them one-on-one. They may appear “shy” and need reassurance to do certain things. Type 2 pets are gentle with other animals but may become scared of those that are bigger or aggressive.

sensitive, sweet, fluffy white dog laying on the ground

Here’s what Stacey says about her Type 2 dog, Ralphie: “His coat is super soft to the touch, and he’s a big, floppy animal. His nature is calm and sensitive. He’s a registered therapy dog and loves to visit children. Going for a walk is more like a stroll. He can be found walking behind us rather than out in front pulling. He has never challenged another dog or showed any aggression. He never jumps up on people. He just assumes that everyone wants to pet him and will lean up against them until they give him attention.”

The Determined Type 3 Pet

Type 3 keywords include: active, reactive, swift, dynamic, and confident.

Your Type 3 pet is determined, independent, loud, and rowdy! They may be pushy and demanding, which creates an intense, substantial feeling in their energy—even if they’re small.

Type 3 pets have deep angles and sharp points in their appearance. They also may have an irregular pattern in their coloring, which can make them look quite exotic.

Tips for your Type 3 pet:

  • Type 3 pets are always ready to go-go-go. They have a lot of energy and can be naturally athletic. They will need a significant amount of exercise on a regular basis. Plan time to get physical with them to honor their active/reactive nature! They will be happiest and healthiest when they’re able to move swiftly, often!

exotic cat with long pointy ears and sharp green eyes

Katie has a cat named Skuggi (pronounced skoo-kee, Icelandic for shadow). Here’s what she says, “We call Skuggi our little scoundrel. She wakes me up every morning by putting her cold nose on mine, knocking things off my bedside table, or just straight up walking across my face. She will loudly call our attention to her needs a few times a day. She will push me out of a specific spot for her own comfort and will take up a ridiculous amount of room on the bed for such a small kitty.”

The Serious Type 4 Pet

Type 4 keywords include: bold, constant, poised, serene, and reflective.

Your Type 4 pet is dignified, still, and refined. These pets may not always like being rubbed or petted, and they enjoy alone time.

They will have a very mature appearance, always looking regal, whether they’re sleeping, sitting or running. They take long strides and stand very tall.

Tips for your Type 4 pet:

  • Show patience and respect that the pet knows himself or herself. Don’t force them to do things; they will do them out of respect for you and respect for the food you give them. Treats are highly motivating to these pets. They don’t enjoy the big enthusiastic rubbings or being pet, but prefer a slower, more calm, but confident movement. Routines and schedules are very supportive of the Type 4 pet.

Serious black dog sitting still

Here’s what Kristine says about her Type 4 dog, Spencer, “He responds slowly to commands; he knows what he’s supposed to do, but I can feel him waiting to be the one to decide he is actually going to do it. He’s definitely his own authority while still recognizing who the leader is and who feeds and takes care of him. In the dog world, people will often think you have to project and present yourself as the alpha, but with a Type 4 dog, he will respect you as the alpha because you deserve to be respected, not because you have demanded to be respected.”

Now it’s your turn! Based on what you’ve learned, what Energy Type is your pet?

Post a picture in the comments and share what Energy Type he or she is!

In my book, It’s Just My Nature, you can discover even more about the 4 Energy Types and how you express it in all areas of your life—oftentimes without even realizing it!

I invite you to take my free course to discover your Energy Type!



Here are other Energy Type fun resources!

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  1. My Shih Tzu. Charlie is definitely a T2. She is so soft, calm and just loves to be near me. She had a rabbit toy that has been her favorite for as long as I can remember. She will be 12 in Oct. I just love her.

  2. My last hamster was definitely a 3. He was very assertive. If we did anything he didn’t like, such as picking him up when he was busy, or not getting his water bottle filled quickly enough, he’d screech. I’ve never heard a hamster screech before. He even died assertively. He was never ill in his life, yet on the day he died, became ill and died within one hour. It was like ‘I’ve had enough of this, I’m going now, bye!’ He was even trying to bite me as he lay dying on my lap!
    The new hamster is much less assertive, quite timid and quiet. So maybe he is a 1 or 2? Totally different to the first, we’ll see as he gets older, he’s only 2 months old now.

  3. I love this post. Before we had a dog and her name was Sidney, she was a t3 and we connected on a beautiful level. She couldn’t even stand still to pee. She was intense, as her coloring.
    We now have a guinea pin and that thing is so fun. She jumps, bounces, squeaks so randomly it’s funny.

