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Top Do’s and Don’ts for Beautiful Makeup: Lifestyle Coaching Call

Carol and Anna K's expert makeup advice in our first ever Live Coaching Call

“Does makeup really make a difference?”

Absolutely, makeup enhances your own natural beauty. You can, and should, feel like yourself. I always say that you should see the woman first and not her makeup. Makeup is a tool to support you in your own expression of beauty.
In this recording of our first ever Live Lifestyle Coaching Call, I’m joined by my DYT Makeup Expert Anna K to answer your makeup questions in depth. I also share (1:14) my makeup favorites, (18:18) makeup before & afters, make some big announcements and give my (12:25) top 3 makeup do’s & don’ts so that you can be informed, confident and uplifted in your makeup experience.


Remember, in Lifestyle, you get the benefit of emotional as well as fashion support. This is the best place to clear negative beliefs and energy around topics like hairstyleshopping, and now makeup!

The Q&A begins at 24:43

Some of the questions answered are:

  • (26:26) I’m a 3/1 with a very active and sweaty lifestyle. I usually just wear waterproof mascara and lip balm, but I want to up my game. How would you recommend I do it? I would love some active day makeup advice, or how to make sure my makeup stays put all day. How long should I expect my makeup to last?
  • (31:19) Are the makeup kits supposed to look good on anyone in that Type category? As a T1 I see so many light lip colors, but I need more depth to have it show up on my face. How do I achieve this with my Type colors?
  • (33:51) For those of us that have never worn makeup before… What would you recommend we start with?
  • (40:25) Are there crossover colors, for makeup like 2/4 crossover makeup or 1/3 crossover makeup?
  • (46:46) As a Type 4, is it ok to wear bright red lipstick as an older woman? (I am 48). I’m Type 4 and feel self-conscious with that color as I have always believed that as you age you should wear more subtle make-up.

What answer helped you? And how has your makeup experience changed and improved since Dressing Your Truth?

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