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How Knowing Your Type Supports Your Intimate Relationship: Lifestyle Coaching Call

Tips to live your truth and honor your partner for greater love and communication

“Most couple misunderstandings or contention are a result of two people not understanding each other…” from my book Mastering Affluence.

Energy Profiling is one of the most powerful tools for improving insight and understanding in your relationship. When you and your partner know your Types and the strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies of that Type you can create more harmony, honor, and compassion.

In this recording of our Live Lifestyle Coaching Call, my guests include 3 couples of different Energy Type combinations who have all gone through the Rewarding Communications Course. They will share their insights, answer your questions, and receive feedback from me on how to shift the current challenge they are facing. I will also confirm their Types and give them some tips on how to support their relationship combo.
(12:09) But first, let’s review two of our most recent #TruthBomb participants. I’ll show you what I see to help refine your Face Profiling skills. (To learn more watch this special coaching call)
(17:20) If you haven’t yet, watch Top 3 Things You Need to Know About Each Type – How to Speak Their Language to learn the key communication tip for each Type.

Now, let’s meet our guests-

(23:45) Kristen 3/4 and Scott 4/1
(42:23) Cindy Type 3/2 and John Type 2/1
(57:02) Laura Type 1/3 and Joseph Type 4/3

The Relationship Q&A begins at 1:13:48

Some of the questions answered are:

  • (1:14:57) How do we get on the same page with parenting a difficult child?  I’m a 4/1, I believe my husband is a 3/4. I’ve been reading the chakra guide and just read to do figure 8’s between the three of us to open the heart chakra, but how else can we move forward?
  • (1:16:00) How do you get your spouse to live in their true energy instead of their secondary? I am 3/2, hubby is a 1/4. He is an engineer and has to be exact in everything all day and keep everyone on track to high standards. How do I help him get out of a funk when he gets home?
  • (1:16:37) How can a couple rebuild trust after betrayal, assuming both parties are genuinely committed to fixing things and healing? Does energy type come into play? Can men join the Healing Center too?
  • (1:14:01) I’m 1/4, husband is 3/4. He always has a task list! So when he is home, it’s task after task after task. I tend to take a more relaxed approach. How do we manage the difference in drive and not get annoyed that the other is at a different pace? He feels guilt at hanging out/not being productive, and I feel guilt because he takes over tasks I was going to do (just not as soon as he wants them done) leaving me with nothing to contribute to keeping up the home.
  • (1:21:22) My husband is a T1. I get annoyed easily by him trying to be playful.( to me it feels like pestering). How can I approach this better without completely barking back and shutting him down?

What is your Type and what is helping you in your relationship right now?” icon=”” target=”true” nofollow=”false”]Begin the Rewarding Communications Course today![/button]

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