  4. My current furbaby Ellie is a total T1/3 doggie. She’s a mix of German Short-haired pointer and and English Springer Spaniel mix. She is very bouncy and loves to have fun. When she’s in the zone stalking squirrels or other small animals, she is very determined.

    1. Elizabeth, we also have a GSP mix (the other part of the mix is probably a Heeler). After reading Carol’s post, I believe Molly’s a T1/3, also. Bet they would have fun together! We call her our “illustrated dog” because her black/gray/white spots create all kinds of pictures on her, but mostly they look like dogs or other animals.

      1. How fun! I bet Molly and Ellie would have a total blast together. Would love to see her picture, @QuantumMojo. 🙂

  5. We have two black cats, but they couldn’t be any more different in energy type… One is a type 2 – always looking for the comfiest spot to sit – preferably several plush blankets piled on top of each other. The other is a type 3, who has a loud foot fall and is active even when he’s sleeping. They love each other and are soooo cute together.

    As an aside I was just talking about pets’ energy types this last weekend with my husband and sister in law – amazing timing!

  6. Our family cat, Coco, is a Ragdoll cat and a Type 2/4, just like me. Her colors are muted, but she has those T4 crystal blue eyes. She is very sweet and floppy and loves to be hugged and talked to sweetly. When she sleeps with us, she has to get all the way under the covers until she is nice and snug. We also have a Yorkie, Skippy, who is 13 years old and still looks and acts like a puppy. He is definitely a Type 1 and his name fits him perfectly!

  7. My cat is totally a type 4. Her coloring is type 2 but she doesn’t like to be overstimulated by lots of petting and she’s not the most compassionate cat. I was crying once and she came over, smelled me, and walked away (lol). She’s most definitely low energy :).

  8. Thank you for this post – thought it was very interesting and fun to know. Somehow I didnt think we could type our pets. I think my cat Missy could be a type 4 but what makes me hesitate is the she loves to play/run and play catch with me and also her fur/features (spots/angles). But I can see she has somehow a calm energy and sometimes just likes to sit there and observe what is going on – she doesn’t like to be forced (be pet or held – thought this part from type 4 animal was exactly like her “prefers a slower, more calm, but confident movement”) When she doesn’t want to be pet or looked at or wants to have her space, she disengage or goes away on her own right away – but if we respect her, she willingly comes and can be affectionate. I find she looks very poised in her way of standing/sitting. A lot of people says she looks distinguished. lol I just loved her the moment I saw her in the store.

      1. oh interesting, its good to know…as for the color/spots im not too sure either. thanks for sharing!

  9. My dog, Harley, has a Type 1 temperament. He loves being around people and has a lot of energy (He’s a Jack Russell/Rat Terrier Mix). He is 12 years old, but you would never know that when he’s around people because he’s in go mode. People will always say “aw, look at the cute puppy.” I typically say, “actually, he is 12 years old.” People are generally shocked. At home, around my husband and I, Harley is very chill. He relaxes and hates it when we get loud (like when we cheer for a football game on the tv). Harley is a very smart dog who’s main motivation in life is food. He figured out how to open our pantry when it was ever so slightly left open. I’m talking like 1/8 of an inch. He indulged in several things on the lowest shelf. He also figured out how to jump onto our high top dining table via our high bar stools because there was food up there that he wanted. I am hoping he doesn’t realize he can get onto the kitchen counter via the trashcan.

    I worked on asserting myself as the dominant one with Harley. I make him behave on the leash instead of letting him lead and pull me along. I make him follow commands before he gets a treat. Harley responds well to my teaching and training because I made it fun by offering treats (and I spread the training out over time). My husband is more lax with those sorts of things and so Harley won’t respond as quickly or with as much consistency. My husband sets aside fun time with Harley. He will take Harley to a local park and let Harley chase squirrels (on the leash of course). My husband will sprint around the park with Harley on the leash so Harley can use the instincts of his breed and have fun chasing squirrels.

    I do see Type 2 in Harley. He likes soft, warm blankets. Every soft blanket I have brought into the home, he wants to lay all over. Harley prefers to sleep in his bed with a blanket completely covering him. When he is ready for bed, he will go to my husband and I’s bedroom and stand at the door. He is waiting for us to bring his bed so he can sleep in his soft, cushiony bed. When he naps during the day, Harley will either lay on a soft blanket in our soft leather recliner, or he will bury himself underneath the blanket in his bed. Harley loves affection and physical touch. If I am sitting on the couch, Harley will move so he is right against me. He needs physical touch and a physical connection. If I move, he will make a noise to let me know that he is unhappy that I broke our connection.

    (Photos: I included one where you can see his coloring. He is black and white on his body, and tan/brown/white on his head. I included another where you can see his face properly. Round eyes, widow’s peak that makes the top of a heart, elongated snout, a youthful happy look to his face.)

  10. I love this post! It further confirms my hunch that my cat is a 1/2. 🙂 He has light, upward, playful energy, and he’s also a big snuggler and very gentle.

  11. My bulldog cross Puppy is a bit of a conundrum, I usually say she must be a T4 as she is very calm natured, self confident and never freaks out over anything as my boxer Sammy in the past did. Puppy is kind of a pokerface dog, but lovingly loyal when you know her real personality. But it seems most people don’t see that at all and think of her as a very loud, aggressive looking 50kg dog who when they enter the garden fear for their lives. She is not obviously affectionate like other dogs, doesn’t want to be petted a lot and also doesn’t pander to anybody to be liked (that’s why I came up with T4), but as she is also loud, behaves like a bull in a china store as most bulldogs do she might rather be a T3. When I go “walkies” with her she is animated, very fast, excited and once pulled me over that I fell (a reminder to myself that I need to be a better and stronger leader to her as I am still nursing my injuries from it) and pulled me onto the road. Maybe she is a 3/4 as she is also very calm most of the time, loves her routine and every morning when I leave the house she goes into the bedroom to lie on the bed for a long sleep until I come back home at lunchtime. Puppy does this religiously and when something is not “right” she looks at me confused and doesn’t seem to settle properly. There is nothing nicer than hearing her snore loudly in peace and knowing she is settled before I leave the house. So I’m wondering if she is a 3/4. Colorwise she is a T3 with her exotic “tiger” brindle coat everybody comments about, it’s more her extreme calmness (I don’t want to call it laziness) that makes me wonder.

    1. And another thing that is strange about her is that she doesn’t play at all. Not with a ball, frisbee or anything. People often give me balls and toys for her, but the only thing she chews on is a bone she can eat, but never plays, doesn’t fetch anything, when our 10 year old throws a ball she looks away and sometimes the ball hits her back and she doesn’t even smirk. She just walks on with her pokerface. She seems to “above” those normal things that normal dogs do.

  12. This parrot is a critically endangered species. He’s a sweetheart and a snuggle bug. He loves to connect with people but doesn’t love big groups – you can only socialize them to a point if they don’t want it. I train birds at a small zoo in Northern Utah and would love to type them all. I think Blu is a type 1 secondary 4. And have 2 small parrots at home who are a type 2 and type 3.

  13. I think my dacshund mix would definitely be a type 3. She is all over, all the time, and loves to show the other dog she’s boss. Kitty one would definitely be a type 4. He says good morning, occasionally comes for some pets, but mostly keeps to himself. Kitty two is probably a type 2. He loves to snuggle up and purr with you all night. The Pug/ Bichon is a tough one though. He can definitely be bouncy and happy like a 1, but I’d probably say he’s a type 2 because his favorite thing to do is sleep, especially curled up as close as he can get to you. And when he does run around it’s always with a stuffed animal dangling out of his mouth. He doesn’t chew them or anything. Just carries them.

  14. So funny! I just typed my dog last night and was feeling kind of silly about it. We adopted an adult German shepherd two months ago, and I finally clicked in on what is motivating this dog. He’s a type 4! He’s regal and still and has a definite desire for structure. He becomes extremely upset if things aren’t right or fair. When my daughter plays with his toys, it nearly destroys him. He would never touch her stuff! Finally, in desperation one day when she was teasing him by taking his stuffed animal, he grabbed her favorite toy and walked away. He was so clearly trying to demonstrate that there was a right way and a wrong way, and she was getting it all wrong.

  15. My pups Kavik and Trax are sometimes hard for people to tell apart, but their energy is so different. Kavik has downward movement, very methodical, and cares only about people. Trax is bouncy and quick…if you say his name, his tail pops right up. He does a little tap dance when he’s excited. This is a portrait my friend did of them. Kavik is on the left.

    This is my bunny friend Padimus, he is the first bunny I’ve owed that thumps like Thumper in Bambi, only a lot louder. He’s hilarious!!!! He’ll thump, then turn and make eye contact with me, and then thump again, and keep thumping till he feels I get the point. Sometimes it’s that he wants food or water, or to be petted, or played with, sometimes I can’t figure it out, and he gets mad and won’t “talk” to me…translates into that he won’t let me pet him or play with him for a while. He loves to chase my hand like a bull charging a matador, and doesn’t seem to mind if he slams his face into the side of the cage to do it. He’s a T3, possibly with a secondary 1 since he’s also very playful. He’s sleeping in this picture.

  17. We have 2 rescue dogs. The older one in Mina. She is a Japanese Spitz mix. She’s stout, muscular, has satellite dishes for ears and has a very alert stance. She’s territorial and has to warm up to people in her own way. She’s my 3/4. While she’s very vocal and can show aggression, she’s affectionate with HER people. She’s the one who likes to be petted, but only for so long and in a soothing way. Then she’s content to cuddle up near you. The little one is Bella. As far as we can tell, she’s a rat terrier mix. She has hound type markings with brindle running though her saddle. The word that describes her best is cute! I swear she’s part cat. She plays like a cat, which is adorable to watch considering she’s a dog. We should have named her Tigger! She literally bounces when she runs. Its adorable. She’s our little character! She will sing to you some times and she’s always happy and energetic. She loves to cuddle up with her people, she’s a major snuggler. She’s our 1/2.

  18. I’m sure my little rescue, Styx, is a T3. He has unusual markings for a chihuahua mix; he has some Doberman-like features and “winged eyeliner” marks that are angled. He runs like a madman in the yard.

  19. I believe my dog Dixie is a 4/1, like me! She likes quiet, and will move away from the TV or louder music. She can be quite regal when she walks. She fetches nothing, and will often give us the “you are not the boss of me” look and attitude. On the other hand, she looks like a puppy, and will bounce around when it is time to eat, or when we are going for a walk. We are simpatico!

  20. This is a wonderful post! Thank you, Carol Tuttle! I think this could be very valuable for people when choosing a pet, as well! What kind of energy are they drawn to? What are they hoping for with a new pet? For example, do they want a snuggle bunny, a dog to do daily runs with, or a constant but quiet companion?

  21. Yeah, I suspected my cat was a Type 4. I keep complimenting him on how graceful and regal he looks, how smart, etc. but I suspect my opinions on his positive attributes don’t mean a thing to him. 🙂 He likes being petted, but only when *he* wants it, and he needs his alone time.


    First pic – she is definitely type 2, and she always comes up to us and meows for our attention and petting.
    Second pic – he is a type 3 and constantly chases the other cat around the house, especially when he’s hungry. He can put up with petting if he wants to.

  23. My husband and I are both T3 and so are both our cat and our dog. Our cat Zeus is almost 17 and loves my husband and hates me. He jumps up on my bedstand, stands and meows loudly(yells) at me, and then walks over the top of me to get to my husband who promptly pushes him off the bed. The dog Stella is a chocolate lab and is like a bull in a china shop. She is 78 lbs, 5 1/2 yrs old and is temperamentally as sweet as they come and loves to cuddle, but has been known to break my 100+ yr old china cabinet glass with her tail, broke my mom’s quilt cabinet glass with her butt, jumps off of all 4 feet vertically when I take out her leash and then pretty much walks me (we’re working on that), helps herself to my purse, hauls it to another room (3x) and eats an entire packet of gum, helped herself to a pill bottle and broke it in the middle of the bottle to help herself to 20 rimadyl, etc. It’s been so cold and snowy (slippery) that I haven’t been able to get her out enough, and then she looks for trouble.

    1. I have a solid black type 4 cat. He is big and has a very stoic presence. He is in charge and does not like his routine messed with. We recently adopted a chocolate lab… He is making zure she knows he is in charge, thankfully she is learning quickly.

  24. This made me think of my little Pomeranian named Cinderella. I believe we are the same energy type (4/1). Even her fur was black and white! She was incredibly photogenic and definitely had her own opinion about things. She had bursts of playfulness, but then just as quickly, she was “done,” and would lay down and relax. I had to earn her respect, but once I did, she was my most loyal companion. I felt like she understood me completely, and I understood her. She passed away this past July, and I miss her terribly. I am so thankful to have shared some time on Earth with her.


    Spot – T1 – my 5yr-old, 15lb boy is all light fur (I can wrap my hands around his ribs mid-finger to mid-finger & thumb to thumb w/o applying pressure). He has the highest pitch meow of all 6 cats (still sounds like a kitten kitten.) He sleeps the lightest, is the first/fastest one to the kitchen when wet food & treat packages are opened & wants interaction the most (if you’re walking past him, he’ll bat at your leg to get you to stop & pet him.)

  26. Spot – T1 – my 5yr-old, 15lb boy is all light fur (I can wrap my hands around his ribs mid-finger to mid-finger & thumb to thumb w/o applying pressure). He has the highest pitch meow of all 6 cats (still sounds like a kitten kitten.) He sleeps the lightest, is the first/fastest one to the kitchen when wet food & treat packages are opened & wants interaction the most (if you’re walking past him, he’ll bat at your leg to get you to stop & pet him.)

  27. PJ – T2 – 5yr-old & 16lbs – he’s got soft, plush short fur. He’s the most sensitive to sounds: vomits when the neighbor’s Harley tarts up, spazes & runs away when an unexpected sound happens & shows concern at all other sounds. As a kitten, he’d curl up in my lap as I put on make-up. He loves finger tip only gentle petting & gentle g belly rubs before he’ll eat wet food. My affectionate nicknames for him him are Mr. Mom, Mr. Calm Cool and Collected & Mr. Sensitive. This is a common “melted into the furniture” position for him .

  28. Tikvah – T3 – 5yr-old & 10lbs – she was born w/3 legs, but when she lacks in a limb she makes up for in ‘tude. She’s got a bark to her vocalizations more than a traditional meow. She challenges her siblings more than any of the others. She’s the most proactive of The Kittens, growling @ Spot when he’s just existing (but being twice her size, she sees him as a threat.) She won’t go to bed @ night until I give her a vigorous rub-down.

  29. Jazzy – T4 – 5yr-old & 10lb – she’s my “all or nothing” kitty. She’s constantly social, but doesn’t want a lot of attention, unless you’re Her Person. If you’re Her Person, then she wants ALL of your attention, to include belly rubs throughout the day & especially before bed (she’ll fall asleep to the belly rub.) Jazzy (who knows she’s in trouble when we use her full name, Jasmine) also holds her own with her sisters (those 3 chase each other/retaliate each other the most) & she calmly holds her own towards her brothers (they, esp Spot, tend to leave her alone.)

  30. My dog(Muffin) is a type 1, friendly, sociable, party animal. He doesn’t care what time I take him for a walk or feed him. He is flexible and adaptable and he LOVES to go for car rides. And he loves when we have people over. I also have 5 cats: Arthur, a big Chartreux is definitely a Type 3. He’s got a loud voice, takes up a lot of space, and when he needs attention he just jumps on me and asks for what he wants. Grisette (also grey, but with a soft face and beautiful green eyes) is type 2. Reserved but very affectionate. I also have 3 kittens, Babar (a short-haired tabby) is a type 3. He also takes up a lot of space and likes to play rough with me or his brother and sister. His brother Benjamin (longer hair mix tabby and white) is a T2/1. He is so affectionate and loves to play. Their sister, Céleste (white semi long hair) with a patch of brown on her nose and ears) is a Type 1/2. A total clown and very affectionale too. I’m so blessed to have all those critters in my life! I love the phto of grisette with Babar close to her. On that photo he was about 5 monts old. He decided to cuddle up to Grisette and she allowed him to stay there.

  31. Lacey, our 3 yr. old Lab that everyone wants to meet and pet anywhere we go, she knows it and will stop walking until the person gets their chance. She often jumps up in the air, all 80 lbs of her in excitement when someone comes to the house. She sits next to me and over my legs in a large comfy chair every morning, her routine…. she’s a T1/2…. I’m a T4/2, and taking her out with me has started many convo’s that wouldn’t have normally started, she brings another side out of me… I don’t feel like she’s a dog, but a big, warm, soft person…

  32. I have no doubt…Minnie is a 3/1….she is a German Shepherd! Our 4th shepherd over many years. We love them!

  33. I love my animals and the happiness they bring to my life! My sweet Type 2 dog is calm and loves affection. My Type 1 dog is full of energy and brings lots of smiles and laughter to our home with her silly playful energy.

  34. I LOVE this. I’ve had dogs my whole life and they’ve always had their own personality. I knew instinctively they were like humans (we each have our own “personality”) and now I know with energy profiling that they have their own energy. Right now I have a Type 1 dog and he is so cute and fun. He definitely brings a lightness to my life and I can’t help but smile when I see him. We have a joke that he never stops wagging his tail. He is always so happy!

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